
Stolen Heart

"This island is a prison for me." A tall and very large man with tan skin, curly hair, and a full-body tattoo stood in front of Ace, Blue, and Moana with a confident smile on his face.

Ace and Blue were a little bit surprised "Oi, Oi, Oi, this is far intense for a welcome." Ace shook his head as the fire on his hair turned down.

"And who the hell are you guys anyway?!" The man asked.

"That's our question!!" Blue said, pointing at the man. Moana just peeked her head from behind Blue and didn't dare say a word as she still can feel everyone still on guard in front of that man.

The man frowned "You came to my home, so, who are you?" he asked while making his hair.

"You said this is a prison," Ace added with a smile.

"Tsk! Alright, My name is Maui, the demi-god, the shape-shifter, the unbeatable...etc. you get the idea." The man kissed his muscles and spoke.

"Maui?" Ace frowned, feeling like he just remembered something.

"Maui, huh? I think I have heard that name before..." Blue also thought with his hand on his chin.

"OH MY GOD!!" Moana screamed "MAUI!!" she skipped past Ace and Blue and ran towards Maui "MAUI! I have been looking for you all along!!" But just before she could get past Ace, he grabbed her hair "OW!!" Moana grabbed her hair from the pain and a little tear on her cheeks.

"You have been looking for me? what? you want an autograph? haha! i am happy to comply, but i need to go!" Maui finished making his hair.

"Go where?" Ace asked.

"I will leave this island..." Maui said as he grabbed a fallen tree and started walking.

"hey! hold on! you can't just walk off like this!" Moan stood up "You need to return the heart!!" When those words left Moana's mouth, Maui stopped in his track and froze in his place. Moana removed the sand off her body and Ace let her go "Maui, I am Moana of Motunui, I am here after a long journey to let you return the heart of Te-Fiti." Moana took out her necklace and showed Maui a green shiny stone.

"THE HEART OF WHAT?!!!" Blue shouted in shock "OH HELL NAH!! LORD!!" He started screaming.

Ace closed his ears from his voice "Man, you hurt my ears, what is going on with you?" Ace said.

Maui turned slowly "Listen, little girl, you get that thing out of my face, right now," He said in a low voice.

Moana felt a chill in the air, but she wouldn't back down and pushed the stone into Maui's face. Seeing that she wasn't intimidated, Maui smiled and chuckled, and then he grabbed the stone fast and throw it in the ocean "NO!!" Moana shouted.

"Hahaha!! that solves it!!" Maui laughed, but then he was hit in the face with a stone, the same stone he threw in the ocean "...Did not...see that coming." He said, not very impressed.

"Oh thank god!" Moana grabbed the stone dearly "Why would u do that?!" She asked angrily.

Maui sighed and just pushed Moana to the side "Alright, I am leaving. Maui walked past Ace and Blue "Thanks for the ship, guys!" He waved at them as he walked.

"Hm? what do you mean?" Blue asked.

"Are you coming with us?" Ace asked while crossing his hands.

"Hahaha, No. It means I am taking the ship, you guys can stay as much as you want here." Maui said as he took a big leap towards the ship.

And then as he was about to land on the ship, Ace flashed in front of him and kicked him in the face, mid-air sending him flying back to the island, crashing into the sand. Ave landed on the ship and then jumped back to the island "Good job, A. This guy has some explaining to do ." Blue said.

Moana had her eyes wide open, once again she couldn't see a thing "What happened?" she mumbled.

And from the rubble that was formed by Maui smashing into some rocks, Maui stood up after being buried under falling rocks "Did also not see that coming." Maui tapped the dust off his body and walked back "That was some hard punches man. But I won't let you go easy of you stood in my way, give me your ship and you will live." Maui said.

Ace sighed, he smiled "Really? I just kicked you in the face, and you still think you can go past me?"

Maui punched a rock and picked a shard that looked sharp enough to be a spear and smiled "Don't blame me, I wi--" Before he can finish his words, Ace disappeared and appeared right above Maui's head "WH-" And then, with a lightning punch, Ace struck Maui to the head burying him in the ground and creating a massive shockwave.

