
The love of a vampire

A princess who is deprived of so many things unlike her twin sister because of a prophecy for told before her birth about her grandmother's witch powers being passed to one of the twins among the Queen's unborn children. Months later, the Queen gave birth to two girls who were twins, Jucin and Julia. They observed both girls and they realized that Julia carried most of her grandmother's observe traits, so they focused their attention on Julia thus neglecting Jucin as a royal witch is one of the most powerful to protect the kingdom from threats. What happens when the neglected princess falls in love with a vampire prince? Quotes; " You want to dance around the stars" luchan asked "can I?" jucin asked enthusiastically "Take my hands" came his next words and with that he shot out black feathered winds, he scooped her in his arms and soared the skies with her " what a pretty witch I have in my hands" luchan said immediately they landed on the ground "what"?! Jucin asked with a frown settling on her beautiful face. A/N: This novel is clouded with genres of romance and fantasy. THIS BOOK IS RATED 18, precautionary for young readers. This is my first book so please support the young authoress with coins,

Blessing_Daniel · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter 14

Jucin kept thinking about him when Mai snapped her fingers to wake her up from her day dreams.

" What?" Jucin asked slightly irritated

"What were you thinking about? your prince charming?" she teased

"Quit the teasing already" Jucin pouts " Do you think he's gonna come back?" Jucin asked

" Well if he told you he would am 100 percent sure he's going to come back, don't worry" she patted the princess's back

" I hope" she had a sullen look on her face as she had missed the opportunity to spend enough time with him, she just hoped he would return soon.

Meanwhile In Daal

Illyas and Luchan were waiting in the study room of the palace in Daal.

" Ugh" Luchan groaned "Where the hell is he" he complained while Illyas just leaned on the wall motionless, his expression composed and unreadable like always.

Luchan became more annoyed as he watched the demon stand there unmoving like a stone, he felt like throwing an actual stone at him, maybe that would bring out something from him but Luchan knew better that he would just catch the stone easily as the damn demon could read his mind.

The door opened and an expensively dressed Man came inside, unlike Luchan he had light red eyes. The Man was really good looking

"Luchan boy" the man called " Won't you come and hug Daddy" he said in a tone which annoyed Luchan so he just rolled his eyes

" King Zarin" Illyas showed his respect even though he was far more powerful than the vampire and king Zarin gave him a half smile

"I was surprised when I found out you boys were here, what brings you here?" he asked as he took his seat on one of the chairs elegantly while the 2 boys preferred to stand and get their work done as soon as possible so they could be on their merry way.

" Just some official matters, some properties to be precise" Illyas was the one who responded.

" Am really disappointed Luchan, you couldn't come to see me? Am I that unimportant?" Zarin said a bit of loneliness in his eyes

" I didn't want to disrupt you when I Ƙnow you're busy fucking all day long, I bet you even forgot you had a son and you expect me to keep you in my mind? am not your mother" Luchan answered his voice laced with unhidden annoyance for his father

Zarin chuckled "If you say so then"

Illyas crossed his arms as he watched how both of them fought as if they were 6, he cleared his throat to remind them of his presence

Zarin heaved a long sigh" If am not mistaking, you need the land at the West costal part right?"

" Yes" Illyas nodded

" Very well, I'll talk to my people about it" King Zarin assured him.

Authors note: Hey readers, thanks for reading.

please try to comment so I'll know if I have active readers. Sorry for the slow updates but its because am getting no motivation from my readers, but my favorite authoress, kazzenlx says to keep fighting. So I'll keep updating the story as fast as I can and the cover would be updated once I reach 50 chapters