

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 581

"Dylan!" The sudden turn of events left everyone stunned. Nobody expected

Dylan to collapse and spurt blood when he

was still laughing a second ago.

"Get him to the hospital, quickly!" Hector made a prompt decision and ord

ered someone to carry

Dylan out

"Hey, brat! Did you do this?" Jacob was about to leave when he thought of

something and turned back, his expression menacing.

"What does it have to do with me? It's his old injuries that resurfaced.

If you're looking for someone to blame, you should blame Tyler since he a

ttacked him earlier." Dustin shrugged.


Jacob was exasperated. However, he couldn't start a scene without eviden


"Jacob. You should go now. It's more important to save Dylan," Hector rem

inded him.

"Let's go!" Jacob glared at Dustin and left angrily, not wanting to waste

any more time. Trent and Kate followed behind them. As the Harmons' most

talented genius, Dylan's safety would affect their future. He was alread

y considered equal in standing to Hector, the family patriarch.

"Dear, what did you do to him?" Natasha got closer to Dustin and asked in

a lowered voice. Something unusual clearly occurred for Dylan to suddenl

y collapse and spurt blood.

"What could I do? It

was mainly because of Tyler," Dustin said seriously.

"Do you really expect me to believe that?" Natasha rolled her eyes. "Nobo

dy can hear us, so you'd

better tell me the truth."

"Alright, I just aggravated his injuries and made it worse." Dustin smile

d. Dylan had sustained internal injuries from Tyler's attack earlier. And

when Dustin

patted Dylan's shoulder, he channeled another bout of violent true energy

into his body. His unstable condition flared up


"Will he die?" Natasha asked cautiously. Even though she didn't get along

with Dylan, he was still her uncle's only son. As they were related by b

lood, she didn't wish for him to lose his life.

"Don't worry. He won't die, but he'll be suffering for a while. Perhaps,

he might even have complications from it," Dustin said

meaningfully. In essence, Dylan would grow weak and constantly struggle w

ith illnesses.

"As long as he doesn't die, it doesn't matter. Serves him right!" Natasha

was indignant. She was still upset about

the time he spiked the wine. Since he was terrorizing others again, natur

ally, he should be taught a lesson.

"What are you two

whispering about?" Hector, who was standing not far away, suddenly interj


"Nothing." Natasha grinned and changed the subject. "Dad, if it weren't f

or Dustin, we would have

been in big trouble!"

"Not bad. Seems like we're indebted to you again." Hector nodded, looking

impressed. He believed Dustin despite the skepticism from others. And th

at was because of what George said before he


"Not at all, Mr. Harmon. I didn't do much," Dustin responded politely.

"Dad, are you not going to do anything as a show of appreciation?" Natash

a was slightly upset.

"What do you suggest? How about I give him your hand in marriage?" Hector
