1 Prologue

"What is my child's condition ??" the King asked authoritatively wearing a beautiful red cape and also its elegant crown made of pure white gold surrounded by brilliant diamonds. The King's position reflects the authority and power of one of the great, wise, and honorable teachers who are capable of knowing the prophecy or the events that are in the future and the past.

That teacher is not old and looks young. He still looks like he is in his 30's but now has 5,000,042. And one of the destinies will be the overthrow of a heartless, merciless, greedy person who in other words he is wicked. You will not see the slightest good coming from the depths of his heart. It is full of anger, resentment, and evil.

"Your child is in good condition majesty" politely replied the sage. Even if the King wanted to go to his child, he could not do it because no one could teach and say what and where in the world she was. From the ability of the teacher, made a look like a projector or a device in the cinema and from there the King saw what he had long wanted to see, embrace, and be with. Tears welled up in the King's eyes because of his longing.

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