

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 463

Before he could even wrap his head around what was going on, a sharp blad

e was already pressed up against his throat. The blade glistened with a d

ark sheen, obviously coated in poison. "Celeste, what are you doing?" Stu

nned by the sharp turn of events, Trent was at a loss at how to react. He

had never thought that the day would come when his wife would threaten h

im with a blade against his neck.

"Stop calling me that. Your beloved Celeste died a few days ago." The wom

an smiled.

"You're not Celeste? Then who are you?" Trent's expression was one of utt

er horror and confusion.

"The Dark Lord is my master. Who do you think I am? The sinister smile on

her face remained unchanging.

"You're the Dark Lord's disciple?" Hector frowned. This was a grave matte

r. They had never expected the Dark Lord to plant a mole in the Harmon fa

mily disguised as one of them.

"So it is true that you're the one who poisoned Quentin! Guards! Get her!

" Jacob ordered without further ado.

"Stand right there!" The woman made a slight move with the blade and thre

atened. "This blade is coated with poison. Just the slightest scratch on

him, and you'll bid him goodbye forever. I suggest that none of you make

any sudden moves." Everyone in the room stopped in their tracks when they

heard that.

"Let my brother go, and I'll spare you!" Hector bellowed.

"Hah! Do you think I'd believed you?" The woman held Trent hostage and be

gan inching backward toward the door. As she did so, she taunted, "You lo

t are in luck. My intention had been to wipe out all of you today. Who kn

ew you'd be so lucky to have someone here to save you? None of you would

have been able to survive otherwise."

"Cut the crap! Let him go right this instant, or you won't make it out of

the door alive!" Jacob roared savagely.

"Do you bunch of dimwits think that you can stop me? Anyway, I've had my

fun today. I'll come back some other day to toy with you." When she reach

ed the exit, the woman suddenly turned to Dustin and smiled seductively a

t him. "Hey, miracle doctor, don't you forget what you promised. When you

have the

time, come over to my room, and we'll have a nice long chat, alright? See

you again soon!" And with that, she produced a spherical object and hurl

ed it to the ground.

With a loud resounding boom, dense smoke burst out on the spot, clouding

the visibility for a radius of several feet around them.

"Quick! Spread out! The gas might be poisonous!" Dustin warned at once. T

hat gave everyone a fright, and they all dispersed promptly for fear of i

nhaling poisonous gas.

By the time the smoke cleared out, the woman was already gone. Trent was

left behind, lying on the ground. unconscious.

"Trent!" Hector rushed forward to check on him. Fortunately. Trent was ju

st unconscious and wasn't harmed in any way.

"Get her!" Jacob was livid. Gathering his men, he was ready to go after h

er to take her down.

"Let her go!" Hector stopped them. He wouldn't put it past the Dark Lord'

s disciple to have several tricks up

her sleeves. It might be dangerous for them to go after her and fall into

her trap.

"Are we going to let her off just like that, Hector?" Jacob was peeved at

the thought of her going free after all

she had done.

"Of course not. But now's not the time for us to take action yet" Hector

told him seriously. They were out there in the open while their opponents

were in hiding. The situation was not beneficial to them, and

besides, without proper plan and preparation, they would only be led on a

wild goose chase.

"Damn it! The Dark

Lord is really playing us for fools!" Jacob hissed.

"Let's talk about this later. For now, have your men arrange to send our

guests back safely. Our family gathering will end here." Hector announced


"Sure." Jacob nodded and busied himself with the arrangements. Now that s

omething like that had happened, there was no point in carrying on with t

he gathering anymore.