
the last Belmont's

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What is the last Belmont's

Lee la novela the last Belmont's escrita por el autor Juan_Loubser publicada en WebNovel. ...


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////Most of you might have or had a crush when you were in school, to whom you never proposed either because of the circumstances or sacred of being rejected by them. May be an innocent crush on someone is a secret to everyone but your close friend with whom you share almost every little thing. Just one glance at our crush would make the day brighter for better. But having a crush is incomplete without having a friend with a dirty mind but a good heart. This is a love story of Jessica Olsen who has a crush on the school's popular guy Austin Ames. This story is a kind of slow romance genre, give it a try if you want to read a feel good story. A story that can make you smile and blush. You are being warned since there are 18+scenes too, hope you guys like it. . . . The place where I was standing, it was silent yet a perfect bliss. I saw the moon was shining bright and the stars twinkling in the sky, the roads were empty with flickering streetlights and children were playing. I could hear the sound of breeze and the trees swaying in a rhythm, it made me feel euphoric. I was startled by hearing a voice from behind, it was a voice which makes my heart flutter. And in that silent night hearing his voice made me feel like a morning coffee which was deep and addicting. I knew who it was, I turned back and looked at Austin. He wore a white shirt and a black jeans, his thick black and light brown hair was shining as always. As the wind blew through my hair, I tucked it behind my ear. "Beautiful," I heard him saying and when I looked at him I saw him looking at the stars. "Indeed," I replied and finished my juice in one gulp. He was looking only at the stars and admiring them while I was looking at the stars and at him. //I DO NOT OWN THE COVER /// This is my first novel. Hope you guys like it and if possible support me.

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Демонические сказки о любви/BL

Талантливый автор новелл Сон Шаньшань волею случая попадает в мир сянься, который практически полностью идентичен её последнему произведению "Восхождение демонического Правителя". В помощниках у девушки оказывается неповторимая "Система Вселенского Обмана", которая готова на всё ради её победы. Задача маленького автора - помочь любимым персонажам читателей прожить счастливую и долгую жизнь в любви и гармонии (попутно помогая этому миру развиваться и крепнуть), а также покарать всех злодеев, которым удалось скрыться в первоначальной истории. Но вот незадача: из-за нечаянной ошибки её Системы Шаньшань попадает не в тело милой молодой девушки, а в трагически погибшего второстепенного персонажа-гея. *** Новелла будет большой: три части, каждая - минимум по 200-500 глав. Если вы готовы пройти этот путь вместе со мной, её автором, добро пожаловать на борт! Внимание! Теперь новые главы будут выходить каждую среду. Автор новеллы: Scarlet Snow / When it snows Язык оригинала: русский

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