
The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Traveling to England in the 1980s, Jon Hart was ready to study and work hard. Not wanting a letter from Hogwarts, disrupting all his plans. What is the cruelest thing for a student who is ready to devote himself to scientific research and has carefully planned for more than ten years? That is to tell him that this world is not only unscientific, but magical! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I do not own this story nor the story of Harry Potter. I just want to transfer it here for convenience, so that it will be easier to read. I also change some grammar errors as well as spelling errors, If you do see something wrong, then please do comment it. If the author wants to take it down, then please do tell in the review section or the comments.

zcbmo29 · Derivados de obras
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147 Chs

Professor Minerva MGonagall

For someone who is ready to study hard, engage in scientific research, and dedicate their entire life to the construction of socialist modernization as a time traveler.

For someone who is prepared to devote themselves to a career in scientific research and has carefully planned for over a decade as a time traveler.

For someone who has read hundreds of core journals before the age of eleven and has fully prepared to become a scientist as a time traveler.



For him, what could be more cruel than this?

Undoubtedly, it would be telling him that the world he is in is not scientific, but rather magical!

Feeling hopeless? Completely despaired? Having a crisis of beliefs?... It's already difficult to express Jon Hart's feelings at this moment in words.

Trembling, he opened the fourth and final letter.

"Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Confederation of Wizards, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Order of Merlin, First Class).

Dear Mr. Hart:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment. The term begins on September 1st. We will await your response with your owl no later than July 31st.

Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall


The contents of the letter were familiar, there can be no mistake!

It's only 1992 now, five years away from when J.K. Rowling wrote the original Harry Potter. So it's impossible for this to be a prank.

So the only possibility left is that this world he has been in for over a decade is actually the world of HP (Harry Potter).

Why does he feel like the atmosphere suddenly turned fantastical?

"What's wrong, dear?" Judy quickly noticed her son's unusual expression.

"I, I mean, it's nothing..." Jon stammered, then handed over the letter in his hand. "It's just... there's another letter from a school!"

Erik and Judy took Jon's letter with confusion.

Five minutes later.

"I think this must be a prank!" Mr. Hart said sternly.

"Yeah, what's written in this letter is too fantastical, a magic school? How is that possible!" Mrs. Hart exclaimed in a high-pitched voice.

Jon smiled bitterly, recalling from his past life memories that Hogwarts would soon send a teacher to explain the existence of the magical world to his parents.

"I think we should call the police, this is just a boring prank!" Erik continued to babble.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Do we have a visitor?" Judy quickly straightened her apron, went out, and opened the courtyard gate.

Standing outside the door was a stern-looking unfamiliar woman with square glasses that resembled the patterns around a cat's eyes; she was wearing a dark green cloak, and her black hair was tied tightly in a bun.

"Are you the guardian of Jon Hart, sir?" the woman spoke in a strict tone.

"Hello, I'm his mother, may I ask who you are?" Judy asked softly.

"Minerva McGonagall!" the woman outside the door answered. "I am a professor."

Jon looked up and glanced at the stern middle-aged woman, feeling somewhat embarrassed... He suddenly remembered the "wildcat" he had kicked away from the mailbox ten minutes ago.

"Oh, welcome, welcome!" Judy's face immediately lit up with joy as she invited Professor McGonagall into the house, while asking, "Are you from Eaton College?"

"What?" Professor McGonagall couldn't help but frown and shook her head. "I serve at Hogwarts!"

"Hogwarts?" Judy was a little confused upon hearing this unfamiliar word.

"Hold on!" Erik exclaimed urgently, glancing at the letter in his hand. "Are you saying... Professor McGonagall... Hogwarts... Isn't this a prank?"

Due to his surprise, he began to stutter.

"Of course not!" Professor McGonagall said disdainfully. "Hogwarts is a school specially designed for individuals with special talents, a magical school with a history of over a thousand years."

"So, you mean... what's written in that letter is true?" Judy's face turned pale.

"As mugg... ordinary people, it's understandable that you don't know about magic, but..."

"Ah..." Judy let out a scream.

Professor McGonagall, who was just standing at the door, suddenly disappeared, and a tabby cat appeared in her place.

"What... what's going on?" Eric stammered, speaking more incoherently than he had ever done in his life.

"But, magic does exist."

The tabby cat gracefully walked into the room, gave Jon a stern look, and then sat on the sofa, transforming back into Professor McGonagall's form.

She turned her gaze to Jon, slowed down her speech, and said, "Mr. Hart, unlike your parents, you are not an ordinary person, but a natural-born wizard. Joining Hogwarts can help you truly master your talents."

Looking at Jon, who was standing there with a blank expression, Professor McGonagall thought that the child was dumbfounded by her words. In fact, this kind of reaction was common when visiting young wizards born to Muggle families for the first time.

"Perhaps you are still skeptical of my words, Mr. Hart!" Professor McGonagall continued, "Have you ever experienced anything strange when you were scared or angry?"

Extraordinary talent... exceptional memory, does that count? Could I be the legendary Legilimens?

Strange things happening when emotions are out of control... In fact, as someone who has the psychological age of nearly forty after transmigrating, Jon wouldn't be easily surprised like an ordinary child, so he rarely loses control of his emotions, naturally not causing magic to go out of control.

So, am I really a wizard? A "Mudblood" from a Muggle family?

As Jon's blank expression gradually returned to normal, Professor McGonagall stood up.

"Mr. Hart, now it's a decision for you and your parents to make whether to come to Hogwarts and become a true wizard."

"The list of books and school supplies needed for studying at Hogwarts was written in the previous letter; you can go to Diagon Alley in London to buy them."

"Oh, right, the address of Diagon Alley..."

Professor McGonagall pulled out a small wand-like object from her robe, waved it gently, and a line of words appeared on the wall of Jon's house:

"117 Charing Cross Road, Westminster, London."

"Well then, farewell, the Hart family!"

After speaking, she walked out of the room and disappeared.

Wait a minute, Judy tried to chase after her, but as soon as she reached the door, she couldn't find any trace of her.

Obviously, not everyone can enjoy the treatment of being taken by a teacher to Diagon Alley to buy things like the chosen one.

"Is this a dream?" Judy murmured as she returned to the room.

"Mom, I don't think so!" Jon smiled helplessly and said, "It's unlikely that all three of us had the same dream!"