
The Lost World ( Book 1)

Hey, I never signed up for this. I swear i would have moved to Korea if someone told me the world was gonna end and I had to save it. But nobody told me. Which brings us all to this story............

magi0216 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter Five

"Finally!" I exclaimed jumping to my feet. "He didn't even bother telling us when he would be back, is he really a licensed guardian?" I asked in the hallway. "Tell me about it. He is so irresponsible that most of the time, I had to be the adult." Remi complained. "I'm surprised he let us watch over this mansion….if it was any other situation, I definitely would have thrown a party." I laughed.

"You? With which friends?" Remi scoffed.

"Hey, I have friends. It's just that….my best friend isn't in the country right now." I said.


I could hear voices down the hall, they were coming from the living room. I furrowed my eyebrows and shared a look with Remi. We stopped at the door when Kaito joined us. "Why aren't you guys entering?" He asked but before we could answer, a loud agitated voice spoke up in the room.


"I agree. What makes you think we'll just roll over and do what you want? Besides, you basically drugged us." A girl, I couldn't place her accent.

"Maybe let's all come down first." This time it was a soft voice, probably another girl.

"Can I just go home?" This voice was low and barely audible but it sounded like a boy.

"It sounds like a party in there," I smirked while pushing the doors open. Everyone's eyes turned to us as we walked in. Talk about feeling like a celebrity, I was considering adding bounce to my step. Alabaster smiled. "Ah…you are finally here." I looked at everyone in the room. Alabaster looked about the same as usual and everyone else looked as curious about us as we were about them.

It was my first time meeting them, but it felt like it wasn't. With everyone here, I felt like I could trust them. There was a boy with blonde hair and red eyes, I assumed he was the one yelling considering the scowl on his face. He pointed at the three of us, "You three." He said sharply as we all flinched. "Have we met before?"

"I was just about to ask the same thing." Kaito said. "Now then, shall we all sit down?" Alabaster suggested.


Remi's POV

I could understand why everyone was hesitant to trust Alabaster, to be honest I don't why I trusted him either. At the time, he seemed like my only hope. He saved me from the life of moving from foster home to foster home. I remember the day he reached out to me in the snow. I was just from running away and didn't expect to live through the night. But it was fine, I knew they wouldn't find me and take me back, they never did. I had a talent for that, although my real parents thought I was a freak.

That's why when Alabaster came in, I was glad my powers were actually useful for something. I knew there were others like me, but Arthur was definitely not what I expected. He had a playful attitude and went with the flow. When I first started observing him, I was convinced with him as team leader…we were doomed. However when I met him, I understood just a little bit. He wasn't brought down easily. Even though he basically lost everything, he managed to stay sane and you wouldn't be able to tell anything from his face. Before I knew it, he considered me as a friend, which was new to me. That made him my first which of course I would never tell him.

It's just too bad that he's such an idiot. Even now, he looked amused despite the situation. Nothing ever fazed him. I looked at everyone in the room; it was easy to put a name to a face since I already looked at their files. The loud guy who was shouting was Shinya. The boy with long brown hair and blue eyes was Sota. He seemed to more comfortable around Shinya than everyone else. Maybe they became friends on the way here. The other two were girls. One had curly brown hair and chocolate skin. I'm pretty sure her name was Riki. The calm one had blonde hair and brown hair, Chika was her name. Including Arthur, Kaito and I; we were finally seven. It was quite a group of angry and confused teenagers.

The prophecy was starting to come true. Most of us had manifested our powers or encountered a situation where we used them. I looked to the left, Alabaster was still silent. It was hard to tell what was going through his head but whenever I doubted him, I pushed the thoughts away. Whatever he is doesn't matter since he's our best chance at survival.

"I've long awaited the day when the seven heroes would be gathered like this again." He began. "There's that term again, what makes you think we can save anyone?" Sota asked. Everyone else nodded in agreement and waited for his response, myself included.

"It's your fate as the prophecy states. There's nothing you can do to change it, because it's impossible to defy the natural order." Everyone spoke out at that.

"My life will not be dictated by some prophecy."Riki said.

"Sorry, saving the world isn't part of my resume. I haven't even gotten past high school." Sota shook his head.

"What makes you think I'll listen to you after dragging me here, huh?" Shinya said.

"Who can vouch for the accuracy of your prophecy? For all we know, you could be the actual enemy?" Chika contributed.

"This might not work out." Arthur shrugged. I decided to finally ask the question that I had kept in my heart this entire time. "Why us?"

Arthur's POV

Her question was basically the manifestation of all our feelings. Alabaster didn't hesitate to answer. "It's because you are the most worthy to wield such great power." As if that would make us feel any less crappy. I've been a loser my entire life, I wasn't bullied but I was never popular either. Everything about me was average especially compared to these guys. Now he expected me to be superman, what a joke. It's not like we were in a movie.

But one this separated reality from fantasy, the deaths were real. One way or another, I was sure all of us had lost someone and nothing could change that. "What would happen if we failed?"The guy named Sota asked.

"Then….the world as we know it would end. The Shadow World would become the new reality." Alabaster said barely over a whisper. He didn't need to be any louder, things just got real. The seven of us were the only thing that stood between the survival and destruction of the human race. None of us had even made it through high school…..

No one said a thing; we didn't have a choice in the matter. Our lives were on the line. "I see. I guess there's nothing left to discuss." Kaito said before leaving the room. Shinya scoffed and left the room as well.

"Well I definitely feel the team spirit." I said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yep, definitely the dream team." Riki added. Sota sighed, "At least tell me you have a video game console here?"

"Yes, we do. You should come over and play some time, not to brag but I'm a pro." I said putting my hands behind my head. I came to regret saying that after some time. "Is that so?" Sota smiled. Chika didn't say anything, she looked like she was taking everything pretty hard.

"I'll leave the room allocation to you two." Alabaster said to Remi and I before leaving the room. However, I wasn't planning on letting him escape just like that. We still had some issues to resolve, it was time to wake up Usagi.