
Chapter 50: A New Adventure or Peril?

"Michael. Michael Vey." the boy introduced himself although he was still wary of Isaiah.

Not that the boy could blame him, he literally fell from the sky and into their camp.

Isaiah smiled.

"Now that we've introduced ourselves, let's talk since I need some information."

Michael raised an eyebrow,

"What kind of information?"

"You know the usual. What year is it? What place this is? Stuff like that." Isaiah replied.

"What do you mean what year this is? How can you not know?" asked Tessa.

Isaiah turned to her,

"I told you. I'm not from around here."

Isaiah then walked forward and plopped himself on the log the teenagers were sitting on just a few minutes ago.

"Emerald," he said.

"Okay!" the stick replied.

The boy let the stick go and his body emitted a flash where the others had to cover their eyes. They soon removed their hands and saw the same boy sitting on the log. However, his clothes had changed to a long black cloth adorned with a hood.

"What the hell was that?" asked Tessa.

"Oh, I just dismissed my transformation from before. These are my usual clothes."

Suddenly, Isaiah froze. He patted the combat gear that his teacher gifted him and frowned. He then closed his eyes and controlled his breath.

Tessa and Michael simply looked at him in confusion. His behavior was all over the place. The tribesmen returned to their daily activities while the chief walked over to the trio.

"What is he doing?" he asked.

"I don't know. He just came here and closed his eyes." Michael answered completely weirded out by the kid.

However, there was one undeniable fact. It was that this kid also possessed powers just like him. Unfortunately, he couldn't figure out what it was. He wasn't a Glow otherwise, Isaiah would've known. As far as he knew, Hatch has caught all the Glows except for him and his girlfriend Taylor Ridley.

Michael looked in wonder at the floating star beside Isaiah. He had never seen something like that. That sort of stuff came straight out of comics and cartoons.

Isaiah, suddenly, opened his eyes and looked at the floating star.

"Emerald," he said.

"Yeah?" the star responded.

"You said you sent us to the closest world-line, right?" the boy asked.


"Then why can't I sense the Universal energy?" Isaiah asked.

"Eh?" Emerald froze.

"Don't "Eh?" me!" Isaiah grabbed the star and stretched Emerald's wings,

"If we were in the closest worldline, it would mean that we are in the closest universe to our home. Which in turn means that would be in the same Multiverse. It is a known fact that Universal energy is found everywhere in our Multiverse. So why can't I sense it here? The only place I can sense the energy is on my clothes and my glasses." Isaiah asked completely serious.

Emerald stood still when she realized what the boy was talking about."

"Huuuuuuh. Oops?" Emerald let out.

Isaiah sighed,

"Then try to find out what happened?"

"O-Of course!"

Emerald unleashed her stick form as she tried to figure out what happened. A small satellite dish popped up from the stick and pointed at the sky as the Kaleidostick worked its magic.

"Huh, what's going on?" asked Michael utterly lost.

"Just a minute," replied Isaiah as he looked at Emerald.

Suddenly, Emerald powered down and returned to her star form,

"So I got good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first."

"Let's hear the bad one first."

"Well, I may have overshot us and landed us in another multiverse which explains the lack of Universal energy."

"Isaiah sighed,

"I figured. And the good news?"

"We are able to return to our world, although, it's going to take time."

Isaiah looked at the stick,

"How long?"

"Until I can figure out a safe path home which should take us at least a few weeks."

"A few weeks!? Do you know the time ratio between this world and ours at least?" Isaiah asked.

"Hmm. I can't say for sure," Emerald.

The stick then looked down,

"Sorry. I didn't mean to do that. "

Isaiah sighed,

"Well, at least we can return home. That's good news. I can at least use my mana and Denial of Nothingness."

"Hold up! Time out! Time out!" Tessa suddenly exclaimed.

Isaiah and Emerald looked at the girl who glared at them,

"Just what the hell is going on! What is this about energies and other universes' mumbo-jumbo? Who the hell are you!?"

