
Chapter 5

After 5 months 30% of the continent belonged to Angel, how will you say? They were by the elves archers but they were not mere archers but archers of the black forest was one of the best archery units of the whole game, an eagle view, a perfect control of the bow, being one with nature, the cloaks of stealth, were perfect for the Hunting and espionage were the elite of the elves, they were in charge of killing the commanders in battles, in killing the royal family of the kingdom and so on.

On the dark continent there were 3 empires, an empire ruled by demons, an empire ruled by men, and finally, one ruled by necromancers, for now, Angel will attack the latter because he wanted to prove a theory.

After a week the elves brought a necromancer archmage, by his appearance could not be described in words but compared to the orcs he looked good, ordering the necromancer if he can revive by this order, man, gogo, orc, Uruk and elf, seeing this the necromancer had no choice but that was that or to be killed, it took a few seconds to revive the man, so he knew of necromancy Angel this would be called zombie ordered a goblin to kill the zombie, first he stabbed the man's chest but not seeing reaction attack the heart but he didn't die then the goblin cut off his head as he expected died.

After reviving the dead goblin, it took him a dozen seconds but finally revived the death process was the same as the previous one, the next one was the orc this time it took exactly 15 minutes, he doesn't know why but Angel did like the previous one died when they cut off his head, the next one was the Uruk but this was different no matter that he did not revive and as Angel suspected the orcs and goblins are the corruption of men but the Uruks are special they are an elite version, therefore, it is a corruption of corruption and the last one black forest elf was killed trying to capture the necromancer, the necromancer trying to revive him but the only thing he revived was a backlash to only die.

Seeing this Angel had a smile on his face, his troops are the undoing of the necromancers, he immediately had them call Lurtz, I order him to prepare all the Uruks and huargos, they went to war, but gave him a record time that at the same time there was a reward, what Lurtz asks not to be much, Angel thinks.

After 10 months Lurtz achieved the record time of the conquest in just 5 months the other 5 used them to rebuild the cities by connecting them to the network of tunnels of the other conquered kingdoms.

During that time I trained the elves, everything I knew, to tell you the truth they were like sponges they absorbed everything I said or did, if they used to be the elite now they are the elite of the elite, very terrifying thought Angel.

I am not unnoticed by the other empires and this caused the two empires to come together and plan how they would face this new threat. Several days later the royalty of the two empires came together but were ambushed by the black forest elves, ambushing only hard a few minutes this demonstrates the abilities of the attackers, now only the emperors were with their empress and ministers of defense.

In the distance, you could see a dragon was of average size but with a great crimson and black armor and above it was a tall man even for it (Angel measures 1.95cm), if someone told him that it is the reincarnation of darkness they would believe him the only colors he had are her tan brown skin tone, the seams of her clothes that are gold and the laces dark but there was something she had on (headphones) in her ears but not knowing what it was ignored it.

"I guess it's the emperors and with their empress, I'm not going to hurt them for now, I just want to talk like civilized people."

After several hours of tense talk Angel kidnapped the two undertakers, the others? In Drogoth's stomach, at nightfall Angel was in a very satisfying quartet, first, the empress stripped naked and began serving Angel and Kalatras, Angel with an almost infinite resistance offensive to the three women, the empress demon hard a 15 rounds, the human empress about 10 and Kalatras about 20 but Angel could last 45 rounds 'nothing bad' he said to himself but in the next instant his mouth was penetrated by a mischievous tongue, belonged to Kalatras and so she seemed not tired. As always the only witnesses of the moans were spiders and bats.

Another 10 months passed, the two empires attacked each other, it was normal the two emperors were supposed to come together but no return, as they always blamed the other empire, of so many fights their soldiers were tired and with wounds of all gravity. But this was not wasted by Angel, in only 10 months the empires were quickly consumed, but the most problematic was the empire of demons as his name says had demons of all kinds gula, battle, pride, etc. any kind of demon that you are The Uruks fought, but they aroused ancient demons, the Balrogs were demons of fire and darkness, thanks to them they easily conquered the gifts.

