1 Where am I? Who am I? Why am I?

I was formless, empty and emerged in an endless darkness. Unsure of my own existence.


Suddenly the silence ceased to be. A voice that came off as both as quiet as a whisper yet booming like the Big Bang, reverberating through all that was yet appeared not to be

Congratulations!! You are the first Keeper #10,001.

Communal consensus that there should be 10,000 known keepers has led to your creation.


What is a keeper? I found myself asking, a voice I've never used yet feel as though I've never been without.

"Keepers create and manage worlds, for them fantasy becomes fact, time becomes tangible yet a keeper is only as great as the world's they make. And the worlds they make are only as great as their conflicting minds can creatively conjure." The Voice, as I can only call it stated in a jovial yet demeaning voice.

What are you?

What am I? The one who made the fun begin and at will shall make it end. He who hears requests yet accepts or rejects them as though this is an omniversal game of chess. I am neither a tyrant nor a 'kind leader'. I am the one who can't be understood yet you will try to

Ok hmm. You made us... you seem to look over us... my intuition tells me you're a keeper of keepers, am I correct?

Silence settled, no reply came, I wondered if I angered it. No use asking myself questions I can't answer when there's a voice who likely can right here... and there.. possibly everywhere?

Moving on then. Where is this place?

"This is heaven! Or hell can be purgatory if you so choose. Point is, this is your world before you've made something of it. This world is yet to be, while it is, you don't have a body yet you are, when you have a body, you will soon truly have a world. In short it's home." The Voice said speaking in a way that was much more confusing than need be with words I had never heard yet the meaning was somehow known.

How do I gain a body and make a world?

"Once your rudimentary curiosities and questions are answered you'll get to that. If I answered that question first... the amount following would be in the nonillions."

Final question: why am I spoken with as though a friend or family member? First came a laugh and even though I was formless it caused me to tremble, caused me to feel and it surely wasn't pleasant, yet it pleased me. To know that I had truly come to be. No longer empty and alone, but exchanging words with a voice that I already trust more than my own. For it freed me from being a victim of the void

"I hoped this would come later. You may be a keeper, with a world to create like the others. You differ in that you are no regular keeper. You exist to lead keepers. To unite them for the first time. You are the king of keepers."

What do you wish to be called?

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