Isaiah looked at her before asking,

"Is there someplace we can talk? Since I'm stranded here, might as well obtain information about this world."

"Again, you talk about this world as if it was not your own. What do you mean by that?"

Isaiah grinned,

"It's exactly as I say. This is not my world."

Michael and Tessa's faces turned even more confused.

"You're an alien?" the electric boy asked.

"You could say that."

"Huh?" let out Tessa.

"It's a long story. First, let's find a place to talk and you'll answer my questions about this world."


Isaiah, Michael, and Tessa were sitting inside a tent. The chief had gone back to do whatever a tribe chief did.

"So let me get this straight. You guys are two of seventeen kids born with superpowers due to a failed experiment by a company called Elgen on the day you were born. However, the company soon found out about your powers and began finding and capturing you one by one. Fast forward fifteen years, Elgen had gotten all the kids except for you and this girl named Taylor Ridley. However, they soon found out about you and kidnapped your mom and Taylor. This leads you to rescue them along with some of your friends. However, you could only rescue Taylor and some other Glows like you who were imprisoned by Hatch. You found out your mother was in Peru and rescued her along with destroying Elgen's plot to overtake the country's electricity with a power plant that uses electric rats as power sources by destroying the said plant. This effectively shut down the country since they heavily relied on the power plant for electricity resulting in you being separated from your friends. You then found Tessa and are now wanted by the country as well as Elgen. Am I right?" asked Isaiah.

"That... was a surprisingly quick summary of what happened so far, but yeah," Michael said as he nodded.

Tessa looked at Michael since this was also the first time she heard all this.

"But there is something I don't get?" Isaiah stroked his chin pensively.

"What's that?" the teen asked.

"How the hell did you come to this country? If we go by your story, you wouldn't be able to cross countries without help." Isaiah looked at Michael, "Unless you did receive help, am I wrong? Probably from someone powerful or even another group opposing Elgen since a group of teenagers wouldn't be able to infiltrate a country without flagging Elgen if they are as powerful as you say."

"Oooooh! A group of teenagers fighting against an evil corporation hell-bent on world domination! That's such a cliché plot!" Emerald interjected.

Michael's eyes trembled at Isaiah's deduction,

"How did you know?" he asked.

Isaiah raised an eyebrow,

"It was easy to figure it out."

"You know, you remind me of Ostin. Your really smart, just like him."

"That's your best friend, right?"


Tessa looked at Isaiah,

"What about you? You said you were an alien. What's that about? Are you just messing with us?" she asked.

Isaiah was about to respond when suddenly, a small girl of Isaiah's age came into the tent. She then began to speak in her native language looking very worried.

"What's going on?" asked Michael.

Tessa got up from her seat.

"We have to go see the chief. Something urgent came." she immediately said.

All three left the tent and approached the chief who was waiting for them outside.

"Good, you have come. You two must leave. The Peruvian army has been spotted nearby and is fast approaching this location. You must hurry and escape!" he said.

"But what about you guys?" asked Tessa.

"We will stall them so you can escape."

When Emerald heard the chief, she turned to Isaiah,

"You don't think it's because of us, right?"

"I'm pretty sure that's the case," Isaiah replied.

"Then we should do something about it!"

"You think so?"

"Of course! You are a magical boy and an ally of justice! It is your duty to save the unfortunate!" Emerald said.

Isaiah looked at the stick before shrugging,

"I supposed I could help. It is our fault. Teacher always said to take responsibility for our mistakes."

"He! He! He! That's right!"

"Although, you should probably teach me how to use you. Ever since that one time, I transformed with Teacher, I never actually got to train with you. And I only used you once which is when we jumped worlds."

"Well, that's easy! I'm supposed to provide you mana and you use it to your heart's content. Imagination is your only limit to doing Magecraft. Although, I don't know about providing your mana since you use True Ether instead of normal prana."

"I guess I won't be using my mana then," Isaiah said.