In less than 2 years in which he has conquered an entire empire, for now the races he has are goblins, orcs, Uruk-hai, and elves but now he was only missing the men of the west, dwarves, and Angmar but does not know how to get them.

'I think I heard that there was a continent purely made of mountains, hills and mountain ranges, and as an advantage, there are only a few kingdoms, capable when it destroys a kingdom and have a sub-Terran city I can beat the dwarves but this is just an idea... ok when I fully control the dark continent, set sail for the continent of the rock"

About 2 weeks passed quietly until the whole dark continent trembled, feeling this Angel was immediately outside his fortress and there he was, the infamous mountain of fate where the ring of power was created, and Angel in the distance saw someone riding towards him.

"My lord, the mount of destiny appeared and this only means one thing, Mr. Sauron will appear but also the amount of destiny was called forge of fate, my master I think it is time for him to take his ring and weapon, only of the order, my king and we will prepare the best metals all over this continent," he said deeply

"If... Agree bring the materials and bring my magic tools, I will create my power ring and my weapon... Warlock king, I wait for you the mountain of fate" and the next instant Angel chiefly, and in the distance appeared a dark-black huargo in a great silver armor, Angel climbed up and went straight to the mount of fate and the sorcerer-king was doing as he was told.

It took several days to reach the center of the continent, when he arrived he could feel the heat emanating from the mountain, but he was only at the base of the mountain, a short time later the sorcerer-king appeared.

"My lord, the materials and tools will arrive in a few hours, does my master want to see the forge?"

"If we go up..."

It took a few minutes to reach the entrance to the center of the mountain of fate, had entered the mouth of a cave and at the next instant a wave of heat fluttered the clothes of Angel and the warlock king. And in the center of the mountain there was a straight path made of stone and an anvil at the end of the road.

Arriving at the center they looked in more detail at the state of the anvil, even the sorcerer-king does not know what the anvil was made of but it seemed polished as if they had cleaned it before they arrived but when they looked at the center of the anvil there was a ring mold Now he knows what he had to do and at just a couple of mountain trolls with chests on his back, one was full of materials and the other full of magical fire-resistant tools when he saw this Angel just smiles.

For several weeks the whole continent was hearing hammer blows to metal, meanwhile, the forge of fate roared from 'happiness' to see object angel was created with the help of the witch king's magic, these blows and roars echoed during several more weeks.

The continent over the past few weeks had been filled with black clouds as night, but now the whole continent trembled so much that if there was a serious scale of a 15.6. and as a sun the mountain of fate threw a flame in his mouth so high that he threatened to burn the sky, these phenomena threatened to destroy everyone, hours later the earth began to calm down, the cause of this Angel and warlock king had not realized but they knew that if they were distracted, they'd both be dead.

Now the mountain of destiny reacted giving its essence to the created ring, the ring was black that threatened to consume the colors of the world, it was just as black as a hole wanting to eat everything, inside the rings were the language of Mordor and the elves together with the language of this world while being filled with magic and runes, there was a space unfilled was all covered or with power or runes.

Angel lifted the ring at the height of his eyes and I appreciate it, weeks of pure effort, now to finish the ring Angel cut off his hand so bathing the ring with his blood but the weirdest thing was that the ring absorbed all the blood not waste a drop. And once again the whole mountain of fate roared but now with flames much more dangerous than the previous one, instead of being yellow the flame was black with silver colors if someone just grazed this flame will only have to die, the person would instantly become Dust.

Now inside the ring was a black flame with silver accents that threatened to come out but quickly relaxed because Angel stuck the ring on the middle finger of the right hand this caused Angel's beauty to increase even more, but also increase his power.

[Please name your power ring]

'a name... I'm going to put the name of the first ñancufil'

"The name of my power ring is... Galvarino"

[From now on we will be called Galvarino, master please listen carefully

If it wasn't for the mountain I would never have been born, thank you

But now, you know that this world will not be your limit

There will be many worlds to conquer, the limit is your memories master

It doesn't matter what world it is, anime, manga, games but

First you'll have to completely conquer the whole world

Be sea, earth and sky but if they are worlds like star wars then...

