

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 489

Three resounding tolls of bells echoed

throughout the Hill family residence. This prompted a large number of key

family members to swiftly gather at the meeting hall. The Hill family ha

d a clear rule that if warning bells were sounded, it meant a major incid

ent had occurred within the family.

No matter where they were or what they were up to, they were required to

head immediately to the meeting


"Autumn, what the hell are

you doing? Who permitted you to ring the bell?" Spring had arrived with a

few of his aides and strode into the meeting hall. He noticed that most

of the key family members were already gathered.

The family members were drawn to the meeting hall by the sound of the bel

l, not yet knowing what had transpired. Since the Hill family residence w

as enormous, surrounding an entire mountain, those residing behind the mo

untains didn't hear the commotion at the front gates.

Autumn's expression was gloomy. "Spring! Someone had gone on a killing ra

mpage at our residence. If I hadn't rung the bell our family's legacy wou

ld soon be reduced to ruins!"

"Oh? Who has such courage to start trouble with our family?" Spring was i

nstantly agitated.

"It's that Dustin kid!" Autumn gritted his teeth. "That kid is audacious

and arrogant. He openly disrespects our family just because he thinks he'

s got some skills. He not only injured two to three hundred of our elite

members, but he also crippled my son!"

"Dustin? How could it be him?" Spring furrowed his brows, slightly surpri

sed. "Are you sure you didn't get the

wrong person?"

"How would I get the wrong person? Even if that kid was burned to ashes.

I would still recognize him!" Autumn's expression was one of pure resentm


"Everything must have a reason. Why would he do such a thing?" Spring que


"No reason could ever justify his heinous acts!" Autumn insisted indignan


*Spring, just look at my son. Look at how badly he was beaten up!" He wav

ed his hand, and soon, Torben was carried in carefully on a stretcher. He

was covered in blood and had severed limbs, and his face was contorted

in pain as he wailed incessantly.

The horrifying sight caused an uproar among the family members. Torben wa

s a direct descendant of the family. He was also someone the family nurtu

red with great care. Naturally, witnessing him reduced to such a battered

state caused a significant commotion.

"Dustin has gone too far! We must make him pay for his actions!"

"That's right! We must capture him so that it can serve as a warning to o


Everyone present spoke fervently with righteous indignation.

"Everyone, please quiet down. I have something to say." At that moment, P

atrick walked up and said calmly." Uncle Spring, after investigating, I f

ound that Torben was the one who started this fiasco."

Spring raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Why?"

"Dustin had asked someone to deliver a bottle of medicinal wine today

to treat Grandpa's illness. However, things were intentionally made diffi

cult for the person at the front gates. Not only did Torben smash the bot

tle, he almost killed him. That was why Dustin came to take revenge." Pat

rick explained the situation in detail.

"What?! Is that true, Autumn?" Spring turned his attention to Autumn.

"So what? He's just a servant. What's the big deal about beating him up?

Is he worth being compared to my son?" Autumn confidently justified his a


"A servant is indeed not worth mentioning. But what about Grandpa's medic

inal wine?" Patrick rebuked him," Torben is taking Grandpa's health as a

joke. Don't you think that is disgraceful behavior?"

"You cut the crap!" Autumn's expression shifted slightly. "Who knows if t

he medicinal wine was poisoned? My son might have stopped him because he

had a good eye and realized the wine was tampered with!"

"That is just your one–sided opinion," Patrick said impassively.

"Shut up!" Autumn glared at him. "Are you suspecting me? How dare you poi

nt fingers at someone with a

higher standing than yours?" Since he couldn't argue against him, Autumn

pulled rank. But that made him

more suspicious.

"Enough! Stop arguing!" Spring slammed his hand on the table to stop thei

r dispute. "Autumn, I will investigate

this matter thoroughly. Go and get Torben treated."

"Investigate what? My son has been battered to such a state! No matter wh

at, I will get my revenge!" Autumn

spat out in anger.

'That's right! It doesn't matter why. The Hill

family will not be bullied!"