

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 425

"What? Three minutes?" Upon hearing that, Abigail was dumbfounded.

Didn't he say it took ordinary martial artists a year or more to achieve

the basic level? Even she, a once–in–a-

century genius, took a day to cultivate her internal energy. To achieve i

t in a day was already worthy of being called a prodigy. Yet Dustin achie

ved it in three minutes? What should she call him

A monster?

A freak?

At this moment, she felt deeply shocked. Her earlier bit of pride evapora

ted into thin air.

"Are you… kidding me?" Abigail couldn't accept it..

"Why would I lie to you? I gain nothing from it." Dustin shrugged and sai

d calmly. "Besides, it's just talent. It doesn't represent strength. This

world is never lacking in geniuses. The path of martial arts is arduous

and long. To become a true powerhouse, both talent and effort are indispe


"I understand! I'll work hard and catch up to you soon! Abigail clenched

her fist. Then she decisively ran upstairs and began her intense training


Dustin laughed. He saw a familiar figure in Abigail.

Abigail was exactly like that girl from the Spanner family ten years ago.

At that moment, knocks rang out from the door. Dustin opened the door and

found Ruth standing outside.

"Ruth, how is your sister? Does she want to see

me?" Dustin's eyes lit up.

Ruth remained silent. She lowered her head and glanced behind her with a

hesitant expression. Only then did

Dustin notice two people standing in the courtyard behind her.

It was a man and a woman.

With a tall and imposing figure, the man seemed to be in his forties and

fifties. He exuded a compelling aura

from head to toe.

Dustin felt somewhat intimidated.

As for the woman, she had taken great care of her appearance. She had fai

r and tender skin, a well-

proportioned figure, delicate features, and a lingering charm.

She was none other than Ruth's mother, Jessica!

"So, you're Dustin?" the man spoke first. His tone was calm and emotionle

ss but carried a tinge of domination.

"Yes, that's me." Dustin nodded.

"I am Hector, Natasha's father." The man got straight to the point.

"Oh, Mr. Harmon. Please come inside." Dustin smiled faintly and Immediate

ly extended his

hand in a welcoming gesture. From the moment he saw Jessica, he had

guessed the identity of the visitors.

"There's no need for that. I came here today to have a few words with you

," Hector said calmly. "Natasha is already engaged to someone, and by the

end of this month, she will be married. So I hope you won't meet my daug

hter anymore."

"Married?" Dustin frowned. "Why didn't she tell me?"

"What difference would it make if she told you? This decision was made by

two prominent families, and no one

can change that." Hector continued expressionlessly. "Young man, I don't

know if you truly love my daughter or are attracted to her family backgro

und. It doesn't matter. In any case, the bottom line is to stay away from

my daughter."

As he spoke, he made a gesture. Soon, several bodyguards entered the cour

tyard, carrying two large boxes. When the boxes were opened, they reveale

d stacks of gold inside!

"Young man, this gold is

a gift from me. Take it and leave the capital. From now on, don't appear

before my daughter," Hector said.