
Ch 01: Getting a chance to live again

I had heard people saying that when a person is nearing death, their life flashes by their eyes and then there is a bright light which takes you to heaven. Turns out that they were wrong or at least in my case. I didn't see my life flash before my eyes nor did I see any bright light, it went more like one second I was there on earth lying in a pool of blood(mine specifically) and the next second I found myself here in what seems to be some sort of void.

Honestly, I don't think I deserved to die by getting stabbed in a mugging gone wrong, that too when I was just 21 and beginning to live my life. Sure I was not the nicest person you would meet nor was I a saint who helped everyone. I mean the worst things that I did were blackmailing some poor chaps, manipulating and toying with them, maybe I fucked their wives or daughters? Okay, I was not a 'good' guy but the ones I targeted were not saints either so it's not that bad. I mostly stayed in my apartment playing games, watching anime and tv shows, reading mangas and fanfics, you know the usual and the one day I do go out, I end in a dirty alleyway after getting stabbed by a crack addict lying in a pool of blood.

Still, as far as afterlives go, this is not the worst I could end up in. At least I didn't end up in hell getting tortured for my sins but it is boring to be floating in the void with no concept of time.


[Congratulations soul #0257, you have been chosen as a candidate for transmigration in other worlds and have the chance to gain extraordinary powers and travel through the multiverse.]

[Will you select?]



What is happening?

I find myself staring at a blue translucent box floating in front of my face. Okay...

Weird but I had read enough fanfics to guess where this was going. I get excited a little bit. I clicked on the yes button.

[Your fate will be determined by a random spin of the wheel of fate. The world you will be going to first will be decided and then after another spin, you will have a chance of getting an ability]

I was a bit disappointed that I was not getting any say in the matter but I am not complaining. I just hope that I don't get a world with beings that could end my life with a thought or something like that.

A wheel was conjured and it started spinning on its own, it finally stopped and the world that it showed was My hero academia.

Well not bad I suppose since it wasn't a high tier world with gods and demons. That and it had plenty of hot chicks that I could fuck and have fun with.

The wheel starts spinning again and this time it stops at a purple section and then I take a look at the ability that I got.

[Mind control:

The power to control the minds of others.

Users can control the minds of others with targets being completely subject to their mental control.

The form of mind control you have gained is the viral kind similar to Marvel villain 'Kilgrave'.]

I stare at it for a few seconds before cackling madly. I can't believe it! I truly am blessed and lucky to gain this ability. The possibilities that I have with this are endless. Kilgrave was one of those villains that I thought had great potential but lost due to silly reasons. Oh! the things that I could do with this, no...scratch that, the things that I could make others do with this, just thinking of the possibilities make me ecstatic...

[This is your character sheet and your transmigration will begin shortly]

Name: Akira

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Ability: Mind control]

I had a look and found things accurate so I left it as it is. I was also given the chance to change my appearance and I changed it to suit my needs. I made myself look better or handsome, I mean who doesn't want to look handsome. I improved my eyes as much as the system allowed me to and gave myself 20/20 vision and I also increased my size if you know what I mean. All things said I had fun modifying my appearance.

[You have selected and the settings have been locked. You will be transmigrated with a language pack and an id to help you settle in. Travel to other worlds is locked till {REDACTED}]

And thus I waited for the system to isekai me and it did. I felt something pulling me and then there was a bright light.

Once my vision cleared, I found myself in a living room. It's not very big but it is clean and well kept. I look around and find that the house has two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, the standard stuff, nice and average. Not bad, I can live with this for now.

I then check myself and find a youthful-looking boy with smooth black hair that's messy and purple eyes. I am satisfied with my new appearance.

I also find a wallet in my pocket and find an id stating my name as Akira Kurogane, a citizen of J. Then suddenly a few memories are inserted into my head that gives me basic info on who I am supposed to be. Turns out I am a quirkless nobody who was left at the orphanage at the age of 6 because my parents didn't like a quirkless kid like me. The rest of the memories are a blur and now I am 18 and earning money by doing small odd jobs.

