8 Chapter 8

Avery and Clara spent five days at the Health Center. Even after healing herself, Elijah wouldn't let her go. She needed her rest. She missed her meeting with Largfell but they agreed to meet when she was better and mentally she wasn't but physically there was nothing wrong. Avery had recovered fine and was a little out of it when he first woke up. Then he chuckled and looked at Clara, "You will never be beaten at that game Clara. I didn't think a first year was a telepath."

"Yeah my secret is out now. I have been a telepath since I was four I think, " Clara smiled at him.

"Four?? That is impossible. The youngest is twelve!" Avery was shocked and looked at Philip who hadn't left her side.

"It's true. I checked when I first got her and it showed she had been hearing voices since she was four. Well her memory shows that anyways, " Philip shook his head and looked at Avery.

"And a healer? I felt I was being healed but it wasn't by the other ones. I've felt them all heal me before, " Avery looked at Clara. "Thank you for healing my by the way."

"You are welcome and yes I am a healer but that is all you get to know. I am sorry I surged, I didn't even know I did it until the energy explosion and we both went flying," Clara looked away and curled back up in the bed.

Emmett would be stopping by at any point and see her. He did everyday and would stay for hours just sitting with her. Emmett walked in during the conversation. "Well I guess another secret is out. Avery you better keep it, " Emmett was protective of Clara and she was used to it now. "Tell anyone and the whole council will be after you."

"I understand Emmett. Don't need to be so protective over her. Clara can clearly protect herself and I think I would be more scared to have her after me. I don't know the full extent of her abilities, " Avery sat up on the edge of the bed. "I would like to become your friend Clara."

"Just to get to know the extent of my abilities or do you find me charming?" Clara was joking around. They had been since they were stuck in there together.

"You are definitely charming Clara but I think it would be an adventure to be your friend. Emmett seems to be having one, " Avery decided to stand up but he almost fell.

"You aren't ready for that one. Your legs both broke. Elijah had to set them before I could heal them or they would have been deformed and I don't think you would have liked that kind of problem, " Clara sat up too. She was doing a lot better but she felt bad.

"Well that sucks. It is gonna take a little to get back on my feet unlike you, " Avery stood were he was and gave a weak smile. "Could you levitate me onto the bed?"

"Of course." Clara carefully levitated Avery back onto the bed and stood up herself. "Is there a reason you were getting up though Avery?"

"I want to go outside. Being in here a week sucks and you get to leave soon I wanted to go home too. I guess I'm stuck here a little longer than I hoped, " Avery stayed laying down and looked away.

"Give me your hand. It must be your muscles maybe got hit with a piece of bone, " Clara took his hand. His legs, around his knee began to glow and that scared Avery. It was bright too.

"Why does it glow? I have never seen that before!"

"Oh I thought it was normal. Emmett why didn't you say anything?"

"Knowing your schedule and abilities did you really think anything about you would surprise me? " Emmett smiles as he walks over. "Her schedule is insane. Just wait until you are trusted and hear all the abilities."

"All the abilities? You have more than two abilities Clara? Even two is rare but more than is almost unheard of, " Avery was looking at all their faces to see if anything was going to be given away.

"I have four abilities. You don't need to know the other two unless you are going to be around me when something happens. I gotta go though, today is my meeting with the council about the whole thing, " Clara looked away and withdrew her hand once the healing has stopped.

"I wish I could go with you but I can't walk, " Avery didn't want her to look away.

"Try now. You should be able to walk now. I fixed the problem."

"Oh, " Avery gets up and he can walk around fine. It's a little slow but that's what happens when you've been laying bed for a week.

"Hey Avery you shouldn't be able to walk yet. You knees weren't entirely healed," Elijah had walked into the room and saw Avery standing and moving around.

"Clara fixed me up Elijah. You have a good healer in your school if you have anything terrible happen again, " Avery smiled and kept walking around. After a few minutes he was back to normal. "I can leave today and go to the meeting. I don't want them to do anything harsh."

"They won't do anything too harsh Avery. I am someone new to work with and they will make it a fair punishment, " Clara smiled. "You are welcome to join though."

"I didn't think I needed an invitation from you but I gladly accept. Let's not keep them waiting. " So all four went to the council's meeting room. Clara found herself there once again in such a short time.

"Hello Clara. I see some friends have joined you, " Brento smiled and shook hands with them all before walking back over.

"Hello Councilman Brento and the rest of the council, " Clara offered a smiled and looked over at Shoven. Largfell was standing next to him for some reason. Shoven was a telepath so there wouldn't be a reason for Largfell.

