
Chapter 1: The Angel of Snow

One night, month of December of that year, while the war between england and france was warm and intense, the air was as cold as ice at that time as a sign of the approaching christmas.

A woman aged twenty-five came to the door of the orphanage. Her head was covered and she was wearing winter clothes to protect her from that cold moment. She slowly put down what she was carrying and at the same time she cried,

"I'm sorry my son." the woman sobbed and she knocked on the door and quickly left with tears in her eyes that she could not stop. All that was left was a cry that seemed to seek the warmth of a mother's embrace.

That same night the old nun heard a baby crying, so she looked at it outside the door and there she saw the crying baby boy,

"Jesus Christ.! Angel of snow.!" the nun just mentioned.

At sunrise, the baby was still crying. At the same time, he frowned and his eyes swelled with tears. Its body is covered with a thick scurf but regardless of the baby's white skin and yellow hair.

"Who else left the baby at the door of this orphanage ?! Do they think the government has a lot of funds for us ?!" the anger of the old nun could be seen in her voice, she was sister Gloria, at the age of fifty and it was noticeable that she was rude as if she was in her sixties.

Later, a nun came and took the baby from sister Gloria. Sister Brenda carried the baby, which caused her to stop crying. Sister Brenda is in her thirties and has good qualities.

"Sister Gloria, what shall we name to him.?" Sister Brenda asked kindly.

"You take care of that baby." sister Gloria's low response.

Later, Sister Brenda noticed the scarf wrapped around the baby and read the embroidered name on it,

"George Adamson."

A puzzling name to them is that it is possible that his mother gave him the name. And that's exactly what they named the boy who looked like a snow angel.

Five years later,

As usual life in an orphanage if someone leaves, someone will also come there. That is what the young people living here as well as Sister Gloria are accustomed to because at her age she has also raised almost some young people in some way of her discipline.

Raising a child is not that easy especially if they have different behaviors and despite a turbulent time and place. But despite that, the management of the orphanage remained intact because also by sister Brenda. They did not consider that home to be large, with two floors, several classrooms and upstairs was their room. In the back, you can see a park where young people often stay to have fun every day they are there.

At that time, in the park they were playing, George who was then five years old, he was with John Paul, Sebastian and Louis who were both his age and Samuel who was two years older than them. While Sister Brenda was watching over them, an old woman and a four-year-old girl came into the park. The child's stupidity and puffy eyes can be noticed.


"Do not hesitate to help the needy."

- Eichra17