
The Mythic Warriors

In a world where humans have abilities and mana they must fight monsters to live and grow stronger.

Eragon_1256 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

The horde

Waking up all I can see is rubble and wreckage from the train. Looking around I saw my backpack, and Ryou was still at my waist, I grabbed my backpack and started moving toward the light that I could see in the distance.

'How unlucky do I have to be to get caught up in a monster horde on my way to Westblood!' Getting closer to the light I could see the dead bodies of both humans and what looked like giant rat monsters.

I kept running and reached the light.' Holy shit!' I couldn't help but curse in my mind since I just walked into a massive cavern with hundreds of humans fighting to keep the tide of rat monsters at bay.

"heh kid can you fight!" A large man said while running up to me. I knodded while saying " I can fight but I'm only initial rank 1" He just smiled "That doesn't matter you just head over there" He said while pointing at a group of people fighting against the rat monsters.

I knodded and ran over to join the fight. I ran up to the loose line of people. They looked at me and opened a hole in the line for me to fill.

Apparently I was just in time for the next wave since more monsters were charging towards us, luckily they were only initial and mid rank 1 monsters.

Two of them charged toward me. I sidestepped the first attack and blocked the second ones claws with my sword. Taking a step back I began to circulate the Supreme Dragon Seal Exercise soon I reached the 6th circulation and began to push to finish all 24 circulations and create the first seal which would give me more power.

The two rats ran at me again, sidestepping I dodged both of them and brought my sword down on the neck of one cutting clean through it decapitating it. The other one let out a squeal and rushed at me, it jumped extending its claws toward me. I brought my sword up to parry it.


Sparks flew and I pushed forward knocking the rat back then quickly ran up to it and stabbed it through the heart killing it instantly.

I looked up to see the next wave of rat monsters coming, this time there was three headed my way and one is a mid rank 1.

'Alright then lets dance.'