I would have to conquer the universe of that world but with its builders my master...]

Angel was speechless for the first time in his two lives, being blank for several minutes...

[I love... if it's what you think, you can go to any danmachi world, highschool dxd

Fairy tail, naruto, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, anyone you remember can conquer

Any form of conquest counts whether it's bad or good to count as conquest]

If the other thing I leave blank then this I leave it transparent, you do not know how to respond to this now you will simply have to accept it whether you want it or not.

*extremely long sigh*

"ok... Ok... ok..."

He repeated the same word for several minutes until his gaze returned but now with this information he would not be happy to conquer this world alone then he glanced at the eastern sorcerer-king although he did not produce sweat he could feel something falling on his forehead.

"Witch King now your top priority is to investigate the magic of space and time no matter what resources you need, I'll just tell me I'll get them, and when the time comes, also tell these orders to Saruman and Gandalf... you expect shu to run"

'I wonder what the next world I'll conquer...' but his thoughts were for Galvarino.

[Master remember that I am an inert ring, please don't tell anyone even Kalatras

Especially to that 'god', I am an anomaly that activate my consciousness was his blood

I also have the function of becoming anything spear, bow, a firearm

A forging hammer, and industrial machinery to a woman with her beauty standards

But I only remember... I will always be with your teacher... or wants me to call him a husband...]

"Just call me by my name Galvarino, besides it shows by far that you are an anomaly do not worry I will not say anything to anyone... and I'll be trusting you now."

Days later Angel set sail to the continent of the rock along with 5 hordes of Uruks and 15 battalions of black forest archers, and builders Uruks and Elves.

A month after destroying a kingdom, hordes of goblins and goblin builders arrived, ordering the goblins if there was an underground entrance, only to receive news that there were ruins beneath the capital.

They were like the captured city of Moria, there were massive columns but instead of being goblins were the guardians, phalanxes and ax launchers, and dwarf builders. Seeing this brought a smile on Angel's face, in the game this was a race he liked the most because it was the strongest whether artillery, infantry, buildings, or resources the only ones who surpassed them or were the same were Isengard or Angmar.

Angel asked the dwarf for the plans, there was the dwarf fortress, the barracks, the archery gallery (and axes), the forge, the bonfire, the heroic statue and the most important of all the mine, as he used rails for transport now arrive faster and safer Why would he say for sure? Because now the wagons will be pulled by rails and that means that the wagons would now not be modified to be carried by trolls, would cause the wagons to pass through those in front of them and withstand blows and explosions that would kill a common Belerofonte(es a beast that makes it weigh about 12 tons easily, you would have to use powerful magic just to do some damage, imagine if it hits someone).

Several months have passed since the arrival of the dwarves, he expected frequent fights but when the goblins were found, orcs and Uruks and dwarf only look for a while and return to what they do... weird but at least there are no internal fights.

Many months more the content of the rock was conquered, with the artillery of Uruks and fused dwarves able to easily destroy the walls and gates of any city, Angel wanted to send the Uruk-hai but wanted to prove the effectiveness of the dwarves only to be satisfied but not like the faction of evil, they killed those who did not surrender but the innocent did not even dedicate a look to them, they did not consider them dangerous.

Thanks to the dwarves he wondered what was happening if he treated the people well, in those months people joined Angel's side even though they could not get along with the evil faction got along better with the dwarves, thanks to that he was able to get the men of the valley.

In those months I test Galvarino's effectiveness as a companion, she seemed to have infinite resistance but ended up falling tired on Angel's chest, he didn't know why this happened when she was sleeping with women, sometimes she wondered seriously if she was a sex machine but since he found no answer to his doubt I simply ignore him.

I was doing this by listening to rap if you want to know what you were listening to put this in google search engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiRLsZk6S68&t=729s

and if they know Spanish, they will be surprised by the punchlines and bars that release the freestylers of Argentina, chile, españa, mexico and venezuela

Galvarinocreators' thoughts
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