

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 81.

Meanwhile, in a nearby hospital room, Dahlia's grandfather

lay unconscious, his face ashen. Florence and several members of the

Nicholson family gathered together as they discussed countermeasures

hushedly. "How peculiar. Old Mr. Nicholson has always been fine. Why did

he suddenly fall ill?" "Exactly! He's always looked so strong and

healthy. Who would've guessed that this would happen if he fell ill."

Everyone sighed with pity for the old man. "How's Granddad?" Dahlia

bolted into the room in her heels. She had been in a meeting when she

received the news of her grandfather falling ill and rushed over as fast

as possible. "Dahlia, the doctors think that he might not make it,"

Florence mumbled, shaking her head. "What?" Dahlia's face paled. "How

could that be? Wasn't he fine yesterday?" "I think it's weird too! But

maybe this is his fate." Florence sighed. "Where's the doctor? Doctor!"

Dahlia called, distraught. + "It's futile. All sorts of doctors have

checked him. They say his symptoms are too weird. There's no way for them

to find the root cause of his condition, and the only thing left to do is

wait for his death." "I–impossible!" shrieked Dahlia as she began to

panic. She couldn't imagine her grandfather, who loved her so dearly,

passing away. "Dahlia, I know a fabulous doctor. He might be able to do

something." Matt, who had been standing nearby. finally spoke. "A

fabulous doctor? Who? Can they really save my grandfather?" Dahlia perked

up instantly. "His name is Dr. Ross Leister. He just arrived from

Millsburg, and his medical skills are top–notch. He's able to cure all

sorts of illnesses! He also happens to be Dr. Rowan Cross' apprentice,"

Matt replied. "Dr. Cross' apprentice?" Everyone's expressions began to

brighten when they heard that. Dr. Cross was well–known. Even people in

South City were familiar with his accomplishments. He was on par with Dr.

Watkinds and Dr. Peay, who were both already at the top of the pyramid

when it came to medicine! His skills were so good they had already

reached perfection. As his apprentice, Dr. Leister's skills must be

outstanding! "Can you really get him to examine Granddad?" Dahlia asked,

her tone hopeful. This doctor was her grandfather's only shot now. "He's

my friend. He'll come if I ask him to" Matt nodded. "That's wonderful

news! If Old Mr. Nicholson gets well, the Nicholson family will be in

your debt!" Everyone agreed. "This is nothing.

Let me ask for him." Matt smiled and left the room. As soon as Matt had

left, Dustin entered the ward but was stopped in his tracks by Florence.

"What are you doing here, Rhys?" she snapped. "I heard that Granddad's

sick. I'm here to visit him." Dustin's face was sombre. "Visit him? Who

do you think you are? You're no longer my son–in–law. We don't welcome

you here!" hissed Florence as she glared at him. "What's wrong. Mom?"

Dahlia rushed over when she heard the commotion. "This bastard is

pretending to care and wants to visit your grandfather. I bet he knows

your grandpa's time is almost up, so he's here to try to get a piece of

the family fortune!" Florence mocked. Everyone in the Nicholson family

knew that Henry Nicholson had always treated Dustin like his own

grandson. It would be no surprise if the old man left Dustin something to

take over! "You've got it all wrong. I'm just worried about Granddad's

condition," Dustin explained. Still suspicious, Florence scoffed at him,

"Who knows what your true intentions are?" "Mom, just let him in. He's

just showing his love for Granddad." Dahlia quipped. "Dahlia, this kid-"

"I'll take responsibility if something happens." Florence was about to

say something else but swallowed her words and stepped aside reluctantly.

"Thank you." Dustin gave a nod of thanks and walked straight into the

ward. The sickly old man was ashen. He looked as though he had just

experienced a stroke. Dustin reached out to touch Henry's hand. He was

shocked to discover that, although his limbs were cold, an extreme heat

emanated from under the pale skin. 1 "The Flaming Frost Poison?" Dustin

pondered as he narrowed his eyes, silently coming up with treatment

methods. The Flaming Frost Poison caused the strangest symptoms. On the

outside, the patient would be freezing cold while their insides were

actually burning hot. Treating either symptom would be ineffective and

could even backfire if the medication used was too strong. This explained

why the doctors could not do anything to treat Henry. "Dahlia, bring me

some hot water," Dustin ordered. "Whatever for?" Dahlia was puzzled.

"Granddad's weak, and he can't hold on for much longer. I need to treat

him now," he explained grimly. "You?" Dahlia frowned. "What nonsense are

you spouting now? Do you even know anything about medicine?" "A little."

"And you dare to show off? What in the world are you

thinking?" Dahlia asked, visibly annoyed. This was a person's life they

were talking about, not child's play! "Do you even know what you're

saying. Rhys? What makes you think you can cure him? Will you take

responsibility if something goes wrong?" Florence chastised. "Exactly!

Old Mr. Nicholson's already suffering enough, so why are you causing more

trouble? Just stay out of the way!" Everyone was unhappy as Dustin was

nothing more than a self–absorbed punk in their eyes. How could he, a

mediocre white–collar worker who had been fired and had achieved nothing

outstanding in the past three years, know anything about curing diseases

and saving lives? "If I'm saying it aloud, it means I have faith in

myself that I can cure him. Let me try," Dustin responded in a determined

voice. "Dustin, will you stop messing around?" Dahlia snapped. "You're

neither a doctor nor are you medically certified. How can you say that

you can save him? I let you in to visit grandpa, not to boast!" "Can you

just trust me this once?" Dustin pleaded, upset. If he wasn't sure he

could do it, there was no way he would meddle with Henry's life. "This

has nothing to do with trust. The fact is, you cannot do it. I won't let

you play around with Granddad's life!" Dahlia refused bluntly. After

three years of marriage, they both knew each other like the backs of

their hands. There was no way Dahlia could know whether Dustin could do
