
Yamada Reina

'I wonder if I can ever live a life like a normal teen.'

On the rooftop of a Chinese school building a girl sits on the ground, her face covered with a black mask and her long black hair loosely on her shoulders with a pair of white earphones in her ears, sitting in her school uniform she wonders, 'Can I live a normal life?'.

The door of the rooftop is suddenly kicked open with great force, the girl looks to her left but does not bother getting up, instead she pulls out a packet of smokes and a lighter, taking a cigarette out the girl continues to light it up.

"Oi you bitch, if I don't kill you today I don't know how I'm going to face everyone!" The person who kicked the door open yells to the girl on the ground, "You're the girl who seduced my boyfriend, huh? What? You sold your drugs to him and then grabbed his attention when no one was around, you slut!" The girl that yelled started speed walking to the girl on the ground, she bends down to the girls level, with a smug look she lifts her hand up and swings down.

"Who gave permission to touch me?" The girl on the ground slaps the other girls hand away, "Oh and who would want your boyfriend anyway, you're not the only girl who he sleeps around with don't forget that." She stands up throwing her used cigarette on the ground and steps on it, "Right I'm too busy, if you don't have nothing else to say I'm off" the girl calmly says and walks off.

"Yah! Get back here, I'll beat you to death!" The girl yells at the figure leaving the rooftop with no care. Annoyed she throws her phone to the ground and smiles, "I'll get you back, just you wait" she whispers.

Yamada Reina, is a Japanese girl living in China, she's 17 years old in 11th grade at high school. Attends a school that has a gang, just like most schools in her area, she isn't apart of any gangs but she provides drugs to them or to anyone that can afford it. Know as the mysterious female dealer in Yunnan. No friends and only a grandma who she needs to support.

In junior high school (7-8th grade) she and her best friend were both bullied by her classmates, her closet friend had then committed suicide because of others actions, Reina too had suicidal thoughts but knew no one would look after her grandma or care if she were gone, so she didn't but instead she grew strong.

Ever since that time Reina grew strong in her own way, she didn't seek revenge but instead minded her own business and went on with the days. Earning money her own way and living her own way.

'Ring Ring' as Reina leaves the rooftop the school bell rings.

Reina is sitting in the back of the classroom on the 4th flour waiting for her teacher to show up to class, looking outside she watches as the tress drift with the wind, thinking about her best friend and the beautiful times they had.


"Reina! Reina! Hahah, come here!", a girl with short black hair waving at Reina as she has a huge smile on her face, "Awhhh I missed you, look what I got your favourite, ta da~" she pulls out 'Fuwarinka Rose Candy'.

"Thank you Akiko" Reina says as she pats Akiko's head, "let's go, class will start soon" Reina starts to walk off but not too far as she waits for her friend.

"Coming!" Akiko yells as she runs behind Reina and jumps on her back, "but you need to piggy back ride me there as payment for the candy" Akiko says to Reina laughing.

*End of Flashback*

"Reina!" Reina looks up to the voice that is yelling at her, "are you awake now? Spacing off in my classroom how dare you!" The teacher yells as he slams the board eraser on his stand.

"Sorry" she says and does a tiny bow.

"This is your last warning before you can leave my classroom." Focussing on the class Reina forgets all thoughts she just had.

"Class is dismissed" the teacher says as he walks out of the classroom. The class starts to get noisy, Reina grabs her earphones and puts them in listing to music to drain out the noise. She gets up from her chair and walks out of the classroom as her classmates eyes linger on her till she leaves.

She walks down the hallway minding her business until she turns a corner and bumps into someone.

"Sorry, are you okay?" A arm grabs her forearm to steady her, "I didn't see you though it looks like you're alright" the person says.

Reina looks up as she meets a pair of eyes Hiro, Hiro is the gang leader of the school his family name is unknown, he wore a black hoodie that covered his school uniform as well as his black hair. Looking down at her with an expressionless gaze she looks back at him with the same expressionless face.

"I'm good, thanks" Reina says and she walks away not at all scared to face him.

As Reina walks away Hiro watches her as a small smile appears on his lips that is rarely seen.

"Yah is Hiro smiling?" One of his friends mention.

"No way" Another comments.

"Got nothing better to do? Piss off." Hiro says throwing them a glare as he puts his hands in his pants pockets and walks away.

First chapter to be published. If you have noticed any mistakes please comment them. Thank you for reading.

CiaoCarocreators' thoughts
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