Moana was sent flying, Blue had to fly and grab her "I got you, CoconutHead!" He said.

After the dust settled, Ace was revealed standing on Maui's body with one leg on his head "You still think u can take my ship?" Ace asked with a smirk.

"No." Maui raised his arms a little, much to Ace's displeasure.

'True I didn't use any of my powers, but...' Ace touched his chin 'What is wrong with everyone being os tough in this world?' He thought.

"Alright, Alright people. settle down because I have some major questions?" Blue clapped his hands together, he throws Moana down and walked to Ace and Maui.

"What?" Ace asked as he looked at Blue.

"First of all, I want to ask this..." Blue cleared his throat and smiled before "WHY IN THE SEVEN FUCKS IS THE HEART OF TE-FITI OUT OF THE CENTER ISLAND??!!" He shouted, pointing at the green stone in Moana's hands.

Ace backed off from the scream as it hurts his ears, he doesn't like loud shouts, funny thing from a man who makes thunder. Maui stood up feeling some pain in his neck from Ace's punch, his skull was almost smashed "Erm...well, the thing is..." He mumbled.

"I can answer that question." Moana walked to the group and spoke "The reason for that is because of him." She pointed at Maui who looked the other way while everyone was looking at him "He was the one who stole the heart from Te-Fiti."

"What?! why would you do that?" Blue asked.

"To get his hands on the life creation energy from the heart," Moana answered again, her eyes were judging Maui really hard.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't put all the blame on me." Maui dismissed the idea and spoke "I only stole the heart for you mortals, so you can have the power to create life. I only did as you asked." Maui responded as he poked Moana's forehead.

Ace took a seat on a nearby rock, he crossed his legs and just observed "Is this what I get for helping mortals?! Shunned? Hated? and imprisoned?!" Maui spoke with some pain in his voice.

"And now those mortals ask you again to return the heart! and save them from death!" Moana said as she shoved the heart into Maui's hands.

Maui returned the heart "Noway! keep the life creation energy that you always wanted!" Maui "I am not returning to fight those monsters!"

"We don't even know how to create life with a rock!" Moana returned the stone.

Blue facepalmed himself "You guys realize that rock has no life energy, and it can't create a thing, right?" He asked making Maui and Moana freeze in place as they looked at him with a dumbfounded expression that says 'What?!'

"But this is Te-Fiti's heart, the source of her powers!" Moana said with disbelieve.

"That thing you have in your hand is Te-Fiti's heart, yes. But it can't do shit if it is not connected to Te-Fiti's life tablet that is connected to the world's heart which has no use for humans or any life form other than Te-Fiti. what you people did is just switching off the power source of the world." Blue shook his head in disappointment " I don't know how humanity got so retarded to think they have a tool to create life with. And now, for that reason, Te-Fiti is now searching for her lost heart, and she will kill everything in her path until nothing is left but the heart, she will reclaim her heart, and then start a new life, a new world, and a new humanity. Congratulations, you doomed us all." Blue said with a smile on his face, but on the inside of his mind, He was pissing on Maui's dead body after he was burned.

"T-Then? can't we just return the heart?" Moana asked.

"Oh absolutely, we just have to get past a few Titans and Monsters," Blue said.

"Oh hell no!! I am not fighting that volcanic titan again!!" Maui said.

"Sadly my friend, you are already in this," Blue said, pointing at Ace "He will make sure of it." He said.

Ace stood up and with a wave of his hand, lightning rods surrounded Maui and bonded him to the ground after stunning his nervous system paralyzing him temporarily "We will leave this island, Blue, clear this mist off us, and let us go return the heart. "Ace spoke as he took the heart from Moana "It is safer with me." He said.

"WAIT, I didn't sign up for any of this, you want to get killed, go, just leave me out of it." Maui spoke.

"Don't worry, none of us will die, haha!" Ace smiled "We will sacrifice you to pass safely!"

"HUH!!" Maui felt his feet going cold before he noticed Ace and Blue holding their laughter "off! yeah, yeah, very funny." Maui frowned, clearly not very amused.

And so, another person was added to the journey and the ship set sail again, and this time to it's last destination...The World's Center, Te-Fiti.


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