The boy turned back to the trio. Tessa was arguing the fact that she didn't want to leave the tribe alone to deal with the army while the chief wanted them to leave.

"You know. I could help you guys stay hidden. It's probably our fault since our fall has caught their attention." Isaiah said and the three turned to him.

Tessa put her fist on her waist and raised an eyebrow.

"How do you plan on doing that? You're dealing with the Peruvian army," she said.

Isaiah grinned,

"Just watch." He turned to the star, "Emerald."

"you got it, Partner!"

Emerald flew into Isaiah's hand and transformed into her stick form. As soon as Isaiah touched the wand, he emitted a flash.

"You have to stop with the light show." the girl said when the light died down and saw that Isaiah had returned to his previous outfit.

"No way! That light show is essential for a magical transformation!" Emerald retorted.

"So what are you going to do?"

Isaiah turned to the chief,

"First of all, I need to know the size of this encampment," Isaiah said as he turned to the chief.

The chief looked around and replied,

"You could see it's around fifty meters in radius."

Isaiah nodded and turned back to Emerald,

'So just imagine, right?'

Isaiah closed his eyes and felt another stream of energy coursing through his circuits. Surprisingly, it didn't clash with his own mana. It felt like two different streams of energy were coursing through him without even interacting with each other. This energy felt more liquid than his own mana. Although it felt more liquid, it also felt more fragile and less dense like its quality had degraded.

'I guess this is the difference of quality in between normal mana and True Ether."

He grabbed that flimsy energy and imagined what he wanted before pouring it into the wand. Just like Emerald said, what he had to do was simply imagine, while Emerald would do the calculations to perform the Magecraft.

Soon, he felt the borrowed mana being drained and a translucent barrier formed out of his position. Everyone was startled when the barrier grew larger as it passed them. The bounded field grew bigger and bigger until it completely covered the whole tribe's encampment.

"What's happening? What the hell did I just see!?" asked Tessa.

Isaiah ignored her and kept concentrating,


"You got it!" the barrier's surface then rippled before it became translucent. Everyone could see the barrier around the tribe.

"Now it's my turn," Isaiah said and closed his eyes,

He channeled his mana and activated Hypnosis which he then integrated into the barrier using Emerald.

The barrier rippled once more and settled down.

"There. All done!" the boy said.

"What the hell is that?" asked Michael in awe as he gaped at the barrier.

They could hear the frightened scream of the tribe members who weren't aware of what was happening. The chief seemed overwhelmed at the sight as he stood there dumbfounded.

"This is a barrier. I based it on one of my spells. However, since there is no Universal energy, I had to improvise. Using the principle of mirrors, I camouflaged the whole encampment inside the barrier with the forest surrounding us. I also added a hypnosis spell that would turn away anyone, not in the barrier."

"What?" asked Michael.

"I made us invisible from the outside." Isaiah simply said.

"You can do that?" asked Tessa.




"You're kidding."

Isaiah shook his head.

"Magic. As in actual magic?" asked Tessa once more as she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Ostin told me that magic is simply science we can't understand," Michael said.

"That's true until a certain point."

Isaiah turned to the chief,

"You need to tell the people to not leave the barrier, otherwise, they wouldn't be protected by it. It's not a permanent one since it continuously runs on my energy. I'll make it disappear right after the army passes."

The chief looked at Isaiah as if he was God himself.

The man bowed, before hurrying to his tribe and shouting something in the same language leaving Isaiah with Tessa and Michael. Luckily, Emerald had made the barrier soundproof.

"You know I sense an adventure from them," the stick whispered.

"You think," Isaiah replied sarcastically.

"Let's follow them!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I mean what are the chances you meet literal electric kids?"

Isaiah nodded,

"You have a point. Alright then, it's decided."

Before Isiah could talk to them, a member of the tribe began shouting. Everyone looked at him pointing somewhere. That's when they saw it.

A squadron of soldiers slowly walked in their direction.

"Shit!" Michael cursed.

"What's wrong?" asked Tessa.

