
The Last Sun

"What is power? How is it attained? Since the dawn of humanity, individuals have sought it relentlessly. All of recorded history has been shaped by the pursuit of power. The insatiable desire for power has driven humans into conflict with one another, whether it be over land, women, or wealth - all things that fuel this lust for dominance. As long as humanity endures, the quest to assert control over others and acquire power will persist. This is the narrative of a relentless pursuit of power. So, dear readers, let us delve into the story..."

Shiki457 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

The jungle, a wild expanse of lush life, stretched endlessly before them. Under the moon's silver glow, it became a realm of mysteries and shadows. The tall canopy, usually a riot of greens, now looked like a pattern of dark shapes swaying gently in the night breeze. Moonlight filtered through the thick leaves, casting a soft, otherworldly light on the forest floor, where a mix of leaves and moss seemed to soak in and reflect the celestial glow.

The air hummed with the chorus of night creatures, their calls ringing through the thick leaves, a symphony of unseen voices pulsing with a primal beat. Fireflies flitted among the underbrush, their small lights flickering like distant stars, while now and then the glint of nocturnal eyes hinted at watchful creatures, their shapes hidden by the dark.

The horse, a creature of strength and grace, navigated the maze of roots and fallen branches with a sure, steady stride, guided by the warlord's skilled hand. Its hooves stirred the forest floor, releasing earthy scents and the scent of wild flowers, mingling with the faint musk of their journey.

As they went deeper into the night-shrouded jungle, the warlord's senses were sharp, every rustle and night cry a possible sign of danger. The pregnant queen, her presence a delicate light in the wilderness, clung to the warlord's side, her breath a quiet rhythm against the jungle's nocturnal song.

In the dark, the jungle's mysterious charm grew stronger, hiding both beauty and danger. Twisting vines hung like curtains, hiding secret nooks and unknown creatures. The scent of exotic flowers hung in the air, their sweet scent like a call in the primal embrace of the night.

The dense jungle wrapped around them in a cloak of darkness as the pregnant queen, dressed in royal finery, held onto the warlord's sturdy frame. His horse moved with a determined elegance, carrying them through the winding paths, leaves rustling beneath hooves.

The warlord's face showed signs of pain, his armor marked by the scars of battle. He looked at the queen, his eyes carrying the weight of their mission. "Your grace, we must keep going. We're almost at the sanctuary," he assured her, his voice steady despite the weariness that ate at him.

The queen's hand rested gently on his arm, her expression a mix of thanks and worry. "You've been my shield through this dangerous journey. I owe you more than words can say, brave friend."

He met her gaze, a glimmer of determination in his eyes. "Your safety is my duty, my queen. We hold hope in our hearts, for you and for the kingdom."

As the night went on, the canopy above them shared secrets with the stars, and the queen felt the baby move within her. She smiled, a hint of warmth in her eyes. "This child will be born into a world forever changed, yet bathed in the light of hope you've ignited, my loyal protector."

The warlord's lips curled into a weary smile. "Your grace, you and this child are the guiding light through the darkest hour. Together, we'll create a new beginning."

With renewed determination, they pressed forward, their hearts bound together in a quilt woven with threads of hope, duty, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

As they emerged from the thick jungle, the moonlight revealed an old cemetery, lit with an eerie silver glow. Tombstones stood tall, carrying the weight of centuries, their inscriptions weathered by time. A gentle breeze brought the scent of earth and ancient memories, blending with the faint whispers of the night.

In the heart of this solemn place, a group of saints gathered around a small fire, their faces illuminated by its flickering flames. They wore plain robes, their eyes calm, exuding an air of deep spirituality. Spread before them was a modest feast of fruits, grains, and simple offerings.

The pregnant queen, her breathing heavy, was assisted down from the horse by the warlord. She surveyed the scene, the contrast between the solemn cemetery and the saints' humble meal serving as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance between life and death. From a distance, the leader of the saints observed the horse galloping towards them, closely scrutinizing the approaching figures in this dark hour. His attention was drawn to the people beside him. "Who are you?" he asked.

Approaching the saint leader, the warlord spoke with reverence. "Holy one, I served the fallen king, and it was his wish that the queen finds sanctuary here, among those who held his heart in high regard."

