

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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Chapter 571

"Hahaha! Sir Moran is here! The Harmons are saved!"

"With Sir

Moran present, I doubt Tyler would continue his reckless behavior!"

Keith's appearance uplifted the Harmons' spirits, and they felt inexplica

bly happy, finally feeling at ease after

their previous feelings of repression. So what if Tyler was General Lionh

eart? He was only a major general. Sir Moran, as a lieutenant general and

the one who controlled

the army, held greater authority than Tyler. Even a talented genius like

Tyler had to show deference in the presence of Sir Moran.

Trent flashed a wide smile. "Hector, I can't believe you actually got Sir

Moran to come. That's


"Trent, you got it all wrong. Sir Moran's appearance should have somethin

g to do with my son's identity," Jacob said proudly.

Kate chimed in, "That makes sense. Dylan is a part of the Dark Panther Ca

valry and is backed by the Goddess of War. With such a bright future, Sir

Moran must have recognized his talent."

Trent chuckled with realization. "Oh, that's

right… Dylan is our true talented genius."

Considering the Harmons' standing, it wasn't easy to have Keith confront

Tyler. However, things were different if they factored in

Scarlet, the Goddess of War's connection.

"Ha! Let's see if Tyler will continue to act as he pleases!" Dylan revele

d in the praises, accepting the credit without

hesitation. Hector didn't correct

them either. As long as they could resolve the situation, it didn't matte

r who invited Keith.

"I believe this is just a birthday celebration. Why have you brought so m

any guards, General Lionheart?" Keith's tone was frosty as he questioned

Tyler, walking up

to him slowly. The guards from both sides faced off against each other, c

reating a tense atmosphere.

"Sir Moran, this matter has nothing to do with you. I hope you won't inte

rfere," Tyler was indifferent. Despite Keith's higher

rank, he remained fearless.

"Millsburg falls under my jurisdiction. Its safety is my responsibility.

If you stir up trouble here, it's only natural for me to step in," Keith

declared with conviction.

"You're just a local general while I was bestowed my title by the royal f

amily. Do you have authority over me?" Tyler retorted coldly.

"It doesn't matter who commits the crime. As long as they do so, I will n

ot stand idly by!" Keith confidently confronted him.

"Ha! I'm afraid the number of people you brought with you is not

enough to stop my army," Tyler

said, maintaining his advantage.

"If Sir Mason's forces are insufficient, what if I join in?" At that mome

nt, they heard an elderly yet commanding voice. It wasn't loud, yet it re

verberated through the entire place.

Following the voice, an elderly man with a white beard and matching eyebr

ows strolled in leisurely. He exuded a strong presence and had a piercing

gaze, evoking an overwhelming air with his every move. Though unintentio

nal, it was intimidating. As he walked through the doors, a

palpable weight seemed to descend upon the crowd, like rocks pressing dow

n on their chests. It was hard to even breathe.

"T–that… Isn't that Sir Paul Hill?"

"Oh my God! It really is him! What's he doing here?"

Everyone present erupted in a frenzy at his appearance. He was the patria

rch of the Hill family, a highly skilled grandmaster, and a master of Bal

erno martial arts. He

commanded immense respect and admiration in the marital world. In the ent

ire seven provinces in Balerno, 100 thousand

martial artists followed his command. He was a true leader, revered by co




going on? Sir Hill is actually here?" The Harmon family members looked at

each other in genuine surprise. Paul was a reserved man with an air of m

ystery surrounding him. He rarely made appearances for anyone, and their

families weren't acquainted. Why would a martial arts master like him ste

p up for the Harmon family?

"Hector, did you invite Sir Hill?" Trent was dumbfounded.

Hector shook his head. "No."