
The Legend of Igashu and Epala

A love story of a young couple meeting in an ancient time when dragons became extinct after the slaughtering of serpents. Igashu, who was a member of a clan that can forge healing bases, decided to wander back to their old village where they used to dwell. He was asked by one of the heads of their clan to eliminate all the serpents remaining and in return, she will make him one of the most powerful physicians inside their tribe. Epala who shapeshifted herself to a human form meets the person who seeks them dead and concludes to win his heart and eliminate him herself. 

Kyst_Flauvia · Fantasía
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22 Chs

The Free Will of the Crown Prince

Chapter 14:  The Free Will of the Crown Prince

  Amaya and her troops draw up their appearance inside the palace of the Akkad empire. Notifying the king of defeating their foe. Clamors and hooting from the soldiers were heeded, and as the townsfolk and the royal emperor witnessed their spree, the king mandated a feast to glorify their duties and patriotism to their emperor and to the townsfolk's safety.

"Without the warrioress, we wouldn't have accomplished a victory from the conflict of Subartu." 

"But why did the king demand a clash with Subartu? What was the sudden prospect of the king's reflection, what will benefit us afterward?" 

"I have managed to compile information  from the townsfolk, chattering about the association of the late emperor to the serpents."

Various soldiers gathered through and sorted their beliefs, tittle-tattling behind the emperor's intention of transporting his warriors to clash over the slightest complicated reason.

"Igashu, I have a message to convey…" -Moirai was halted from uttering her phrase when she was cut by Amaya. 

"Cassius, follow me to the camp. I have an important forum to announce." 

"Achcha warrioress" 

Igashu left Moirai, after whispering his phrase "let's hold our chat tardily" 

"Cassius, we are bound to reside on this island as per the king's order."

"Warrioress, can I raise a question?"

"Speak your query" 

"I ponder why the two of us are chatting about departing the island. Was it not for the whole team?"  

"Why ponder such a cunning qualm?" 

"Warrioress, I fathom the burden that I am out of commission to abandon the palace."-Igashu plunges his jaw in despair. 

"Are you ignoring the order of the emperor?"

"Warrioress, I am keen to ratify my sentence for disregarding the king's commission. But furthermore, I will not withdraw myself from the palace." 

"I will ask the emperor to discuss with you and your conclusion about not shoving off the island. You are excused"

Igashu makes tracks after expressing courtesy to the warrioress. While Amaya got on to the prince's quarter to hold a glance at the prince's condition. 


"Greetings to the royal highness of the Akkad empire." - Amaya muttered, expressing her courtesy to the prince. 

"How was his highness doing?" -Amaya pleaded to the royal physician. 

"His highness has yet become conscious from his rest, ensuing looking to the warrioress from the course of commotion." 

*Amaya nods*

"We'll call your audience once his highness gains his consciousness."

"To boot, allow me to step myself, for a moment."

"By the dint of holding his highness in fortune." -Amaya uttered, placing her hands on her bosom as she express her gratitude to the royal physician.

"The pleasure is all mine, warrioress." 

At the king's hall, the adherents of the royal blood forgather their dignity to honor the prince succeeding natal day (birthday)  

For the new age, he will pledge to his people as the modern sovereign of the Akkad empire. The crown prince shall not deny selecting a woman as his betrothed queen, as both will promptly be declared as the modern ruler of their nation. 

"Igashu Cassius~" 

I've often heeded the voice of a forbearing woman longing for my name. Subsequently the day we defeated Subartu in our clash. 


It keeps ringing into my right ear, leading me to discomfort as I saunter the palace to round and room the hall for protection.  


"Moirai" *veer his nape behind*

"Are you well? You seem bothered to me." 

"I'm alright…"


"To what degree was your first war?"

"It was cold for me to bear, witnessing the light of the moon shading on the deceased body of the warriors. It anxious my sanity, reckoning my existence would come to an end merely like them." 

"Hence why not end-"

"I have concluded to serve as a warrior and not as weakling unhindered Averchinary. I crave to break the knot as one of them. We Averchinariams are healers who mend the wounded and do not cause harm to others. But they cease to support no one, but barely to our kind."

"The vote is on you to be selected, and no one can profit from your notion." 

"I will…" 

Moirai's P.O.V

The new age is impending, in two shakes of a lamb's tail, the crown prince will flatter his people, ensuing to obtain his throne with the support of his betrothed queen. By then, Igashu will be seized by the Averchinariams and will be executed to his demise. 

I ponder what's the plausible conclusion if a sudden waver in my sanity would ensue. 

Would I fairly conserve him or forsake him? 

End of Moirai's P.O.V 

"Dorothy, where is the boy named Igashu, I expected your return, seizing the boy to be held back to this island."

"I beg your clemency, but the boy was under the defense of the 6th emperor of the Akkad empire, King Henry Guanyin" 


"Over and above that, to what degree will you seize Igashu from their hands?" 


" "Menders are forbidden to conjure chaos with the sixth emperors of the Akkad empire" was asserted by the soothsayer, thus I pleaded with them to dispatch Igashu when the seventh emperor was announced, your holiness" 


Each emperor who serves ten years of the ruling will expire when the crown prince reaches the age of twenty-one. Former emperors require the crown prince to have a child before being acknowledged as the modern sovereign of their nation, encompassing the precise age of twenty-one, the next emperor must rule.

Each nation has varied verdicts according to region. Elaba and Subartu disseminated diverse rulings of each king's heritage. 

"You are as wicked as your mother Edwina Sorrel"

*Dorothy scoffs* 

"Kaiden, allow me to head back to our den."

"Achcha holiness"

 Dorothy and her adherent Kaiden conceal their presence in their den while the townsfolk and the royal blood of the Akkad empire were promptly composing their efforts for the natal day of the crown prince. 

"Crown prince Artemis Guanyin, you are entrusted to admire your adolescence before you are acknowledged as a full-fledged emperor of the Akkad empire, the lone heir of your father's fortune will be yours in no time. Thus his highness is allowed to rebel and unleash all of your torment into this realm of yours. Within seventy-two hours, there will be no recruitment entrusted to the crown prince self-reliant." - declared openly the town crier anterior to the townsfolk, with the crown prince's presence confirming the report. 

"Your highness" 

The townsfolk placed their thumb above their bosom with an open palm, leaning to the crown prince who was found mounting on his horse.

"By the dint of the light, there will be no more shade of black but his light who possesses the light of the moon and sun. We serve him." 

the townsfolk uttered their pledge to the future emperor they will serve. While Igashu was seen to the crowd hailing his king. 

"Let Igashu rule the world~" 

A spooky voice rings into his right ear leading him to tics and tilt his nape for discomfort.  

"Let Igashu rule the world~" 

"Let Igashu rule the world~"

"Let Igashu rule the world~"

"Let Igashu rule the world~"

"Stop! Stop!"



"Have you heeded about the Ametrine twin?" 

                  End of chapter 14