
The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Traveling to England in the 1980s, Jon Hart was ready to study and work hard. Not wanting a letter from Hogwarts, disrupting all his plans. What is the cruelest thing for a student who is ready to devote himself to scientific research and has carefully planned for more than ten years? That is to tell him that this world is not only unscientific, but magical! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I do not own this story nor the story of Harry Potter. I just want to transfer it here for convenience, so that it will be easier to read. I also change some grammar errors as well as spelling errors, If you do see something wrong, then please do comment it. If the author wants to take it down, then please do tell in the review section or the comments.

zcbmo29 · Derivados de obras
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147 Chs

On the Hogwarts Express Train Part 1

Humming a little tune, Jon Hart had quietly pushed his suitcase onto the steam locomotive.

Just now, with a sidelong glance, he saw that Hermione Granger was not in black.

This was actually good news!

However, it wasn't necessarily a sure thing, considering his future plans. It might be more profitable to be in black since he probably wouldn't have much interaction with Hermione anyway?

Pushing through the crowd, he found an empty compartment near the rear of the train and lifted his suitcase onto the platform. Despite being only eleven years old, Jon's body was far from weak, and carrying several tens of kilograms of luggage posed no problem for him.

Then he took out the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" written by Newt Scamander from his suitcase and reclined on the chair, flipping through it casually.

Page 117!

Although he didn't make any marks, he had already memorized this page number.

When he turned the pages, he deliberately made the movements lighter to avoid wrinkling the pages.


Classification by the Ministry of Magic: XXXXX (Extremely Dangerous)

The first recorded Basilisk was bred by the despicable Herpo, a Greek dark wizard who spoke Parseltongue. After numerous experiments, he discovered that by placing a chicken egg under a toad's belly, it would hatch into a dangerous giant snake with extraordinary abilities. The Basilisk is a large snake that shines brightly green all over, with a length of up to fifty feet. The male snake has a bright red feather on its head. Its long fangs are exceptionally venomous, but its most dangerous attack method is to stare at its target with its yellow eyes. Anyone whose gaze meets its eyes will perish instantly.

Spiders run away at the sight of a Basilisk as it is their natural enemy, and the only thing that can make a Snake-Beast flee is the crowing of a rooster, as it is deadly to them.

If food is abundant (Basilisk eats all kinds of mammals, birds, and reptiles), the lifespan of this snake can be very long. It is believed that Herpo's Snake-Beast lived for about nine hundred years.

In addition to its unique magic and extremely long lifespan, many of the Basilisk's characteristics come from its nature as a venomous snake. Like ordinary venomous snakes, the Basilisk also sheds its skin periodically, and its omnivorous diet is common among giant snakes. Although not explicitly stated, the Basilisk's skin is likely to have armor-like properties similar to dragon skin, capable of reflecting spells cast at it, with only its eyes and mouth being vulnerable.

Since the Middle Ages, creating Basilisk has always been considered illegal, but this behavior is easy to conceal because all one needs to do is remove the chicken egg from under the toad's belly before the Ministry of Magical Creatures Control arrives. However, once under the control of a Parselmouth, no one can control the Basilisk..."

Taking his eyes off the book, in fact, Jon had read this passage at least twenty times since the summer vacation, and he was already very familiar with it.

As a wizard born to Muggles, Jon was conscious that since the opening of the Chamber of Secrets on Halloween in 1992, he could be attacked by a serpent monster at any time in order to fulfill Tom Riddle's "purification" of Hogwarts' bloodline.

Although there were quite a few Muggle-born students at Hogwarts, and it might not necessarily be his turn, and reducing nighttime outings could greatly reduce the probability of being attacked, one can never be too careful. Jon hadn't come up with an effective way to deal with the serpent monster from the existing information. The only offensive spell he could use easily was the Petrification Curse, but using it against a serpent monster would be like using an ax to chop wood.

He could only hope that powdered Bicorn horn and a rooster alarm clock would work and scare away the serpent monster in a crisis. Jon also had a Glorious Mirror in his pocket, ready for the worst, to petrify himself and wait for Mandrake to be used for treatment.

Well, you see, Tom Riddle is obviously a half-blood, but why does he turn around and be so ruthless to Muggles and Muggle-borns? Ancient people are indeed not deceiving me, these half-bloods are even more cruel than real ghosts.



The sliding door of the compartment suddenly opened.

A girl with golden curly hair, long eyelashes, and a pair of lovely dimples walked in.

"Is this seat taken?" She pointed to the seat opposite Jon and asked softly, "Most of the other places are full."

"No one, sit down!" Jon said casually.

At the same time, he helped the girl move her handbag onto the footboard.

"Thank you!" The girl smiled sweetly and sat down opposite Jon. "May I ask, who are you?"

"Hart, Jon Hart!" Jon closed the book in his hand. "First-year student at Hogwarts."

"Greengrass, I'm Astoria Greengrass! I'm also a first-year student."

Green glasses???

Jon almost laughed out loud. Why not call yourself Astoria Gringhart?

However, mocking someone's surname is impolite behavior in any country, and Jon didn't show any disrespectful expression on his face.

He searched his memory for characters from Harry Potter, but couldn't recall anyone with that name, so it should be safe.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Greengrass!" he politely greeted.

"Likewise, Mr. Hart."

The other party had already put on the new robes of Hogwarts, with a small snake emblem on their luggage, indicating they were likely from a pureblood family.

Jon looked out the window and saw Eric and Judy had already arrived on the other side, with Mrs. Longbottom by their side.

He quickly knocked on the window and waved at them.

"Woo..." as the long whistle sounded, the train slowly started moving.

Eric waved goodbye to Jon with a smile, while Judy wiped her tears, comforted by Mrs. Longbottom.

Until the train disappeared completely from their sight.

"Are you from the Longbottom family?" Miss Greengrass asked softly.

"Of course not, I already told you, my surname is Hart..."

"Then... those two Muggles just now, are they your relatives?"

"Of course, they're my parents. Is there a problem?" Jon said coldly.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..." Astoria apologized three times in a row.

"I didn't mean any harm!"