
The Last Bloodborne

A man from the Digital World suddenly travel to the world he seek. A man who can give the world full of machine and digitize. A man who never learn modern knowledge and start to learn primitive knowledge. A man who wish to go to the world of his favorite world, a world full of life, without the smell of burning oil, the colorful light of gigantic build board and the unknown number of hover car. A world where blood is everything, magic is being hunt as Heretic, a world where Hero is born.

LittleApple · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Battle Plan

From the display of ability just now, Rowan can tell that Daisy is leading when it comes to fighting expirence, after all it's normal for her to take the lead after whelt she expirence.

Right now Rowan feel good for his sisters, not only they master some minor ability but also develop some advance technique without teaching them.

They also smart to find solution for their problem as fast as they can, maybe they did not awake Sage Inheritance same as him but their intelligence is higher than a normal adult.

As for the other thing Rowan can teach them, Daisy also here to prepare set of strategy and plan to correct all the mistake they see.

As for Daisy idea of keeping seeds on her is a good type of strategy, on a place where no plant or trees available bringing seeds is a good thing

There's also different kind of plants around the territory, some of them are rare and hard tilo find like the Iron Tree that is better than some Metal available.

There's also some root vine, grass, water plant, desert plant, and many more plant that is available here.

Of course Rowan know some good type of plant that available outside of the domain, he already ask someone to collect them at same time food plant that can be use for the territory.

And also the herb garden start, he ask Daisy to be caretaker of the whole project.


"Where are they?" Rowan ask Old Jack who standing behind him.

"One kilometers away from here to that direction, Young Master." Old Jack point to certain direction.

"Good, Daisy start the plan."

Inform of them is a sand table with miniature size of the whole three kilometers wide from where they are right now.

Using her wand, Daisy pointed a certain parts to Bianca and Winey.

"Create a thick mist here."

The two sisters nodded.

Bianca wave her hand and collect all the fog around, she feel hard for some reason but she manage to collect a huge volume of it.

Winey on the other hand use wind element to pull the fog towards the direction Daisy pointed, up on their position they can see the thick fog starting to move forward covering huge part of the forest.

Meanwhile the Church Punitive Force notice the change, they see that the sun is above them, there's no wind or cloud above so they where confused, why a fog suddenly appear.

"Are we going to enter Captain?" One of the soldier ask.

Captain Fin the leader of the Church 13th Punitive Force Group arrogant said." Forward, we are protected by Lord God, nothing Evil can destroy us!"


With their bravery they enter the fog without even trying to investigate, they enter while marching without looking back.

"They enter as we expected." Daisy who close his eyes see everything happen inside the fog, they expect them to enter but not on the way that they did not even plan or investigate anything.

"Good, start the Step 2."


Daisy hold her hand to her chest and start concentrating, she concentrate as she watch everything inside of the fog.

"Earth Formation Start."

"Yes." Grace reply.

She pont her finger towards inside of the fog and cast a magic.

"Earth Magic: Labyrinth of No End."

Earth start to rise, the whole ground is shaking, the Punitive Force stop as they looking around.

Minutes later the earthquake stop, they continue after seeing nothing change but they find a huge wall from the fog.

"Captain what is this?"

"...." The Captain don't know, but he knows that something weird is happening here, but confusing he can't smell any danger here.


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