
The last heir of Dumbledore

After transmigrating, Tselmeg found out that he was reincarnated into Harry Potter world. The issue is that he become the grand-nephew of the great wizard of all time except Merlin himself, Albus Dumbledore. English is my third language. And just comment about this book. It would motivate me and effect to how far the story goes on. Minimum 5 chapter a week /Mostly on Saturday and Sunday/

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41 Chs

Salazar Slytherin and his collection

The Slytherin students celebrated their victory over Gryffindor on the Quidditch Match.

"Harry! Harry!" cheered the students. Marcus Flint and Terrence Higgs were holding him upwards on their shoulders.

Draco Malfoy was cheerful that the team has won. But deep inside, he becomes jealous of Harry Potter's popularity.

'Next year, I will become a Quidditch team player! No matter what!' thought Draco Malfoy inwardly.

"Crabbe, Goyle let's go," said Draco Malfoy hitting the back of the head of Crabbe and Goyle.

Anthony was having a private meeting with Randolph Spudmore at the empty Quidditch Pitch. Only the poor Argus Filch was cleaning the Quidditch Pitch with a grumpy face.

"Randolph, I need you to invest money on Muggle companies by my name. Those are the companies I want to invest" said Anthony giving a parchment to Randolph with an expanded space purse.

Randolph opened the parchment and it listed IBM, Apple computers, Apple Inc, Nokia, and Blackberry Inc.

'Anhthony, perhaps are you a seer?' thought Randolph inwardly. Because every business that Anthony has invested or spent time on becomes successful.

"Anthony, I have something to give you as well and there is good news, which one do you want to hear first?" told Randolph.

"The good news first?" said Anthony becoming surprised that there is good news.

"Anthony, I am dating Selena Gamp. The lawyer that is working on Harry Potter and your case on adoption" said Randolph bringing a great surprise.

"That is great Randolph! I hope it will be a successful relationship! And what is the thing you wanted to give me?" Anthony congratulated Randolph and

"Here, take this briefcase," said Randolph and gave Anthony a briefcase. When Anthony opened the briefcase it was a muggle-proof, unbreakable briefcase that has expanded space inside.

"Thank you Randolph! It is a great gift!" said Anthony.

"Actually, it is your birthday Anthony! I have asked the Saint Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, and found out that your birthday is on November 5th" said Randolph and said

"Happy birthday! Anthony!"

Anthony who didn't know the previous owner's birthday assumed that his birthday was on the 20th of July, because it is the date of birth of his previous life.

"Thank you Randolph! I didn't know that I was born on the 5th of November!" said Anthony.

Soon after, They talked about the future prospects of Firebolt. They have decided to add some design features to the new Firebolt model and increase the safety measurements and try to break the maximum speed limit. They negotiated that the new model name would be "Firebolt 2" and "Firebolt Pro". The Firebolt Pro would be intended for professional quidditch players and the Firebolt 2 model would be more affordable so that some wealthy wizards can afford it for their children.

After the meeting, Anthony went towards the kitchen and took some beef, and went into the Chamber of Secrets.

sss "Good afternoon! Serpent of Slytherin!" sss said Anthony tossing the beef in front of the Basilisk.

The basilisk was used to closing his eyes when Anthony is nearby, by the smell of the beef, it opened it's mouth and gulped down the beef with one go.

sss "Serpent boy, you bring delicious meat! Is there anything you want to ask?" sss said the Basilisk.

sss "There is one thing, soon after Christmas, Tom Riddle should start hunting down some Unicorns at the Forbidden forest and drink its blood. Tom Riddle is currently residing at one Hogwarts teacher's back of the head. If possible, I want you to kill the teacher and petrify Voldemort's soul!" sss said Anthony.

sss" Tom Riddle is at Hogwarts at the moment?" sss when hearing Anthony's remarks, the Basilisk become angry and wanted to tear Tom Riddle apart. But understanding that it is the only part of the soul of Voldemort, the Basilisk calmed down.

sss"Serpent of Slytherin, I want you to come inside the briefcase so that I can leave you at the Forbidden forest! You can have some fresh food at the Forbidden forest and eat some acromantulas and when it is the time, I will notify you and we will hunt down Tom Riddle!" sss said Anthony.

When the Basilisk heard about Acromantulas, it couldn't hide his appetite and opened his mouth revealing his fangs.

sss'Serpent boy, you treat me as good as my master Salazar Slytherin! Every wizard who saw me became afraid, became disgusted, but you are different! Let me show you my master's collection of books!" sss said the Basilisk.

Anthony hasn't heard anything about Salazar Slytherin's collection of books. The basilisk has always hidden something from his for the entire time. But after treating the Basilisk well for a few weeks, the Basilisk has become soft to Anthony and decided to reveal Salazar Slytherin's collection of Books.

The Basilisk guided Anthony to one of the Serpent statues and hissed

sss"Pureblood"sss hissed the Basilisk and when he said that the head of the serpent statue bowed down and revealed an open gate towards a room.

Anthony becomes curious and entered the room. Inside the room, there was a shelf that was filled with books and a desk with a ring and letter on top of it.

