1 chapter 1

Anna quickly woke at the first light of morning. she had barely slept the night before as she was filled with excitement. Her heart fluttered each time the thought of leaving crossed her mind. Throwing on her light pink dress that reached just below her knees quickly braiding her unruly strawberry curls that fell well beyond her waist then slipping on her white flats she grabbed her trunk and quietly made her way out of the house, making sure she didn't even wake the cat that was sleeping on the back of the couch.

quickly making her way out the door shutting the squeaky door as quietly as she could. as soon as the door was shut she turned and took off running towards the train station. a big smile lit up her face as she set her eyes upon the little sigh that said "buy tickets here!"

running up to the booth she smiled at the man and said "1 ticket to Blue Moon city please."

after buying the ticket she ran to the train and quickly made her way to her cabin with her train ticket number on it."97"

once she reached the cabin she slid her trunk above her seat. sitting and leaning her head on the window she watched as the small town she was born and raised in slowly grew smaller until it disappeared completely in the distance. she let her eyes close as the sleepless night caught up to her.

Anna awoke from her nap looking out the window as she wiped the sleep from her eyes. noticing it was dark out, she must have slept the entire day. the train was supposed to arrive in Blue moon city in the early morning anyways. she groaned as she stretched her aching muscles, staying the say position for a long period of time would do that to you.

Deciding it was time to release her hair from its confinement, she pulled the long, now messy braid in front of her. she made it half way through the braid when she heard someone let out a deep sigh.

Startled she looked up and saw a strikingly beautiful woman intently staring at her. "Did you know that you have the cutest snore." Anna didn't really know if it was a question or a statement. this woman has been here this whole time and she hasn't noticed at all? what on earth??

"Oh. Uh no I didn't know that, but thank you I think."

the woman rested her elbow on her knee and her chin on her hand. she stared for a second at Anna then smirked and said "Hmm you're very welcome love."

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