"They have RESATS."

"What now?"

"Hatch created darts that can somehow absorb our electricity. It's sort of like Nichelle in a bottle."

"Nichelle?" asked Isaiah.

Michael nodded,

"Yeah, Nichelle can absorb our electricity like a vampire. Painful."

He then turned to the soldiers and saw some sort of handheld device in one of the men.

"Like an electrical ground?" asked Isaiah.

Michael nodded and the trio watched the soldiers approach. The chief had quieted everyone down and they all looked anxiously at the approaching soldiers.

"Eleven must've given it to them to capture us."

Isaiah felt the constant drain of mana since the bounded field didn't have any anchor, but it wasn't anything to worry about for now.

"There they are," whispered Michael.

The squadron of soldiers soon emerged from the forest. Isaiah could see more than thirty people all armed with weapons ready to be used. Some of the tribe members backed away in fear of the soldiers, but everyone was holding their breath. One of the soldiers was holding some sort of device in his hand.

Michael's heart pounded in his chest when he saw what it was.

"Dammit. They also have radars!" Michael whispered.

Tessa widened her eyes in realization,


"Radars?" asked Isaiah

Tessa answered,

"Yeah, Hatch made some radars specifically for Glows like us. Your barrier won't do anything since they know our location. We have to move!" Tessa said.

"So that radar is the problem?"

Michael nodded,

"If they have that, they can find us."

Isaiah nodded,

"Then I'll just get rid of it."

Tessa and Michael whirled their heads to him,

"How are you going to do that?"

"I'll show you, but you got to promise me something."

"What's that?"

"Let me come with you."

Tessa and Michael looked at each other and the latter nodded.

"Alright. I could use your help."

Isaiah nodded,

"Then I'll only help you, not the ones behind you. Deal?"

Michael didn't think much of it and agreed.

Isaiah then nodded and walked right to the edge of the barrier. where he could see the approaching soldiers. He saw the barrier's hypnotic effect taking place as the soldiers unconsciously tried to go around the barrier. However, the one who had the tracker kept getting a confused expression. Since Isaiah's spell made him unconsciously walk around the barrier and the tracker pointed towards Michael and Vey, he sort of "lagged". He kept looking around like some sort of confused NPC in a game. Isaiah couldn't exactly take the tracker or it would alert the soldier so he had to improvise. There was also the fact that this soldier was the lead of everyone since he had the device.

Therefore, Isaiah tugged on his mana and took a risk.

He cast (Structural Analysis). Isaiah can cast this spell from up to five meters in distance and the soldier was only two meters away from him. The soldier with the device blinked his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and turned to a soldier on his side and spoke in Spanish,

"Did you see something?" he asked as he showed the device.

The other soldier looked at the device and saw nothing wrong.


The one with the device looked at it in confusion before shrugging.

Suddenly, the device shut down and stopped working.


"What's wrong," asked the other soldier.

"I don't know the device stopped working."

"Really? But it was made by those Elgen guys saying it will help us capture those terrorists."

The first soldier slapped the device a few times and tried to turn it on, but it didn't work.

"Well, it looks like it's not working. We have to search for them the old-fashioned way. Let's go!"

"YES!" shouted all the soldiers and continued to walk.

"I thought Elgen was supposed to have unparalleled technology. First, they let some terrorist destroy their power plant and now their technology is not working properly." the lead soldier muttered.

Everyone, inside the bounded field, followed the soldiers until they completely circled the encampment. They didn't make any noise right until the whole squadron disappeared into the forest. And even then, they didn't dare make any move for at least ten minutes, just to make sure the squadron of soldiers was gone.

The chief sent one of his warriors to check up on them. Isaiah had removed the hypnotic effect, otherwise, the warrior would have also been caught by it. After a few minutes, the latter returned and told the chief they were finally gone making everyone sigh in relief before cheering.

Michael and Tessa let out the breath they'd been holding.

"That was awesome Isaiah! What did you do with the device?" asked Michael.