Hmmm. It seems that my mind control ability is not seen as a quirk. Well, it is logical because Kilgrave got his ability as a side effect of his parent's experiments or something like that. I don't remember much of my previous life but I do know that kilgrave's ability had a time limit and his control worked only if he was physically present near his target.

It seems that I will have to try it out on someone soon.

Now I am in the world of my hero academia. A world where 80% of the population has these superpowers called quirks. They range from simple powers like telekinesis to downright bizarre like stretchy eyeballs. Currently, it is the age of heroes where heroes are those who protect and fight against villains. It all comes down to heroes- good and villains-bad. Of course, any sensible person knows that the world is not black and white but rather in shades of grey.

I have to choose my side correctly. Currently, as I said, Heroes are in power and All might is there which means that I am not too far off from canon. The heroes side has more resources and support but I can't join them because of my ability. First of all, I am 18 and it will be difficult to get into UA now ,that is even considering I can even get in at all considering how unfair it is to those that don't have any heavy-hitting quirks.

I will also have to face the stigma of having a 'villainous' quirk and be less trusted by others in general then I also have told them all about my abilities and they can prepare countermeasures.

Even after all this if at all I become a hero, I can only use my ability on villains and will be restricted in the use of it. I will not even be popular considering how people here like flashy destructive quirks rather than villainous ones like mine.

Thus the Hero side has very few pros after looking at its cons. So I will pass.

Next is the other side of the spectrum, the villains. Now here I will be like a fish in water and will be welcomed with open arms till someone grows wary of me and then I am backstabbed.

The villain side has more freedom and opportunities but it also has big risks. All-for-one is still active and I don't want to be under his radar. He might get curious and try to take my quirk. I don't know what kind of quirks he has and I will be fucked if he has some sort of mental immunity quirk. If he tries taking my quirk and figures that he can't, he might get even more interested and will probably use me for experiments.

So I will avoid them for now at least till all for one is locked up after which I can join them if things are looking good. The League of villains is shit before all for one is locked up which forces Tomura to mature so, for now, I will wait and then will probably join them.

And then there is the vigilante side which is like the hero faction but without its benefits. This is the worst side as I will be taking justice into my own hands and then will be hated for it. A thankless job for which I can only say no thankyou.

So all things considered, the villain side has the most no. of benefits for me but as it is now, I will have to avoid it and play safe. In canon, after All, for one lost to All might and was locked up, there was a state of anarchy and chaos during which Shigaraki won and the league of villains emerged victorious. There was overhaul but he lost to Izuku's plot armour and was defeated.

Also, Eri has an op power which I need as it will be useful later. Currently, I have an op power of mind control which makes things a lot easier for me but I am also a glass cannon as a sniper or a deaf person can kill me easily. I need power and the best way to get it is through quirks.

Well, then all I can do till the overhaul arc is to wait and probably have some fun. I will try to form a faction of my own and will add some toys for me to play with. I will live as I please and do as the title suggests, make everything mine because it is my hero academia.

*Insert evil laughter*


[Author- Okay so this is my first ever attempt at writing a fanfic and man is it tough to write so many words. Now I am a newbie author with little to no experience writing prior to this so don't expect too much from this. I am writing this for fun and also because there are very few MHA fics with an evil Ocs. I enjoy reading fics with evil Mcs not that I don't enjoy reading fics with other types but they were getting a bit exhausting so I wrote this. The Mc is of Neutral Evil alignment for now and it may change later.

Also English is not my spoken language so you can expect some errors which I will try my best not to make. I appreciate constructive criticism not just things that say its shit because I will sleep wondering why. You can say it's good though. I have only watched MHA till season 4 and have not read the manga so there might be inconsistencies but I will read it when I get time. All in all, I thank all those who have taken the time to read and encourage it.

Leave some reviews and stones to motivate me to write more as even a single stone or review will make me happy.

See you guys next chapter.]

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