

"When i opened my eyes I realized I was back in my room.Someone else might have said that it was all a dream,but it really wasn't .I could see that my phone was in my pillow,a place i never let it to be.

Aric. How for pity's sake was he still alive. Maybe Arianna's photo wasn't real. I opened my phone and as soon as I did I got a message.

From Arianna.

In the message was the same photo she had shown me at the cafeteria, I checked the photo and saw that in the background was one of the most unmistakable house in the world.

The White House.

Which meant that Aric was in Washington DC. The White House was built on 1792, leaving me to realize that Arianna wasn't lying.

I laid in bed again.My nerves taking the best of me ,making me think endless scenarios of why he was still alive,but none of them truly explained how he had survived for about five hundred years.

Considering my mother had cut all connections with me ,there was only one place where i could get the answers I wanted.

I entered the temple at night. That way nobody could see me. I couldn't reach my mother ,so I had to find another way. Luckily I had discovered that way before I came down to Earth.

Lasiela,my mother's favorite. She was the first daughter Mother ever saved. Nobody knows how old she is exactly , but she is the oldest i have ever heard of ,beside mother ,of course.

During my training I came across a lot of my sisters who needed help ,but they were on earth so mother had cut connections with them.

That's how I firstly heard about Lasiela. Well,partly. I went spying on whoever mentioned her. Soon i made a plan with three steps that I followed on all my sisters.

1) I spied them and got their secrets

2) I blackmailed them

3) I learned about Lasiela.

Speaking of the devil,and it will appear.

Lasiela was sitting at the fountain in the middle of the museum. Her hair was silver white and it shined under the moonlight. Her crystal blue yes were focused on the water. At first sight she looked like a goodness ,but if you looked closely,her eyes were hopeless.There was no spark in them. Her sadness was also written all over her flawless face.

"What do you want?" she whispered. firstly I thought she was talking to herself but then she turned to look directly at me.

Somehow she had felt me staring at her, although I was in a considerable distance.

"I came here to ask for something" I said.

"Do you know the price that my knowledge requires?"she asked softly

Crap! I had been hoping to avoid that.

"Yes" I said.

"Normally, I should tell you to bring me the heart of a spirit, but with you I am deciding to negotiate differently. I will tell what you want to know and you will promise to bring Arianna to me for a visit." she said.

That was definitely weird,but a good deal.Although...

" I would never force Arianna to come and visit you."I said, because that was the truth. Arianna was the only of my sisters who I had the chance to meet with, although rarely it still counted.

"When the time comes she will be begging for my help,only then will you tell her about me." she explained with a sigh.

It took me one or two minutes to decide ,but then again I needed those answers. Desperately.

"Deal" I said

" Wonderful" she said and patted the place beside her on the fountain.