"I simply disabled it."

"How?" asked Tessa.

Isaiah grinned,


"For real?"

Isaiah nodded.

"You've got to tell me more."

What Isaiah did was a simple application of (Alteration) and simply twisted the wires inside the device effectively disabling it.

It was then the chief came up to Isaiah along with most of the tribe.

Isaiah saw many of them looking at him with some sort of reverence as they repeated something whilst pointing at the sorcerer.

"What are they saying?" asked Isaiah.

"They are calling you an envoy of the gods which doesn't seem far from the truth." the chief said with a smile.

"But I'm no god." the boy replied.

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. But we know Fate seemed to have brought you here."

"Fate, huh? How ironic." the boy whispered.

The chief then turned to the Glows,

"In any case, you must leave before anything happens."

"How?" asked Michael.

"Follow me! We will escort you to where you must leave."

"Isaiah then said,

"If I leave, the barrier will be undone."

The chief nodded,

"That will be alright. You have done more than enough for us and the Amacarra will always be grateful for your help."

Isaiah nodded,

"The barrier will be undone 30 minutes after I leave the camp."

The chief nodded and turned to his people. Suddenly two warriors of the tribe came forth,

"I and these two will be accompanying you at the meeting point."

Isaiah then looked at Emerald,

"Then I will be following you from afar. "

They all turned to Isaiah,

"Why?" asked Michael.

"No reason." Isaiah shrugged.

In truth, he just didn't want to deal with the ones behind Michael.

They looked at him quizically but didn't question him. After his show of power, they decided to let him do what he wants. Michael's priority right now was to reunite with his friends. Suddenly, a woman came forth holding some sort of necklace. When Tessa saw her, her face brightened and she went to meet her. Isaiah saw them exchange some words and saw the electric girl shed a few tears along with the woman. The latter then gave her the necklace and kissed her on her forehead. Tessa then returned quietly to the group.

The chief nodded,

"Let's go," he said and they all left while Isaiah stood back a little.

He gripped his wand and was about to deploy the same barrier, but on himself when he was struck by an idea.

"Hey Emerald."

"What's up?"

"You said that you are a magical wand that brings Magical girls to life, right?"


"Does that mean that you can also give them the same powers?"


"Then am I able to fly?"

"Of course! You're not a magical girl if you can't fly! It's like Magical girls 101!"

"Huh? How do I do that?"


"Just imagine, huh?"

Isaiah closed his eyes and imagined what he wanted. He imagined his feet leaving the ground and taking the skies. He imagined himself being weightless. He imagined how magical girls or boys are supposed to fly. He imagined how it would be to fly into the sky. He had some experience of being in the air like the times when he creates a platform underneath him to go in the air or the time his teacher made him fly using telekinesis.

Soon he heard gasps all around him. He opened his eyes and saw his feet leaving the ground.

"You got it!" Emerald shouted.

"Well, I'm not exactly doing all the work am I?" Isaiah replied as he hovered on the ground.

'I'm flying.' he thought.

"Perhaps, but flying is an advance magecraft and simply trying to picture an image is pretty difficult."

Isaiah smiled. He was going to have to research more about it at a later date.

"Then shall we?" he asked.


Isaiah relaxed his breathing and looked at the clear skies above him and pictured getting close to it. Soon he rose wobbly into the sky and found himself above the sea of trees of the Amazonian Rainforest. After stabilizing for a few moments and getting the feel of flying, he soon relaxed in the air.

"You know, for your first time, you're quite good at flying," Emerald said.


"Now off to our first adventure as a magical girl!"



Isaiah then cast the same barrier spell he had enveloped the Amacarra camp with on himself. Slowly, his form shimmered and disappeared from view like a chameleon in camouflage. Isaiah then turned to where the group ran off and flew forward. He flew for a few minutes in that direction when his senses picked up Michael's and Tessa's electricity. When he finally saw them, He saw that they were accompanied by a single person The chief and his two warriors were nowhere to be seen.

