
The Last Bloodborne

A man from the Digital World suddenly travel to the world he seek. A man who can give the world full of machine and digitize. A man who never learn modern knowledge and start to learn primitive knowledge. A man who wish to go to the world of his favorite world, a world full of life, without the smell of burning oil, the colorful light of gigantic build board and the unknown number of hover car. A world where blood is everything, magic is being hunt as Heretic, a world where Hero is born.

LittleApple · Fantasía
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36 Chs

The Labyrinth

Even though that they don't know anything about what infront of them the Punitive Force still enter while maintaining a special formation.

They walking as they watched everything attentively, they don't know what's waiting for them so they need to at least be caution for what they going to do.

The labyrinth entrance suddenly move and form a wall closing the entrance while the thick fog stsrt to become thicker around the labyrinth while spreading farther to make everything looks normal.

"They enter." Daisy reported.

"Start the next phase."

"As your comand."

Behind them is the two set of Golem they made and improve for almost a month, not only the Golem become more human but also they start to equip it with weapon.

The blue one is wearing warrior equipment, a iron armor, a sword and a shield, a typical set for a newbie warrior.

Behind is a Golem holding a huge ballista one both hand while walking behind as the warrior open the path.

"Grace are you ready?"

"I'm ready!" Grace who sitting beside them with Bianca on her side wearing a strange equipment that they made for this kind of situation.

A wet of magic items design to transfer the view of the mage to the view of the Golem while a controller for the movement of the Golem.

Looking at their excited face Rowan know they can't stop to using the Golem they prepared they even train using it so they can finally fight for their brother.

"Young Master, is the Young Ladies going to be fine, this fight is going to be bloody I don't know if they can take it with their young mind." Old Jack worries said, he knows this fight will cautblood to spill and for the young ladies this is going to be nightmare.

"Old Jack, you belittling them so much, from the very start when I ask them to control the Golem they already know what's going to happen."

"Don't look at them like delicate ladies as they hide the strength of mind that a young ladies don't have."

When they are young, their father start to train their mental strength, they know that they will eventually to face this kind of situation so they train them to be ready.

Of course Roman made sure that they will going to be fine, they made a briefing from time to time and some live subject like watching how to kill a chicken or so on.

But even so, Rowan still worry if they can take the gruesome reality that they will going to face.

Just like their ancestors said "A Bloodborne people is not complete if they never see blood even once".

And right now they can treat this as the Bloodborne Coming Age Ceremony that traditionally pass down from ancient times.

"Target found, permission to engage!" Grace reported as they finally meet the other side.

"Permission to engage accepted."

"Engagement confirm."


The Punitive Force who walking slowly feel the shaking of the ground, they start to be scared as unknown object is coming closer.

Captain Fin whos the strongest of the team notice the change so he start performing chain of commands.

"Crusader! V Shape Formation! Priest gather behind get ready to assist the Crusader in front!"

After hearing the command every start to move, they form a V shape while the Priest on the middle to provide support.

They wait nervous on one spot as the shaking of the ground continue..... Until it suddenly stop.

"What happen?"

"Maybe it's just a minor earthquake -"



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