"We are here because of the issues you caused last week. We have come to the decision that your abilities is too strong for you to handle being so new to it, " Shoven was the one who spoke and kept eye contact. Largfell looked away. "Professor Largfell has told use how powerful your telepath ability appears to be right now. We understand that you are new but so is one of your abilities and we rather not let that or your inflicting go unsupervised."

"You want to restrict my abilities? How will I ever learn to control them if they are restricted?" Clara was shocked and very angry at Largfell.

"We will figure that out after we restrict some of your abilities, " Shoven gave a smile. He was smiling at her as he told her she was no longer in control of her abilities.

"I do not accept this. I have been here two weeks. I am a weapon for you guys but you will not control me, " Clara backed up a bit but a guard stopped her. "I'm kind of insulted you think a guard could stop me even though I am untrained."

"Yes well that is the problem Clara. You are too strong and we need to control it the best we can, " Shoven stepped closer but Clara set up a wall with her unknown ability.

"You don't come any closer to me. I am not going to be treated like this, " Clara looked at the guard who all had their hands on their swords. "I am not going to hurt them don't worry. I came here thinking I could show that I will learn control. See how much control of the unknown ability I have?"

"What about you levitation or limiting your telepath. You can read someone's mind without knowing Clara. Your mind can't be read and that's what worries us. We can't keep you in check, " Shoven pointed at the wall as proof.

Clara put the wall down and smiled. "Look at that you want to control me like a weapon. I won't be a weapon for the council."

"Clara that isn't what we are asking of you. Even then we aren't asking, your abilities need to be restricted."

"Why aren't mom and dad here?" Philip jumped in the middle of the conversation. "What are you doing setting a punishment on a child without their parents in an unknown world to them? Is this what the council has become."

"We didn't invite anyone. She was supposed to come alone actually. That's what was expected and she didn't even listen to that simple direction, " Shoven shot back quickly and walked closer.

"Council you are not coming near my sister without our parents being here without going through me. I will not allow this either, it is unfair. Avery and Clara have even become friends."

"Clara stand behind us, " Emmett quickly got Clara behind them but she pushes them aside and shakes her head.

"Don't get involved or else you guys will get hurt too and that will be my fault again. Councilman Brento do you understand how important it is that my abilities not be limited? Once unlimited we won't know what will happen. Remember how you found Philip when my abilities were just being triggered? Now imagine it after years of being forced to be dormant, " Clara made eye contact with Largfell and shook her head. "My mind isn't supposed to be read, that's why no one can except Philip. You are trying to change my destiny and it isn't smart."

"I will excuse you for not knowing how our world works Clara. I am putting a ring on your finger no matter what. You will not leave without it to restrict your abilities. Only I or the one who made it can take it off, " Shoven showed the ring. "Hold out your hand."

"You realize Maddox will raise hell for this and so will I. It doesn't have to be one of you guys taking it off I will learn myself and if I do I don't have to put it back on. Deal? " Clara smiled and waited for him to nod.

"We have a deal Clara." So Clara held out her hand and Shoven put the ring on. She collapsed from the weight it put on her mind and she was unconscious. The last thing she heard was Emmett yelling her name and then Philip yelling to take it off.

No one took off the ring. Clara spent another three weeks in the health center beds because she was too weak to get up. Eventually she could stand but the ring was too much on her abilities and it was destroying her physical body. Elijah was going to start a protest to get it removed but she convinced him otherwise. If she could not handle a ring how was she expected to control her abilities properly.

It took even more days for Clara to be able to walk around normally. She had been out of academy classes for a month. Avery, Emmett and Philip were all in to see her everyday and trying to convince her to wake up those first few weeks. It was a living hell and she knew she must have looked terrible but she was going to make the council see that they are wrong.

After a month she could use her abilities a tiny bit and had some strength. She began to look at the ring. What a tiny thing that controlled her whole body and was killing her slowly. She could make small objects out of her unknown ability. She told Avery all about her abilities. He could see into her mind. Clara thought she was broken from the ring. It was weeks of depression and working through it. She was getting better though.

Finally she began using her abilities as little as she could. If she couldn't break it, she would overcome the ring. Clara knew that she had to have that much control. Maybe Brento would help her, even if he is apart of the council he seemed entirely against it. She also had a new telepath mentor. It was a big fight while she was getting used to the ring. She couldn't keep her eyes open but she had heard Largfell's voice. Clara managed to use her mind just enough to strain to hear. He was apologizing and trying to get Philip and her parents to listen.

Philip was constantly checking her mental health and knew she had listened. "I am sorry you heard that Clara. I thought you were still asleep. You've hardly been awake these last few days since this damn ring, " Philip had picked up her hand and looked at the ring. "I am so sorry I allowed this."