'Seems like he's the one who went to pick them up. And from how that man and Michael are talking, it's most likely they knew each other before. He was probably with him when he infiltrated Elgen's Starxource plant to save his mother as well as blow it up.' Isaiah thought.

He followed them up until they arrived at an already-made camp. Once inside, the man then talked to Michael and Tessa. At one point, Michael began to get agitated. Interested in their conversation, Isaiah slowly approached them without alerting the sensors, not the people.

"Terrorism! We're not terrorists! The Elgens are terrorists! We're helping your country!" Michael exclaimed.

Isaiah wasn't surprised.

'What did they expect? For the country to welcome them with open arms? Hearing the man, it seems like the electricity provided by Elgen was a large part of their necessity. The power plant's destruction probably caused a lot of power outages in multiple areas such as hospitals. Even if they have backup generators, the time between the electricity cut and the generators being brought online could probably be fatal for patients dependant on life support.' Isaiah thought as he continued to listen to their conversation.

It was then Jaime, the man who accompanied them, told Michael and Tessa, that the Electroclan, the name that Michael's group of friends came up with to call themselves, were captured by the Peruvian army in Puerto Maldonado. They were also most likely to be put to death for their "crimes" against the country.

'Puerto Maldonado, huh?'

It was then Emerald buzzed in his hand.

"What?" he whispered after taking some distance between himself and the trio.

"People are coming," she whispered.

Isaiah raised an eyebrow and reinforced his ears. He closed his eyes and listened carefully. He heard the sound of footsteps as well as the crunching of the leaves and twigs beneath boots. He turned his head towards the source of the sound and reinforced his eyes. There he saw a group of men armed to teeth and in a uniform which Isaiah assumed to be Elgen due to the logo. They appear to make their way toward the resting trio. Isaiah saw what seemed to be the leader holding the same tracking device as the Peruvian soldier previously.

'Looks like they were already found. Why don't I take care of them? I also need information and they are excellent sources. Two birds with one stone.' the young sorcerer thought.

He quietly walked up to them and disabled his camouflage.

In the group of Elgen soldiers, the one who held the tracking device spoke,

"We're approaching the target. Be on guard due to Vey's power," he said.

Suddenly, he heard what seemed to be a twig snap and everyone raised their guns at the source. They stayed silent for a few seconds as they remained cautious of the unknown noise.

"What was that?" another man said.

"Probably some animal," a third said.


They all whirled around and saw the fourth member of the group on the floor unconscious.

"SOLDIER DOWN! IT'S AN AMBUSH!" the leader shouted and everyone cocked their guns ready to shoot their RESATs in case it was Vey.

At that moment, the third soldier dropped to the ground. There was no indication of the cause of his sudden loss of consciousness.

"Another one down! What's going on? Is it Vey!?" the second soldier exclaimed.

"Don't know! But keep your guard up!"

At that moment, the second soldier also fell. The leader looked at the fallen soldier in panic.

"Shit! What the fuck is going on?"

At that moment, he too became drowsy. As he felt his strength leave and his vision gets darker, he swore he heard a child's voice.

"Sorry, but I can't let you get to Michael just yet."

Then he too succumbed to the strange phenomenon and fell to the ground. As the four soldiers were now on the ground, the bush next to the fallen group rustled and Isiah came out with Emerald floating right next to him.

"Nice ambush! Although not very Magical-girl-like" she said.

"Magical boy. And who cares? Not them," Isaiah replied as he pointed at the soldiers.

He then when to the leader and grabbed his head, before applying (Telepathy) with his True Ether since it's how he learned it after tweaking the spell which originally used his life force. He then grabbed the man's head and went through his memories. He filtered his childhood and only searched what was relevant to Elgen and the world as well as the so-called Electroclan. As he went through the memories, suddenly, the soldier began to convulse as his mouth began to froth.

"What the hell?" let out Isaiah as he quickly removed his hand.

"What's going on!" exclaimed Emerald.

