
The Mixed Feelings

Alicia Mendez, a fourteen-year-old, mixed girl, who faces a lot of difficulties, and it only gets worst when she finds herself tangled up in love. As things start to die down a bit, she slowly becomes aware of the sinister secret behind the school. Read to find out more…

PhantomWriterX · Adolescente
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11 Chs

Monday Move In!

The plane finally landed, I got nice pictures and sent them to the Fam, but my ears are ringing. I grab my luggage and get off the plane. Finally, I get an Uber from the airport to the school. It was thirty minutes away from the airport. I remembered to pack my scholarship and acceptance letter, so they won't think I'm trespassing or anything. I should have said it before, but my skin color, isn't light, it's like a caramel brown. I also have thick curly hair, but it's very long, halfway down my back. I also should have thoroughly researched this school, because it appears to be a predominately white school. I hope I'm not the only colored person here. I finally arrived at the school, and it was huge. I grab my things and begin making my way up the white marble stairs. It's so fancy looking. I open the large double doors and look around. Where is the office...? I see a tall boy with something in his mouth. He is leaning against a locker and looking down at his phone. He has a gray and black, stripped beanie covering thick brown curls. He looks up and I see his deep blue eyes. Our eyes lock, and I feel like I'm in a trance. He starts to walk over, and I see his mouth moving, but I don't hear a sound. Is he talking to me? My heart starts beating fast and my chest feels tight. I never told anyone about my anxiety, not that they would ever believe me. I start breathing heavily and start to hear a voice.

"Hey, are you okay...?" the boy said.

"I can't...breath-"

I fell to the floor, and everything faded to black. I fainted. My anxiety never got that bad to the point where I passed out. That scared me. I woke up in an ice-cold room. I could feel something wet on my head, and a familiar voice. As I grew conscious, I turned to my left where I saw the boy from before, sitting on a stool next to what appeared to be a bed.

"Where am I?" I ask, a little confused and dazed.

"You are in Oakley Hills Private Academy's clinic."

"What happened?"

"I saw you walk in, and I was going to introduce myself, but then you fainted, so I brought you here."

"Oh, thank you...my name is Alicia Mendez."

"Wesley, nice to meet you! I should get going now, I'll see you around New Girl!"

He left the room, and I was flushed. I pulled the wet rag off my forehead and sat up. He was cute. Oh gosh, I did not just say that. Ew, I'm being cringy again. Wait, why am I procrastinating? I got to go to the headmaster's office to get my schedule and uniform. I grab my things, leave the clinic, and walk down the long marble-floored hallways. I look up and see a sign that reads, "Headmaster's Office". Here goes nothing. I knock on the door and enter the room. There are two cushioned chairs facing a large wooden desk. Behind the desk, sitting in a black, leather, rolling chair is a man with a long beard, thick mustache, and a nice black suit. I never knew someone could look old and young at the same time. I take a seat and introduce myself.

"Hi, I am Alicia Mendez, I won the scholarship to attend Oakley Hills Private Academy," I say while handing him the envelope.

"Welcome to OHA, I am Headmaster Crabapple. Here is your schedule, uniform, and dorm key. I will call someone to give you a tour shortly."

"Okay thank you."

I was a little scared, I thought the headmaster would be mean. Not only that, but I can't keep my eyes off this uniform! It's so cute and preppy. It's my style. I look at my dorm key and see three numbers. 666. Bro, you have got to be kidding me. It's a devil number. Please lord protect me from any demons or evil spirits out to get me, and please forgive me for all my sins. I flip the key over, trying not to think much about the room number. Maybe my roommate is a nice person. I hope so. I read my schedule and see Physics, Pre-Calculus, AP Gov, 11th American Lit, Spanish 3, and Personal Fitness. Wow, I'm already almost done with high school, and I just got in. I started taking high school classes in the seventh grade, so I am two years ahead in high school. I will probably be the youngest in all my classes because they are juniors. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking. I turned around and saw a familiar face. It was Wesley!

"Oh, hi again!" he says, entering the room.

"Hey," I said casually.

"It seems you both have become acquainted, perfect. Mr. Johnson, please show Ms. Mendez around, then show her to her dorm. You are excused from your classes today, so you have time to move in, and make yourself at home." said headmaster Crabapple.

