2 Invader???

Raphael- "What." Who are the Druucors." Before she could tell me she passed out. I picked her up and zoomed back to my house. I put her to lay in my bed before going back to the crash landing to inspect the ship that crashed for any clue to explain what happens. I searched throughout the entire ship but I kept just finding these weird symbols on the ship which I didn't understand for the life of me. I already knew it was only a matter of time before the council came to inspect the ship for themselves. So I booked it back to my house to check up on the alien again.

When I got back to my house to check up on her she was already standing up walking back and forth in my room. For just a moment I stared at her to just comprehend what I'm seeing. I didn't really think aliens existed but there's one right in front of me. I Then saw her turn around when she noticed me standing by the door.

??????- " What is this place stranger."

Raphael- "It's my house."

??????- "Ahh your living quarters."

Raphael-"How is it I can understand you. I  thought you would be speaking your own language unless it's English but I highly doubt it."

??????-"It's my Universal translator. My race is advanced people. What's your name, stranger."

Raphael- "My name Raphael. What's your name?"

Nadura- "My name is Nadura Human. I am a zrandas and come from the planet of Vadbudria."

Raphael- "Vadbudria? Where's that?"

Nadura- "It's in the Churtania galaxy. It's approximately 30 light years from your galaxy of Ageria. Ok anuff talk about such trivial things. Daniel of Helarnia you must help me prepare Helarnia from a invasion from the Druucors."

Raphael- "Again with that name.Who are the Druucors and why would they want to invade Helarnia."

Nadura- "The Druucors are a Waring race who's been destroying civilization after civilizations throughout the Galaxy. After losing  a big chunk of our Empire.  Our main Planet of Vadbudria finally fell to the Druucors. I was able to save myself by stealing a ship and using its wrap technology to blast me into space away from the Druucors. The Druucors will most likely try to find my signature and track me down to kill me. I'm afraid I brought a war to your planet."

Raphael- "But if they're just trying to kill you why would they go to war with us."

Nadura- "Once they track me and then realize I landed on a planet full of people they're going to want to fight even if that wasn't their original plan. That's why we need to prepare."

Raphael-"Fuck. Do you know how big their fleet is."

Nadura-" From what I know they have their one main ship  which is as big as some small planets. Four Titan ships which have insane durability and firepower. Plus they're as big as Moons. These Titan ships are always at the side of the main ship. They then have at least One hundred Destroyer type ships. Twenty-five of these destroyers always accompany one of the Titan ships. Then after that they just have thousands of small aircraft which are really quick and can maneuver quite well dodging a lot of attacks."

Raphael-"Well shit. This is really bad. How do we even prepare for something like this? Also how long do you think it's going to take before they can track your signal."

Nadura-"I'll say about 4 to 6 days. I was able to encrypt my signal with some pretty Advanced security. "

Raphael- "That's better than nothing I guess. So what's your plan Nadura."

Nadura-"Well me and my people have been studying your planet. So I know a lot about your planet and what your people are capable of. Which includes knowing that your around 30% of your people know something called Magic and from what we seen It can be pretty devastating and strong. Plus the various other subgroups of magic users which are even stronger than regular magic users. That's going to be our secret weapon."

Raphael-"As powerful as our Mages are. Even with most of are magic users we wouldn't be able to beat an army that big. We could probably take out a lot of them but not win. Please tell me that's not your whole plan."

Nadura-" What course not. Like you said even with all the  Mages of Helarnia your people wouldn't be able to win. So what I was planning is that we do two things. First we need to create a small task force of at least four to five of some of the most powerful people on this planet to sneak on the main ship. Second part is we need a bomb and I mean a powerful one to plant in the mother ship. I handle the bomb it shouldn't be too difficult for me to make."

Raphael-" Ok and tell me how we are going to sneak past the Titan, Destroyer, and the small aircraft to get the Main ship. Also why do we need to find these most powerful and how are we going to find them in the first place.?

Nadura-"Oh sneaking past the ships will be the easy part. On my ship before I came out I took the invisibility cloak from inside the ship and I can integrate it into pretty much any ship. This cloak is the only reason I escaped if I didn't have the invisibility I would have been shot down before I could even warp.  To find these people is going to be the tricky part because I have no idea where they are or where to look."

Raphael-"Damn there goes the plan."

Nadura-"I mean you must hear some rumors of where these powerful beings could be right. I could try to make a machine that could track the huge amounts of energy that possibly radiates off these people but that could take me a couple of days to make.

Raphael-"Well yes. I've heard of two."

Nadura-"Better than nothing. You know where to find them." 

Raphael-" I don't know exactly where to find them but I have an idea on the location of them. For starters they're on our continent of Eyeon. One of them is located in the southern area of Eyeon in the State of South sage. Which is like 900 miles from where we are in Blackview. It shouldn't take me that long at all less than a minute.

Nadura-"Wow ok. I'm just curious how you know this person is powerful."

Raphael-"Well I heard a rumor that he might be the son of Hades."

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