However, the soldier continued to convulse as the frothing got worse. The soldier whose name was Carvelle after Isaiah read his memories, suddenly opened his eyes and rolled them back leaving the whites visible. He continued to convulse before suddenly dropping to the ground unmoving. Isaiah simply looked at the man in confusion before slowly approaching him and placing two fingers and the base of his neck to check his pulse.

No pulse.

Raising an eyebrow, he then lowered his ear to the man's mouth to check his breathing.

No breath.

The boy cast (Structural Analysis) on the body, but found nothing.

"He's dead." the boy said.

"Eh?" Emerald let out.

"He's dead," repeated the boy. "This never happened before when I used (Telepathy) before. Just what happened?"

"Emerald looked at Isaiah,

"You're not shocked that you killed him?"

"Oh believe me. I'm just as confused as you are at how he died. Like what happened?" the bit replied.

Emerald wanted to say something, but kept her non-existent mouth shut."

Emerald flew out of Isaiah's hand and lowered herself to the body and looked all over Carvelle.

"I think I have an idea," she said.

Isaiah looked at the magical wand,

"Tell me."

"It's you." the wand replied.


"More specifically your mana. Remember what my creator said was coursing through you?" she asked.

Isaiah nodded,

"Yeah, for some reason what's coursing through me is not the normal mana, but True Ether mostly found during the Age of Gods of his world."

Emerald nodded,

"What you probably don't know is that True Ether is so dense and so superior in quality that humans not born during that time would die when they are exposed to it. It's like poison to them. Kind of like breathing pure oxygen, but far deadlier." she grimly said.

But Isaiah's reaction was not what she thought it would be.

"Huh, well that's interesting. Does that mean the humans in my world have resistance to True Ether due to them being exposed to different kinds of energies throughout history unlike the humans of this world? That's something to think about." the boy said in wonder.

Again, Emerald wanted to say something, but once again kept her non-existent mouth shut. The soldier was just killed and Isaiah was treating it as if an insect died because he accidentally stepped on it.

"Oh well. Let's leave them here, I already got all the information I need. I'll probably need to tweak the spell again so that it would use your mana instead of mine since I don't want to accidentally kill people just being exposing them to my mana." the boy said.

He then turned to the rest of the soldiers,

"I should probably take those RESATS it would be pretty stupid to leave them here where they can just wake up and continue on their path," Isaiah said as he took the guns and the tracking device.

He also wanted to reverse-engineer them to figure out their functions and how they were made. It was the first technology he came upon that was made after observing a mutant.

Once they were all stored in the ring, Isaiah turned to Emerald,

"Let's go, Emerald! Next stop, Puerto Maldonado! I want to see the other Glows and I also have the map so we don't get lost." he said with a grin as he waved a map at her.

"Alright! Unto the next part of our adventure!" Emerald decided to forget about this incident.

She floated over to Isaiah and they took off into the sky which had already turned dark.

The next morning, Michael found a note on his chest. He picked it up and read it.

[Hey Michael! Just went to Puerto Maldonado to see your friends and the other Glows! See you there, if you make it.

-Isaiah, your alien friend.]

He sighed and smiled. Tessa who had already woken up saw the note and asked,

"What's wrong?"

Micheal looked at her,

"Seems like our alien friend has already gone to Puerto Maldonado."

Tessa raised an eyebrow,

"How did he know your friends would be there?'

"Probably with some other powers of his," Michael replied.

"You seem to trust him," Tessa said.

"I mean he already helped us with those soldiers," Michael replied.

"He also dropped from the sky out of nowhere." Tessa countered.

"That's true, but he didn't do anything untrustworthy up until now. He even helped the Amacarra hide."

Tessa sighed.

"I know," she said as she touched the necklace the Amacarra woman gave her.

"Besides, we know he's not with Elgen which gives him a point in my book.

Suddenly, Jaime opened the flap of the tent,

" It's time to go! Vamonós!"

Michael gave a tired smile,

"Yeah, vamonos."

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