The ring was a platinum ring, with a green coiling basilisk engraved on it.

'To the heir of Salazar Slytherin!

I, Salazar Slytherin had a heated argument with my best friend Godric Gryffindor on the matter of admittance of Muggleborn students. During the time we had an argument, Godric Gryffindor believed in the Muggleborn students for them not to become a threat to the Wizarding community. But I, on the other hand, believe that there would be some Muggleborn students, (not all of them of course) who would hate the wizarding world and decide to reveal our wizarding community to the muggles.

I am afraid of such a day, where unnecessary bloodshed of young wizards would happen and there would be an inevitable war. If such a day would happen, I ask you to protect the students of Hogwarts, protect the wizarding world, and strive for peace and prosperity of the Wizarding kind!

I have left you a ring that also provides you aid in magical studies and the most cherished books that I have collected during my lifetime.

You may wonder, how I am sure that you are my heir, but I will say my Basilisk would never open this room to someone that is too cruel and heartless. You should have inherited my purity in heart. That makes you my heir!

I hope you will use it well!

Salazar Slytherin.' said the letter.

After finishing reading the letter, Anthony took the ring and put it on his index finger. Just after he put the ring on, he could feel that his magical energy inside him is constantly revolving inside his body as if getting momentum.

Anthony looks at the shelf that is full of books and lifted it up with his bare thought.

'This ring is amazing! It makes my magic power more potent!' Anthony becomes happy. Before he put the ring, Anthony only could have lifted a few books with wandless magic. But now? He can lift a whole shelf of books upwards.

After he put all of the books on the shelf in his briefcase and asked the basilisk to go in the briefcase.

When he put all the books on the shelf, he found a particularly interesting book that says Secrets of Darkest arts so he opened it and found out that there were many Dark Magic spells and curses inside it including but not limited to Horcruxes, Creation of Dementor, Creation of Basilisks, Creation of Bloodcurses, Creation of Inferi, Creation of Banshee, Creation of various dark curse potions and the counteractions of all above-mentioned curse, creatures, and items. Therefore he pocketed that particular book in his robe.

'Phew! I have gained a lot during this trip to the Chamber of Secrets! I have the full collection of Salazar Slytherin and a ring that makes my magic power amazingly potent!' thought Anthony and left the Chamber of Secrets and headed to his common room.

When he arrived at the stonewall were his common room located Daphne Greengrass was standing there as if waiting for someone

It was already 9 PM, so until the curfew, only one hour was left.

"Anthony, where were you! I searched for you in the entire castle!" said Daphne with an angry tone.

"Oh sorry, Daphne! I was in a secret room practicing magic! I was lost of time and only arrived now. By the way, what happened?" asked Anthony.

"You have left me after the Quidditch match! I thought you would come to the Slytherin celebration of victory and I have waited for you for hours!" said Daphne.

'Daphne is being angry. Does she have any crush on me?' thought Anthony inwardly.

He waved his hands and asked forgiveness. He said that this would not happen again.

When Daphne saw the ring on Anthony's hands, she becomes curious as to why he is wearing a ring. Did he become engaged into a pureblood family's daughter? Thinking about this scenario, she becomes angrier and wanted to hit Anthony.

But soon after they have entered the common room, Anthony took out a book from his robes and showed it to Daphne.

"What book is this?" she opened the Book and saw Secrets of Darkest Arts by Owle Bullock. It was an ancient book that was written thousands of years ago.

When she opened the title page, she was shocked to see the Dark magic it contains!




It contained how to curse someone to become a werewolf! Thinking about it, Daphne looked at Anthony with a horrified face!

"Anthony! How are you possessing this dark book! And why are you showing this to me?" asked Daphne.

"No Daphne, Look!" Anthony pointed his Vinewood, Basilisk core wand into the Title that says Blood curse.

Daphne's eyes become rounded and she immediately opened the page number behind the title Blood curse.

Page number 596,

'Blood curse'

The blood curse is used by many Persian witches. The Origin of Blood curse is that of hatred of a magical creature, defending themselves to not become extinct. But in the passage of history, witches in order to secretly curse a woman they used the Potion of blood curse of Malediction.

When a woman drinks even a drop of the Potion of blood curse of Malediction, The blood curse of Malediction will be successfully placed into the victim and it would transform the woman and some of her female descendants over time into a particular animal without a way to turn back.

In order to make a Potion of blood curse of Malediction, three ingredients must be thrown into a hot cauldron. The hatred of a magical creature in its own blood, the flesh of an animal you want your victim to transform into, and the Bones of a dragon to inflict the curse for their descendants.

Currently, there is no cure for malediction, but theoretically, there can be two ways to cure the blood curse maledictions.

If you know the magical creature's blood that was used by the potion, you can do a counter-curse ceremony by laying down a hexagram by the blood of the magical creature and place the cursed woman in it. After conjuring Patronus's charm on the magical creature's blood, the cursed woman should be healed.

The other potential cure of Malediction could be a potent potion that could revive the dead or extend the lifespan of a person and grant immortality.


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