
The Multiverse Jumper

What happens when a perfect child, that grew up with a perfect childhood, in a perfect family, finds out it was all a lie and gets one of the biggest cheats in the multiverse? Guess you'll just have to read to find out. *WARNING: I don't own the cover, I just like Psylocke in that picture. *Another WARNING: This story will get gory/18+/maybe smut later in the story, so just a warning. My dude is just gonna do whatever he wants really, with a few goals here and there. Also, any and all feedback is read, so tell me all the bad stuff, good stuff and stuff I can improve on, but just telling me it's trash, well, I won't care about it unless you provide an explanation of what's trash. Enjoy~

Slammeron01 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

7 - Tangled (2)

O.O Tangled (2) O.O

So yeah, this was a strange week. I got a bunch of work due today and it goes towards my end-of-term marks, nearly done most of it, but I'm not done yet. Anyway, I'm not dropping any time soon, got a week left of school, plus a test tomorrow and daily chapters should be coming back shortly. Enjoy~

Word count: 1313


"Oh wait, before we leave, would you mind bringing my satchel with you? It is very important to me, the item inside, so think of it as a fair trade. I help you achieve the goal you've been pursuing your whole life, while I get my item back. Fairtrade," spoke Flynn, already halfway out the tower, no evidence of any markings from the pan strike from earlier.

"Are you telling the truth?" Still somewhat scared of going outside, Rapunzel asked hesitantly, not wanting to lose her only way out of the tower.

"Of course, it's the whole reason I ended up here, and we don't want your guardian seeing an item you shouldn't have any access to, now would we?

That would just make them suspicious and wouldn't be helpful for when you return. Doing this whole thing entirely wouldn't be great for you, but a deal's a deal," he answered, just having hopped over the edge and digging his arrow into the tower wall. Not caring for the answer, he scaled down the wall with ease.

Rapunzel, with the satchel, safely tucked away in her magical hair. Looking over the edge, she began her singing.

🎵 Look at the world, so close and I'm halfway to it. 🎵

🎵 Look at it all, so big, do I even dare? 🎵

🎵 Look at me, there, at last, I just have to do it. 🎵

🎵 Should I? No, here I go. 🎵

With a grunt from Pascal, strapped into her hair, Rapunzel nodded with a chuckle, and she chucked down her hair.

Jumping off, she slid down her hair, her emotions a joy, but abruptly stopped, only 10 centimetres from the ground.

Realizing what she was about to do, she thought, and slowly lowered her delicate feet onto the grass. For the first time in her life, she could feel nature, real nature. Laughing in excitement, her singing continued.

🎵 Just smell the grass, the first. The way I dreamed they'd be. 🎵

🎵 Just feel that summer breeze, the way it's calling me 🎵

Gasping, the coldness of the water sank in as she danced into the stream.

🎵 For, like, the first time ever, I'm completely free. 🎵

🎵 I could go running and racing, and dancing and chasing. And leaping and bounding 🎵

🎵 Hair flying, heart pounding. And splashing and reeling, and finally feeling. 🎵

🎵 That's when my life begins. 🎵

{Song: When Will My Life Begin (Reprise 2) by Mandy Moore. She was in the forest as she sang it, I can't interrupt the song without breaking its flow.}

Finishing the song with one last long note, she breathed in, calming down and letting it all sink in, before yelling out in pure joy, "I can't believe I did this!" Heart racing, she gasped, "I can't believe I did this. I finally did it!"

"Yay, now come along, we don't want to get caught up along the road at night, better to get there before sunset," Samael added, earning an eager nod from the innocent teen, as she still couldn't believe what she had done.

'So easy to get her to follow what I say. But I guess that's what happens when you grow up living under guilt and orders. Okay, nearly there. After tomorrow night, I won't have to stay in this world any longer.

Okay, so what I gotta do is copy the properties and powers of her hair, followed by grabbing her for the harem, I'll put my soul domain in a temporary stasis while I'm gone {the place where his harem mansion is located, no castles, over them}, or until I know how to control my soul and learn what it can do.

'If I go to the animated series, and take the powers of her hair and the Black Rocks. I should be able to gain ⫣ Destruction ⫦, ⫣ Life-force Draining ⫦, ⫣ Black Rock Control ⫦ , and the power to reverse the time of anything back to its primal state. Let's see what I can get from the movie Rapunzel tonight, cause I'm sure they aren't as strong as the animated series.'


Finally, they're asleep. Took so bloody long, but in the end, it'll all be worth it.

Too bad I won't be able to see the lanterns, they looked pretty amazing in the movie. Meh, doesn't matter, I'll just replay it in my soul later.

Idea! I'll just take Rapunzel now, so I don't have to waste any time trying romance, cause that's not going to happen any time soon, and work out everything else later.

What a good idea I just had. Okay, let's see how Copy works first, and then we'll leave.

Staring at the pillow of hair I've been sleeping on, which was by far the best I've ever had, I tried looking into what I could take from her.




\\\ Available ///

⫣ Extremely Long Hair ⫦

⫣ Healing (Limited) ⫦

⫣ Adaptation ⫦

⫣ Artistry ⫦


Okay, so not Temporal Rewind, but that's okay, I'll probably get that from the animated series version. Still, ⫣ Healing (Limited) ⫦ will work just fine, ⫣ Adaptation ⫦ is seriously good, and I'll keep ⫣ Extremely Long Hair ⫦ and ⫣ Artistry ⫦for later, just because I want it.

So how do we do this? I'm guessing just copy the stuff over and place them in there and done.

Let's see my Save-for-later list then.


~ Save for later ~


\\\ Powers & Abilities ///


⫣ Extremely Long Hair ⫦

- You can extend your hair up to the same lengths as Rapunzel's.

Length: 70 feet = 2,133.6 centimetres = 21.33 metres


⫣ Artistry ⫦

- You become highly creative and gain an aptitude in different hobbies and crafts.


And now the ones I have active.


\\\ Powers ///



⫣ Healing (Limited) ⫦ *New*

- The power to restore the condition of the recipient to their optimal state.


\\\ Abilities ///


⫣ Adaptability ⫦ *New*

- You can adapt to new conditions easily, and new activities can be learned just as fast.


Yeah, I like this.

Looking at Rapunzel and her little pet, I think, I can maybe take him too. Let's just steal its memories, and take the body and soul and absorb them into my body storage. Luckily I can store organic lifeforms, and souls are just a bonus.



G'day Samael,

I feel like Upgrade will be too powerful over time, being able to infinitely upgrade anything is way too strong in the later stages, so I'm gonna have to take it away. But don't worry, your Harem power has been updated too, to make up for my mistake.

Best wishes, …


⫣ Harem ⫦ *Updated*

- You can gain the following from any female apart of your harem:

| Whoever you have sex with (be it monster, animal, human, god, etc), you will gain their physical, magical, and mental attributes, plus their powers and abilities.

| The longer the person who you gained their powers from are a part of the harem, the stronger they will grow. *New*

| You gain empowerment based on the intensity of their emotions.

| After recognition, they are allowed into the harem place attached to your soul.

| This is also where your original body is placed after transmigration/reincarnation.


Boohoo. I Want to limit my powers, but it doesn't matter, cause now I can just be lazy, get hot females, one's that'll be useful in any way, and then let my powers grow passively forever.

I'm so smart, but let's get this show on the road.

Still looking at the sleeping beauty… ironic, I transported her to my harem space cause she managed to develop some feelings for me, being the only human contact in 18 years apart from her "Mother" Gothel.

Next world!


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!


Slammeron01creators' thoughts