
The looks that actually killed

Basically, my book is told from the perspective of a male named Ben who unknowingly married an evil sadistic woman named Wendy.

Joi_Esco · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: In the name of love

That one date led to many more, and before I knew it we had started dating. I knew it was meant to be, so I thought. That woman was my muse she knew all my weaknesses, and all my strengths. Three years had gone by and I had finally got up the courage to ask her to marry me. And of course, she said yes but that was just the beginning to my end. She knew that she could manipulate me with her beauty, she also knew that I would flip the whole world on its bottom for her as well. She used that against me, she used my love for her as a way to control me. She had me wrapped around her evil little finger and she knew it, she knew that I would do anything she asked me to. When I was younger I used to tell my siblings that if I ever got married, I would follow my own rules and obey my own terms, not the ways of a woman. But here I was falling into her little trap, like the simp that I am. She tricked me, she made me believe that she actually loved me when in reality, she was only in it for the money. 9 years had gone by since I asked that devil to be my wife, we had five children together 3 boys, and two girls. They are the only thing that keeps me going for so long, one day I actually thought about filing for a divorce, ohh my god, she had a fittt. That was the last night I had ever seen the light of another day literally. If anyone was to ask what happened, I would say that it was the looks that killed me.