He knew she couldn't talk yet. She'd spent too many days crying that her throat was too sore to be talking. That was a month ago if she remembered correctly and now she was back at school. Emmett and Avery were at her side as she tried to confidently walk through the academy but it was hard. She had her arm looped in both theirs and she kept herself steady with them. They thought they were being sly but she knew they were helping with their telekinesis. She got to her locker and smiled. "Time to go see councilman Brento. I don't know what I will be doing in any of my ability classes, " Clara sighed as she grabbed some books that had been assigned. Apparently reading was supposed to be the same as actually learning to master it.

"We can both be in there with you Clara. We won't make you go alone to face him, " Emmett said as he grabbed her things. "Not after what he allowed them to do."

"No I don't need you guys in there. You guys have your ability classes and I'm going to work to surpass this ring so it'll be too dangerous if anyone else is in that room with us. I am going to convince him to help, " Clara smiled at both of them and they walked to the sixth level's area. Her class was there because it had the highest level of comfort for the councilman without her having to travel all the way over to the elites. "Thank you guys truly. Avery I know you have a good reputation so you don't have to keep hanging around me."

"Clara you are stuck with me. I can't stand on the other side and let the council do this to someone. I visited a couple times and saw how lifeless you looked, how you still look. Some of the council saw too after Elijah made them come. They couldn't even look at you but still refused to take the ring off, " Avery looked very sad at the thought. He put on a smile and looked at Emmett quickly. "We will help you get past this ring. "

"Yeah with my enhancing maybe that would help! We will work after school if you aren't too tired okay? Avery you can track her mental state since people can look into her mind now, if you don't mind Clara."

"No I'm getting used to it, " Galor had a grim look at the idea. She hadn't gotten to know her guards like she should have. She was basically a vegetable for a month and she only knew them for a week beforehand.

"Alright then we will take you home, " Emmett gave her a hug and Galor went and did a sweep of the room. "Good luck."

They both left and Galor said with a dark look "All clear except for the councilman who can pose a threat."

"Yes Galor, I know. I would like to know you and Sachell better. I am sorry I haven't had time to talk to you, " Clara smiled at him and he nodded. She walked inside and faced the councilman awake for the first time since the ring was put on. "Hello Councilman Brento. I have a request."

"Hello Clara. I am glad to see you could finally come to school. I am sorry I couldn't stop them from putting that ring on you. I will do anything I can for your request, " Brento gave a sad smile but then he noticed Clara's smile that look like something bad was about to happen.

"I don't know how much you can do but I don't think I can get this ring off. Instead I wish to overcome it. Make my abilities so strong that only I can control it and not some technopath who thinks he's great, " Clara said confidently and went to sit into her desk.

"They said I can't take it off. The council never mentioned helping you surpass the ring. I can do that Clara. Let's begin by seeing how suppressed your abilities are all together," Brento smiled and together than began working on it. It wasn't much progress but she can read a thought and create very small objects. It was a start.

Instead of going to her elements class, Brento sent a note and they continued to work. She could squeeze out the tiniest bit of an infliction. Brento could feel it but just barely and she could heal a paper cut. They worked well together and then it was lunchtime. Her abilities were weak but not gone entirely.

At lunch she sat with Emmett, Avery and Philip had joined them. She told him what she was doing and even though he thought it was a bad idea trusting Brent he saw the little hope in her eyes. "Look I can send short messages," Clara smiled because she didn't even say anything. She had told all three of them at once her progress with her telepath and the small tiny hint if inflicting. "See. He is the one who can advance me, he is the oldest there is. "

"I guess it was smart trusting him. Good job Clara, we will all help after school and maybe we can find a healer that wouldn't mind helping you out, " Philip smiled that his sister saw the bright side. She wouldn't be kept down for too long.

"Well maybe we can have Elijah. I know it's not the same as healer but he is a doctor and knows about healing, " Clara shrugged and looked down. "I am already getting a lot of people in trouble, no point in hurting anyone else. Elijah has already shown he is against this entirely. "

"Yes he has that is very true. Mom and dad would help too. There are a lot of people on your side Clara," Philip looked at Avery and Emmett. "You got to go to healing class now. Be careful and don't show that you can heal a little with the ring. They do report to the council."

"I know. I need some helping getting there though, " Clara sighed and looked at Emmett and Avery.

"Of course, " they both said in unison and they all walked to her health class. Together they all had a plan to work this. Clara wasn't alone anymore and that scared her the most. Being alone means no one cares about her but now she has friends and some of the council who cares too.

After reading all of her healing lesson, she headed home with Emmett and Avery but when they got there, some girl from school was there waiting for her. "Hello Clara. My name is Annabelle and I would love to help you with the ring."

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