

WARNING! ( MATURE CONTENT) A prophecy is revealed by the moon goddess that Ellie, the werewolf princess of the pure heart clan is mate is to Nathan, a forbidden vampire from the circle of elders and their union was to stop a werewolf and vampire war that would take place in the future. It is forbidden for a vampire and a werewolf to be seen together, what will happen when they fall in love with each other? Will they be able to fight for their love and succeed in preventing the war from happening?

JennyBlaze · Fantasía
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149 Chs

Chapter 89 (His hatred for the wolves)

Cold shivers ran all over Ellie's body on hearing that he(Nathan) hated werewolves. She began to wonder what would have made him make such a drastic declaration.

"W - why? Why do you hate werewolves?" She stammered, even though she tried her possible best not to exhibit her discomfort.

"They have done a lot of negative things to me, Ellie. They are the reason I'm alone. They did not only hurt me, but they hurt those that were close to me. My friend, Fedora, is one of the people that the werewolves have destroyed. So you see, that's why I hate them. They are murderers." Nathan replied.

Ellie felt like a knife went through her soul the moment she heard Nathan call the werewolves murderers. 

Was this the way he pictured them? Murderers?