
Near me

The duke nodded. “Don’t worry. Nothing will happen tonight….” He said, grabbing on his mask and looked like he was about to remove it. “Then if you’ll excuse me.”

She stopped him, “Wait, what are you going to do?”

He stopped. “You were curious to see my face, weren’t you? That was even one of the reasons why you married me right?”

Lady Vienna wanted to say something...anything…

Because he was partly correct. But the way he said those words and the way his eyes looked at her with a sad expression just did something in her heart…

Her mouth couldn’t say any words. Instead, she just pressed her lips together in a thin line.

Why is the duke trusting her instantly?

She knew his mask was a sensitive topic for him, and no one even saw his real face, except his own parents. She thought he only needed a duchess to act and only a contractual marriage...everything is business...So he was really serious when he said ‘wife’. Does that mean he doesn't want a divorce?

She smiled at him. “No, it's okay now. I was just testing you that day.” Although deep inside her wanted nothing but to throw that mask and reveal his face, her body was frozen.

Duke Raziel was just silent and stood up, “I have to go.”

“Where?” She dared to asked.

“To distract myself.” That was all he could reply to before disappearing.

Why would he need to distract himself?

Lady Vienna was left alone in their room dumbfoundedly, feeling like she just hurt him. She wanted to run after him but she couldn’t.


Huffing, Lady Vienna felt herself struggling to catch her breath. She saw her maid, Roxy running to her, her eyes shaking in fear and her stomach was bleeding.

“My lady, RUN!”

Lady Vienna looked around, not understanding anything.

Why is Roxy running to her and demanding her to run?

She watched as Roxy stopped then coughed blood, now slumped on the floor.

“My-my lady, he’s coming!” And before she could run away, she watched as a sword pierced her maid’s heart.

Lady Vienna froze in the spot, her face blank.

Then she saw him. Duke Raziel.

He was behind Roxy and was holding the sword.

Duke Raziel’s mask was on, and when he came closer, he lunged his sword on her heart and laughed.

“You really think I won’t kill you?”

Lady Vienna instantly woke up and sat upright. She took a deep breath, catching her breath. She could see it was still night and when she looked up, Duke Raziel was standing by the door and that made her jump in shock.

She cleared her throat and quickly wiped away the sweat on her forehead.

“Y-You’re grace…You’re not sleeping?” She stuttered. Goodness, that felt too real for a dream. Why was she even having nightmares at this age?

Duke Raziel stared at her and answered, breaking away her thoughts.

“I don’t sleep.”

She raised her eyebrows at that, “Why?”

He was just silent. But what Lady Vienna noticed made her gape. He had blood on his clothes.

Well, it should be normal since he’s a villain, but it felt surreal. Why does he have blood on his clothes right after her nightmare?

That got her into thinking and stopped. Wait a minute,

Did he…really kill…

She instantly stood up, “Where’s my maid?”

Duke Raziel approached her closer and she backed away, “Why are you asking me that? It’s in the middle of the night.” He replied before continuing, “You had a nightmare….” He trailed off.

“Yes, Raziel.”

He released a sigh and with hesitant eyes, he asked, “Was it too scary to marry me?”

She gulped. He must have felt the fear she had.

Goodness, why is she even like this? She’s Lady Vienna for goodness sake, snap out of it. You are strong. He won’t harm you. You are already married.

She whispered to herself. But there’s still a nagging feeling inside her.

“No.” She answered confidently, despite her thoughts running like crazy.

Duke Raziel nodded his head, “Then good. I just want to know that.”

And he acted to leave but Lady Vienna stopped her, “Wait, where are you going?”

He didn’t answer her question and instead just said, “No one will harm you, I’ll be guarding you for the whole night.”


The next morning, Lady Vienna felt horrible.

To say horrible was an understatement.

She couldn’t even return to sleep after talking with Duke Raziel. It has been bugging her.

“Your Grace, the Duke, has been waiting for you at his study.” Said Huxley.

She yawned and stretched her arms. Roxy was behind her fixing her dress. The moment the morning came, Lady Vienna didn’t hesitate and checked to see if Roxy was still alive. Relief washed over her when she saw her stealing some bread in the kitchen.

“Why?” Lady Vienna asked.

Huxley bowed to her, “Forgive me but I don’t know your grace.”

Sighing, she just nodded and made her way to her husband’s study without even eating breakfast.

“The Duchess is now here, your grace,” Huxley announced as they were waiting outside his door.

“Enter.” His cold voice came and the door opened.

She saw Duke Raziel sitting on his chair doing the same routine as yesterday and busy signing papers.

Lady Vienna entered the room and she cleared her throat to get his attention. “You called for me, your grace?”

“Yes.” He answered, without even lifting a glance to her, and pointed at the sofa in the center of the room. “Sit and eat your breakfast there.”


“Because I said so,” he replied.

He’s acting strange today. He somehow feels…very hard to approach. Not like he was but he was manageable last time. What happened to him? Was it because of last night?

She did as he told her and started to eat. It may be rude but the deadly silence filled the room. Duke Raziel wasn’t staring at her, but she could feel the room getting chilly even if it was early in the morning and the sun was up.

She silently wished for Roxy to come for her but her clumsy maid didn’t. She clicked her tongue in annoyance.

That girl…

Roxy must have been busy flirting with Huxley.

She just continued on eating.

“I finished eating, your grace. Then if you don’t have anything to ask me then I’ll be outside-“

“Stay. Sit there.” His cold voice interjected and that made her halt.

“Are you okay? Did something happen last…night?” She can’t help but ask.

She pouted, giving Duke Raziel a look. “You’re acting weird, Raziel.”

“I’m fine.” He said, and continued, his cheeks reddening. “I just want you near me.”