
The Lich System [DROPPED]

This story is dropped for the foreseeable future.

Galaxy_2941 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Rune Carving

Rune carving is one of my skills, I also have the [Runes] tab. After learning that I can carve runes I immediately thought about enchanting objects but didn't have the time to do it. Now that I'm in a safe area I can experiment with Rune Carving.

"So I can put a rune on anything?"


"Can I set a trap using a rune?"

[It is possible]

"Alright then, I remember this one anime where the main character has an AI that could do all kinds of things, but the name escapes me" I say "can you formulate a rune formation for me out of my unlocked runes?" I ask

[Would you like me to create a basic rune formula?]



[10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%]


[Rudimentary Anti-Life Zone

Create a 10 ft sphere of Death magic that sucks the vitality out of any living creature and gives it to the drawer. Must be placed on a flat surface to activate.]

I look at my reference and begin to scratch the runic formula into the ground with the runes I have available. Being rudimentary it wasn't too complicated but I needed a power source.

"Now… how do I power this thing?" I ask the system

[You must create a Mana gem of Common rarity]

"Right… how do I do that?"

[Simply condense your mana until it crystalizes. It should take 100 Mana]

"Seriously? That's half my mana!" I sigh "Fine" I begin to condense my mana for a few hours before it starts to crystalize and creates a small pitch black ball. And I sigh as it falls into my hand finally "Fuck that took a long time"

[Congratulations! You have created a [Crude Common Mana Gem] and unlocked the [Mana Gem Crafting] Skill!]

"Great… Now how do I regain my man quickly? I guess it would be meditating?" I shrug and sit down in the lotus position and level my breathing… I felt stupid.

I kept breathing deeply and trying to empty my mind, only focusing on drawing in more energy. After a few hours of this I get a notification.

[Congratulations! You have unlocked the [Meditation] skill]

I sigh "finally" I look at my stats now.


Name: Varen Nightshade

Class: Necromancer

Level: 5 (10/500)

Health: 50/50

Stamina: 30/30

Mana: 200/200

AP: 0

Strength: 1

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 20

Magic: 20

Speed: 3

Agility: 3

Charisma: 10

Luck: 11

Spells: Necrotic Bolt Lv. 1, Animate Lesser Corpse Lv. 1, Horrid Laughter Lv. 1, Necrotic Healing Lv. 1

Skills: Prepare Lesser Corpse Lv. 1, Butcher Corpse Lv. 1, Rune Carving Lv. 1, Mana Gem Crafting Lv. 1, Meditation Lv. 1]

"Good. I'm surprised I could stay in that position for so long…" I trail off as I notice the various mummified goblin bodies surrounding me. I look back to Merlin and Rattlebones but they just stare back at me blankly. "Jesus…" I say as I get up and stretch "welp, let's get out of here shall we? It's about time I actually got some sunlight." I say to myself and start heading in the opposite direction the goblins came from because I assume that the more goblins there are then it's deeper inside the dungeon.

It doesn't take long before I found a large swirling blue portal, I had no incidents along the way and I haven't seen any people and if modern media has taught me anything then that either means this place hasn't been discovered yet… or this world has what is usually referred to as 'instance dungeons' where you can go in a group at a time but people cant join you afterwards.

"System, can I unsummon minions?" I asked

[Yes, just cast the [Animate Lesser Corpse] spell but in reverse]

"Ah, I see" I do so and the mana from the skeletons disappear and cause the skeletons to crumble into dust "goodbye I guess…" I say before entering the swirling portal.