

sup author here, aight I'm going back to writing again (hopefully this one is true this time lol) and I'm thinking that EVEN tho the ending of this novel is far from over, I want to ask you guys which ending you guys prefer.

I currently have 2 option. Harem ending and Harem ending.


Just kidding but not really. Anyways, what I mean is what do you guys prefer;

The harem ending which Yuuya will end up with 20 wives (including all in the current time)


The other harem ending which Yuuya will just end up with 2 wives.

What do you guys think? I've published this choice much earlier since I'm still rewriting chapter 2 and there are still more to go. And I want the result immediately while there are not many chapters yet.

aight, that's all for now. I do not expect immediate result since I've lost a lot of readers but that all right. I'll try to recover as much as I can while in the progress of rewriting. Hopefully by the end of my total rewrite on the novel, the new and old readers that stay has make their choice. Until again.

Next chapter