

As I grabbed his hand and ran, a loud snacking noise came from behind. Chills ran through my back, my legs were starting to shake and my face turned white as I turned around to see that his head was ripped out of his body. How did it got this bad?? To know that let's go back 24 hours in time.

Monday 6 am


**The following is a song macerena, my alarm song**

*Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena

Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena

Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena

Hey Macarena, ay* I woke up and gave my phone alarm a nasty look 'I hate mornings'. I got out of bed and went for a bath.*Shower turning on*

.....after 30 mins....

*knock knock knock* "What is it mom??"I asked loudly. "Get out of the bathroom Yash or you will be late for school" Mom scolded me and I came out of the bathroom. Got ready for school and greeted my parents before leaving and patted my dog(Her name is Buro).

I started my Activa and played music in my phone while driving. I usually prefer to listen to English songs. Oh I totally forgot to introduce myself, my name is Yash, I am 18 years old and I have a happy family consisting of my mom, dad, sister, me and a dog. I live in Five stream city and it is really peaceful here. I am 5'8, 78 kg and brown eyes, black hair, slim muscular body like Peter Parker(tom Holland).

I got to my school, parked my vehicle and sat in the class. My school is not big but not small either . As I was sitting in the class, a teacher came in and started announcing," Students, there is going to be a hiking trip today after school. It is not compulsory and free of charge as we will be going to the nearby temple of Five water goddess hill. It is a one day and one night trip, Anyone who wants to go raise there hands."

I am nature person who loves to go hiking but my parents are always against the idea of hiking alone, so this is perfect for me as my parents won't have any objections. I raised my hand immediately but no one else raised hands until someone did .

She was bhawna, A slim girl with brownish skin and big brown eyes. She is a really cute girl and I was in madly love with her since 2 years ago. but can't confess as it was my first love and I don't know a thing.

" So only 2 students from this class Huh, meet us after the school at school gate. We will go there by van and inform your parents." teacher announced the trip details and left while my heart rate is increasing by the fact that I would be with bhawna for next 24 hours. 'Hell Yeah!'

After school we both were waiting outside the school gate as a black van stopped in front of us and 3 people came out of the van wearing black hiking gear , one of them is our teacher and his name is Jitendra, He is a tall man with brown hair and light green eyes. He is wearing a white shirt with blue jeans. A slim and muscular guy like me but a little taller.

"Here, you two change into this hiking gear." he said while giving us the gear, " These people are hired to ensure our safety during the hike and guys this is my student Yash and my daughter Bhawna."

WHATTTTT I screamed inside my head He is the father of the girl I love and I am goofing around him all the time.

After the introduction we changed into the hiking gear and sat in the van. After 45 mins of travel we arrived at the foot of the five water goddess mountain .

Five water goddess mountain is situated outside the eastern-northern part of Five stream city and the only route to get to this place is from within a wildlife sanctuary.

4:30 pm

We started to climb the mountain and I was literally walking right next to... Jitendra. Helpers and bhawna are walking ahead of us, suddenly Jitendra warned me while we were hiking,"Don't you get any funny ideas about my daughter. Be a good friend and think something good for your friend's future." I asked him," Who told you we are friends?"

I asked because as far as I know we have barely talked in class." You guys are not friends? But she talks about you all the time." He said that and moved forward not wanting to hear what looking towards me for a response. " Yes we are friends. When did I said that we are not friends." not willing to listen to what I will say next he walked ahead on his own.

My heart rate was really getting faster not because of climbing a tall mountain but after hearing that she talks about me all the time. The fast heart beats increased my speed and I got to the temple before everyone else .

The temple was empty and it was obvious that no one came here for centuries . The temple was actually inside the mountain but the gate of the temple comes out of the mountain like a mouth and there is a stone table infront of the gate which is an ancient relic.

Teacher and helpers decided to make a camp here to spend the night as It was getting dark and there is a rule to not open the gate of temple at night. The night passed in a flash. I was quite tired so I fall asleep easily.

Tuesday 5 am

Helpers came in my tent and woke me up . I came out of the camp and looked everyone is gathered around the stone table. Jitendra found an Heavy metalic book inside the temple which looked like a really old relic and it matches the shape of the carving on top of the stone table as it can be fit if we place it on top of the table.

As Jitendra placed it in the carved area on top of the table in which it fit perfectly, The mountain began to shake...

Author :-The story is a bit slow paced in the start but I promise it will get much better in the future. Please be patient and wait for the next chapter as The story is really worth it

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