The saint leader, his eyes wise and compassionate, nodded in understanding. "Your loyalty and the king's memory are greatly esteemed, noble warlord. You have our gratitude for bringing her to us."

The queen, her face marked with gratitude, spoke softly. "Thank you, noble saints. Your generosity is a guiding light in this dark hour."

As the queen was led towards a place of rest, the warlord's strength began to wane. His wounds, sustained in the battles that had led them here, finally took their toll.

As the first light of dawn touched the horizon, painting the ancient cemetery with a gentle golden glow, the warlord's breaths grew weaker. He lay on the mossy ground, his strong frame now feeble. His once sharp eyes now held a distant look, as if peering into a world beyond mortal vision.

The saints gathered around him, their faces marked with solemnity. They held a mix of sorrow and respect for the noble warrior who had guided their queen to safety. The leader of the saints, a picture of unwavering calm, knelt beside the warlord, his hand resting gently on the warlord's weathered forehead.

"It is time, brave friend," the saint leader said in a soft voice, offering reassurance amid the weight of finality. "You've fulfilled your duty with honor and courage. Rest now, for your journey has come to its close."

With a final, labored breath, the warlord's tired body became still. The breath of life, once fierce and unwavering, now mingled with the morning air, becoming one with the ancient cemetery and the echoes of countless souls that had come before.

The saints lowered their heads in silent tribute, offering prayers for the departed soul. The queen, her eyes filled with tears, approached, her hand reaching out to touch the warlord's still form. "You were our steadfast protector," she whispered, her voice a quivering homage to the fallen hero. "Your sacrifice will forever be remembered in the history of our kingdom."

With solemn respect, they prepared to lay the warlord to rest among the ancient tombstones, a sentinel in his own right. The earth welcomed him back, cradling him in its embrace, a fitting tribute to a warrior who had traversed the boundaries of life and death in the name of duty and honor.

With those parting words, the warlord's strength gave way, and he collapsed to the ground. The saints rushed to his side, but it was clear that his journey had reached its end.

In the midst of this bittersweet moment, the queen felt the onset of labor pains. The saint leader, a calm presence amidst the turmoil, stepped forward. "Life and death dance in the same breath," he murmured, as if in prayer. "Bring forth the new life, for it is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit."

In the hushed embrace of the ancient cemetery, where time seemed to stand still, the queen's labor began. The saint leader, his presence radiating a serene authority, directed the others to create a space of privacy and reverence for this sacred moment. They draped a canopy of soft, white fabric, forming a cocoon of seclusion amidst the tombstones.

The queen, her face illuminated by the flickering firelight, lay upon a bed of moss and leaves, her hand tightly clasping that of the saint leader. Her breaths were measured, each one a testament to the strength and resilience that had carried her through the arduous journey. The night seemed to hold its breath, as if in reverence for the birthing of a new life amidst the echoes of ancient souls.

As the first light of dawn began to kiss the horizon, the queen's cries of labor mingled with the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures. The saint leader's voice, calm and steady, guided her through each breath, each contraction, offering words of solace and encouragement. The other saints stood in a silent circle, their eyes closed in quiet prayer, their hearts beating in rhythm with the cadence of this sacred dance.

With the rising sun came a surge of energy, a palpable force of nature that seemed to infuse the very air they breathed. The queen's determination shone in her eyes, a fierce light that eclipsed any trace of weariness. With one final, monumental effort, she brought forth her child, a cry of triumph that echoed through the cemetery, a proclamation of life in the face of the eternal.

The saint leader gently cradled the newborn in his arms, his eyes alight with a knowing wisdom. He turned to the queen, a smile of profound joy gracing his lips. "A prince is born, a beacon of hope in a world that yearns for it."

Tears of exhaustion and elation streamed down the queen's cheeks as she gazed upon her son for the first time. She reached out, her trembling hand brushing against his tiny cheek, a tender connection forged in the crucible of birth.

In that sacred moment, amidst the hallowed ground and the watchful eyes of saints and spirits, a new chapter was written in the annals of history. The queen, though weary, held her child close, knowing that he carried within him the legacy of his fallen father and the promise of a kingdom yet to be shaped by his destined hand.

To be continued...

I am new here and this is my first book. I hope you will like this.

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