
Average Day

Located within the city of Layzy, a normal appearing cafe is located. Layzy is a city within the Hexal Empire, a high grade empire.

No one in such a high grade empire is to be underestimated as anyone could be a Spiritual Soul Cultivator.

And in this gigantic and powerful country, a cafe found within an alley has just opened it's doors..


The door bell rang as a customer entered.

Wearing an eastern styled robe, the old man walked into the antique looking cafe and sat on the hazelnut colored-bar stool.

"Can I get the usual?"

The old man asked as the image of a youthful man standing-turned around and grabbed a jar labeled Italian Espresso off the shelf and gently placed the glass jar on the dark brown, wood table.

The young man proceeded to duck behind the counter before standing again, but holding a round, small glass bowl that had a candle in the center.

Placing the glass bowl on the table counter, the young man snapped his fingers as a fire appeared on the candle.

The old man just continued to watch on without disturbing the young man.

The young man then reached under the counter and grasped the handle on the thin metal cup before filling the cup with a small amount of water from the fountain under the counter and placed the metal cup above the candle.

After finishing preparing the water, the young man grabbed a mortar and pestle and proceeded to open the glass jar of coffee beans contained within.

The young man slowly undid the cap of the jar and placed it to the side before grabbing a few coffee beans and taking a few whiffs as a satisfied breath escaped his mouth.

The old man was able to catch a trace of the coffee beans and was delighted.

The young man placed the coffee beans in the mortar and grabbed the pestle before he milled the coffee beans.

Oddly enough, no crunching noises could be heard as the young man gently, but swiftly pounded the beans.

The young man continued to grind the beans and after a while, all the beans were fully pulverized.

Placing the pulverized beans to the side, the young man grabbed a small, white plate from under the counter and placed a white, smooth porcelain mug.

The young man glanced at the water before holding the handle of the metal cup and slowly pouring a few milliliters into the cup.

Reaching below the counter, the young man grabbed hold of a chinois and placed it over the white mug.

Gripping the chinois over the mug, the young man held the moltar and moved the coffee bean powder into the chinois.

Placing the molar back on the counter, the young man tightly held the chinois and grabbed the metal cup containing water and began pouring the remaining water onto the crushed coffee beans.

Slowly pouring the boiling water in swirls, the young man payed attention to make sure all the powder was gone.

The old man simply watched and waited for his espresso to be prepared while listening to the tune of the beat playing on the recorder.

The last drop of hot water poured onto the last spot of crushed coffee bean powder.

The Italian espresso was finished and a enchanting fragrance spread throughout the cafe.

The young man placed the white mug containing the fragrant coffee in front of the old man and continued to do his own thing as he placed all the items back under the counter and closed the glass jar before placing it back onto the shelf.

The old man was able to smell the fragrant scent and enjoyed the scent before holding the cup in both hands and placing the porcelain cup near his lips.

The old man took a small sip of the hot coffee and the bitter taste that's perfect for cloudy mornings.

The old man felt energized and slowly enjoyed his Italian espresso.

"How's the little lass doing?"

Asked the old man before taking another sip of the espresso and savoring the flavor.

"She's doing good these days. She's sleeping right now. Even though she's going to school, she hardly studies and sleeps most of the time. Ayy, if only she studied more and cultivated less."

"Haha, at least your daughter doesn't laze a bout at home and cultivates. I've had trouble getting my granddaughter to cultivate, I've spoiled her too much that she knows how to get what she wants."

The old man and young man continued their small chitchat until the old man's cup of espresso became empty.

"I'd better get going now or I'll be late to the council meeting."

"Very well, make sure to take care. And say 'hi' to the kids for me."

"I will. Say 'hi' to Rose for me when she wakes up."

The old man placed 5 high grade spirit stones on the table before standing up and walking out the cafe.

The old man walked past the cafe doors before sighing to himself.

The old man didn't even know what coffee was until 'Myster Cafe' opened, but there were plenty of rules in the cafe.

One of the rules of the cafe was only 1 cup a day per customer as well as only 1 desert per day.

There were many other items sold at the cafe that complimented the coffee.

Leaving the cafe, the old man walked before suddenly vanishing from the alley.

The young man just cleaned up the counter and placed the cup and small plate into the chute leading to the automatic dish washer in the basement.

After finishing cleaning up, the young man walked out from behind the counter and walked up the stairs to the third floor.

The whole building had 5 floors in total: 2 below ground and 3 above the ground.

The first floor was the main shop and the cafe was on the first floor, the second floor sold games such as chess, poker, etc.

The third floor contained all the living habitats, including 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms and 1 master room.

The remaining 2 rooms were located underground and housed the supplies and washing machines, while the last floor contained a very special door.

Although the third floor was large, only thee master bed room was occupied as the young man and his daughter, Rose, lived in the same room.

Walking up the stairs, the young man passed 2 rooms before coming to a door at the end of the hallway.

The young man slowly opened the door and slowly walked to queen size bed located in the corner of the room not making a single sound.

Located on the bed was a small girl curled up wearing fox pajamas with drool sliding down her cheek.

Looking at the small girl in red fox pajamas, the young man couldn't help but let out a small smile.

The young man placed a knee on the bed before moving closer to the sleeping girl and leisurely tugging at the girl.

"Mmn, 5 more minutes..."

"You gotta wake up, Rose. It's already 6. Come on, wake up, pleaseee."


"You need to wake up, right now."

"More timeee."

Unable to wake up the sleeping girl, the young man whipped out his ultimate card.

"If you don't wake up, you can't have dessert tonight."

"Dessert! I'm up, dad!"

"Haha, good girl. Come on, I'll help you get dressed."

The girl immediately sat up straight when she heard the word dessert, but already started to wobble around.

The girl stood up straight like a tower, but was still drowsy as she moved a bout.

Taking the only chance he knew he would have, the young man spoke to the girl.

"I'll send you to school today, okay?"


The girl simply responded with a nod.

After the young man helped dress his daughter into a skirt that reached below the knees and a pink shirt, he helped tie her hair into a pony tail.

With his red haired daughter now ready, the man closed his cafe doors and placed a 'closed' sign on the door.

The young man walked his daughter down the street and after a short walk, they arrived at a large gate.

Along the way, the father-daughter pair attracted large amounts of attention.

The father was an above handsome man with silver hair and a fit body while the daughter, although very young, had fiery red and droopy eyes that added to her adorableness.

Though, many people thought they were brother and sister, a large amount of people already knew they had a father-daughter relationship.

The scene would be complete if a beautiful woman was added to the picture, but sadly, or not, Rose's mother wasn't in a relationship with Rose's father.

The young man shuffled his daughter's hair before bending down and delivering a kiss on the forehead.

"Take care and make sure to eat your food properly, okay?"

'Yes, dad!"

"Good. Now go along."


After sending his daughter through the gate, the young man walked through the street towards one of his businesses: Flying Sword Creators.

The bar stool looks like this but light brown, like a caramel color.


The beat is something like this -


IPreferLonerMccreators' thoughts