
Chapter Hundred

Bella could not believe her eyes, he was the boss she had been hearing about all the while. What a circle life was drawing around her. He walked calmly to her, looking as handsome and enchanting as always. "Hello Bella, we meet again mi amor ",he said taking her hands in he's. She was dumbfounded and stood for a while before realizing herself. So he had been the one looking out for all the along, she wondered if she could trust him enough. But then, since he had taken the trouble of telling everything to her family, then probably he was the right man. "I'm really sorry about your loss and also for the fact that you found out everything this way",he said and she acknowledged him. They had to tidy up and leave the premises as they were beginning to get raided eyebrows. The two dad's in their midst went to conclude arrangements with the hospital and offset bills, while the rest headed to the car including Diego whom had come with he's. Bella opted to join him as she was really curious about everything, she had questions to ask and he was the only one with answers for her, so she joined him. It was not long and they were soon on their way home, Bella with Diego.

"I know you have a lot of questions and stuff Bella especially on the reason why I'm risking my neck for you, but then, I'll have you know that I sincerely care about you and your well-being ",he began. She was at the very least happy that someone cared about her all these while when she had been lovestruck like some childish Disney princess. There was a lot on her mind and she began asking questions. He would barely finish one and she would throw him another. He was patient enough with her and a good listener too. He followed her gradually, filling her in a way less hurtful to her. "I think of myself as a fool",she said resting her head on the window glass looking so sad. 

"Absolutely not Bella, you gave your heart to him does not make you a fool. Actually he's the bigger fool for not realizing how very special you are ",he said to her reassuring. Bella was pleased at his comment but at the same time, she was worried about her pregnancy. What was going to happen to her at the time, was she going to keep the baby or get rid of it, she wondered as he drove home. 

On his own part, Diego was actually happy that everything was falling in place with his plan. She believed every word that seeped from his mouth and trusted him effortlessly. That was more than enough for him, he had it all planned out. All he needed was to mount fear and pressure on her father, and he would release her to him. He had a place where he was going to take her to, nourish her until she was delivered of her baby, the set the full plan running. Jay was going to pay for everything his father had hoarded from he's. 

Jay had gotten home that day really angry and panicked. He needed to round off everything and gather evidences against Stella. He hated being cornered like an entrapped animal and could not focus. "Tell me the truth Stella ",he said to her as soon as she picked up her phone. He had called her to know what she wanted this time so he could settle her and send her on her way, "What do you really want from me this time ",he asked her and she remained silent for some seconds. 

"Must it always be about me wanting something from you, can I not just choose to love you? ",she asked innocently, irritating him further. "You do not love me Stella, you made that clear the last time. So out with it, whatever you want I'll give you, name your price ",he said and heard her crackle. Now she was wearing off his patience. What was so funny, he wondered. Was she feeding off his misfortune, he wondered. She stopped as sudden as she had started laughing, "Listen Jay darling, I want you and I have come to realize that I've loved you so much all this while, let's make this work this time ",she said. He was vexed.

"Never",he said clenching his free fist, "Never say never ",she replied and he angrily hung up. Throwing the phone to the wall, it broke. That was Jay whenever he got angry, he would shatter everything on his path. Stella was really up on something, and whoever was paying her this time, really promised her something huge except she sincerely missed him. But what was he going to do right now, Bella was leaving him for good.