

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 404

"Something happened? What happened?" Edmund was stunned, unable to react.

"My daughter just called to tell me that Abigail got into a conflict at t

he karaoke bar, and both sides fight! You should hurry over and check on

her!" the neighbor urged.

got into a

"What? A fight?!" Edmund was startled. He immediately threw down his cutl

ery and ran to the door, but then, he turned around suddenly and said, "M

r. Rhys, I truly apologize, but something happened to my daughter, and I

need to go handle it."

"I'll go with you." Dustin stood. It wasn't good to just mooch off someon

e in their house. If he could lend a hand in any way, he naturally wouldn

't be stingy.

"Well…" Edmund was a bit conflicted.

"Don't worry. I won't make things worse." Dustin smiled.

"Edmund, don't dawdle any longer. More people means more power. Hurry!" t

he neighbor prompted again.

"Alright —

" Edmund nodded. Without another word, he got in his Mazda and drove off.

He couldn't care about

anything else right now. His daughter's safety was the most important.

Twenty minutes later, he stopped in front of the karaoke bar.

Dustin followed Edmund inside. He found a few burly men standing outside

a particular room. Among them, the leader was a young man dressed in a Ve

rsace suit. His face was flushed, and he reeked of alcohol. He yelled and

kicked the door. Meanwhile, Abigail and a few other female students were

hiding in the room, not daring to come out.

"Fuck, it should be an honor that I touched your butt. How dare you hit m

e? I'm going to teach you a lesson today!"

After a series

of hard kicks, the door suddenly fell with a resounding bang.

The girls inside the room instantly screamed in terror, except Abigail, w

ho stood in front, unyielding. With stubborn eyes, she said, "Hold right

there! I'm warning you not to do something rash. I've already asked for b

ackup. Once my friends come, there'll be a good show!"

"Backup?" the man in the suit chuckled coldly. "To tell you the truth, th

is is my territory. It doesn't matter who you call over. I'm going to

fuck you tonight!"

With that, he reached out to grab her.

"Stop!" At that moment, Edmund suddenly ran over and stood in front of hi

s daughter protectively. "Young man, let's use our words, not our hands."

"What are you doing

here?" Abigail frowned, not the least bit grateful.

"Old geezer, where did you come from?" The man in the suit looked him up

and down with an unkind gaze.

"Young man, this is my daughter. She's young and doesn't know

better. If she's offended you in some way, I'll apologize on her behalf,"

Edmund said with an apologetic smile, bowing profusely.

"That bitch slapped me and broke my watch. Do

you think an apology can fix this?" The man sniffed.

Right then, a girl with short hair beside Abigail suddenly said, "You're

the one who behaved obscenely first! If you didn't grope her, you wouldn'

t have gotten slapped!"

"She should thank her

lucky stars that I touched her. Don't be fucking shameless!" The man glar


Edmund's face froze. In the end, he still forced a smile and said, "Young

man, I think this is just a misunderstanding. There's no need to make th

is bigger than it is. Why don't we all take a step back, okay?"

"Don't think it's over just because you said so!" The man slapped Edmund

harshly, cursing. "Who the fuck are you? Are you even worthy of negotiati

ng with me?"

Edmund staggered backward from the blow, almost falling.