"Thank you, headmaster C," I say.

We leave the headmaster's office and immediately turn to each other. We talk about things that we like and don't like, hobbies, sports, clubs, etc. He likes spicy food and plays football here at the school. He also is good at math and likes to cook. I never really played sports, and I've always been more into academics, but I do love to dance, I like K-Pop, and I also like to cook. We also have some of the same classes. I guess we have a lot in common. We walk down the halls, and he shows me the entrance where I came in from, the nurse's office, the gym, the football field and swimming pool outside, and the cafeteria. It was huge! I have never seen one so big. Not only that, but the food smelled of high quality. He also helped me with my schedule and pointed the way to all of my classes. Lastly, he took me to my dorm. Room 666. I shivered at the thought once again appearing in my head. We entered the room and I saw two sides. A dark, lined with skulls, ghosts, and black, and the other side was a plain bed, wardrobe, etc., it was just plain. I tried to ignore the other side and focus on the plain side that seemed to be unoccupied.

"Do you need any help unpacking?" Wesley says.

"No thanks, I think I got it from here," I speak.

"Alright, see you around new girl."

"See you!" I say with a giggle.

I waited until he left to let all my thoughts flood out. Oh god. When have I ever giggled? That is so not me. What is this stuffy feeling? I never felt this way before. It's like I can't breathe, but I can at the same time, and my heart is beating so fast that I can't think straight, and my stomach feels all funny. I begin to unzip my suitcase and place my clothes into the chest of drawers on my side of the room. I also put all my toiletries into a drawer in the end table, next to my bed. I forgot to mention, I added a couple of decorations and changed the sheets and comforter on my bed. I then wiped everything down with disinfectant. "You can never be too clean!" That's what mom always said. I charge my phone and open the small closet on my side of the room. On the floor is a black bookbag with school supplies in it. These appear to be my supplies; they look very high quality. Wow, this school has very high standards. I take a seat on my bed, taking everything in. I can't believe I'm here! My thoughts are once again interrupted by the creak of the door. I look over, and a girl enters. She has long, straight black hair, and dark and shadowy makeup, and her clothes are all black. Shouldn't she be in class...? She seems to be ignoring my existence, and walks straight to her bed and lies down, silently, not a single word. I get a little curious, she is my roommate. A goth girl is my roommate. I have never seen a goth in person, but I love their style. Not to mention, my favorite color is black. I decide to say something.

"Hey, I'm Alicia, I'm new here, what's your name?" I say confidently.

"Lilith," she says.

"That's a nice name, I hope we can be friends."


She isn't talking much, but at least she is responding to me. She suddenly talks to me first.

"What kind of music do you listen to?" she asks.

"I like K-pop most of all, I also listen to Latin music, R&B, Hip Hop, and some rock."

"Cool, same."

"I think we will make great friends Ali."

"Me too Lil."

It was great, we hit it off. We even gave each other nicknames. I made my first female friend, and I just got here. We chatted for hours and liked similar things. I was so happy. She told me that tomorrow was a field trip for all the physics students. She was in all of the same classes as me, so if I ever got lost, I could just stay with her. One thing I didn't understand was why she wasn't in class.

"So, Lilith, why weren't you in class today?" I ask.

"I kind of ran out because I saw something that pissed me off." She says.

"What happened?"

"Well, I had a boyfriend, and I caught him kissing my best friend, so I cursed at them, and ran away pissed."

"Oh girl, never do that again. If a boy cheats, don't feel bad about yourself, he should be sorry that he gave up a queen. You are much better than that. I know we just met, but I can tell simply from your personality that you are a genuinely good person." I spoke.

"Thanks. But what should I do now?" she spoke.

"Does he have our classes too?"


"Okay, I have the plan to make him regret he ever thought of cheating on you."


"A Glow Up!"

"A What?"

"A glow up, we are going to make you look fabulous, and you are going to walk in that classroom tomorrow with confidence and act like he doesn't exist, and when he comes crawling back, make him pay."

"I love you already!" she says excitedly.

I enjoyed becoming her friend. I am so happy I could cry. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Everything seems to be going smoothly. I went to bed that day, as happy as ever.