
The trial (part-1)

In the Black star sect at this moment, four young human males were kneeling on the ground bound in chains in a room filled with ice giants who were demanding the lord of the sect for their blood.

The female giant was smiling with a smug look on her face. Everyone was in her support. Everything was going according to her plans.Now all that was left to do was for the lord to pass on his judgement.

Kill them! Filthy humans! We should just exterminate their whole species! disgusting! were the words that could be heard in the room.

While everyone in the room was shouting and glaring at the humans as if they would eat them up. The man on the throne silently gazed at the four youths.

While his friends were scared to death about what awaits them while looking at the angry giants who were itching to rip them to shreds at any moment. Johan was focused on the man sitting on the throne. He was watching him intently trying to figure out what he was thinking but the man did nothing but kept staring at them in silence. He kept running his brains to fullest, trying to find a way out of their predicament.

He did not understand how did they ended up here. After one of the elder's disciple shared with them the secrets about spirits and where to find them and how to form a contract with them. They have prepared for months, lying to their parents about their whereabouts and scouting the forest borders searching for the spirits or its conduits mentioned by the disciple. He said to them that a person who forms a contract with an elemental spirit could achieve endless power in the field of magic.

And that it could could also cure his problem of not being able to use magic. Even after two years of his comming of age he wasn't able to use magic so in the hopes of getting a solution for his problem he and his friends kept scouting the outskirts of the forest but didn't find anything. The thought of entering deeper into the woods kept coming on their minds but none of them dared to do so. They didn't knew what dangers awaited for them in those woods and without knowing the pathways of the forest, going deeper would have been just plain suicidal.

It was only after the disciple provided them with a proper map and pointed them out the safest routes of the forest and the position of the Frost flowers did they got the courage to enter the deepest parts of the forests.

Even though the path they took was supposed to be safe there were many magical beasts living there so they moved with caution. They even managed to get to their destination and got the flowers. But everything went downstairs when the ice giant appeared. Where did they go wrong, how did the ice giant found them. She just appeared out of nowhere. Just when Johan was thinking this he noticed that everything was so quiet all of a sudden. When he looked around and saw that the people who were making a huge fuss on killing them moments ago swearing and shouting were now standing quietly.

When he looked forward the man on the throne was not sitting on it anymore. He was standing tall infront of them. Johan gulped in fear. The man infront of him was 10 feet tall. He appeared to be quite young and unlike the other giants he was quite handsome. He had sharp features with a long nose and thin lips and his eyes were brimming with purple flames. Upon his head there were several spikes that were in such order that it made it look like a crown. He wore a long black coat with silver embroidery and black pants. And he had a long bastard sword hanging on his hips and his left hand was resting above the hilt of the sword. And right now he was looking straight at Johan.

Stand up young man the man said to Johan. His voice was calm yet it had the authority of a ruler. Johan stood up slowly not knowing what will happen next. His gaze was on the man's hand resting at the sword. His throat was dry and his hands were sweating and legs were shaking making it difficult for him to stand.

Even after standing up Johan had to crane his neck to look at the giant. He felt like a dog standing infront of the giant. When he finally looked up in the giant's eyes the giant opened his mouth and said what do you have to say in your defence young man said the giant.