

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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Chapter 296

The doctors looked at each other in shock after seeing how lively Jane wa

s. They couldn't believe that such a small pill had cured what a group of

medical professionals had been unable to. It was incredible!

Was that black pill a panacea or something?

Getting over his shock, the bald doctor tentatively asked, "Ms. Nicholson

, may I know what pill that is? Could we study it?"

"Yeah, right. Fuck off!" Dakota immediately kicked him, making the man gr

oan in pain.

Knowing he had lost, he quickly led the other doctors out of the room in


"Who knew a small pill like this could be so powerful?" Florence was in a

we. Despite its looks and smell, its effects were evident.

"It may have cost ten million dollars, but it was worth it!" Dakota excla

imed happily.

"What? Ten million?" The other two women instantly sprung up.

"Are you joking. Dakota? A bottle like this costs ten million dollars? Fl

orence asked, wide–eyed.

"Yeah! Were you tricked? How could this ordinary–

looking medicine cost so much?" Jane demanded, pained. The richer someone

was, the stingier they were.

"Forget it. As long as it could save you, the price isn't that important.

" Dakota wasn't too angry about it.

"What do you mean forget about it?" Jane fumed. "I still haven't gotten e

ven with that brat for slapping me. How dare he con us out of ten million

dollars! I have to get that money back!" She immediately tried to get ou

t of bed, but

her agitated state, combined with her weak body, made her knees go weak,

and she immediately collapsed back on the bed.

"Mom, we can think about the money later. Your health is way more importa

nt," Dakota said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Jane. I'll get the money back for you." Florence volunteere

d, not letting the opportunity to prove herself escape.

"Alright, then. I'll leave this to you." Jane agreed without hesitation.

She couldn't be happier that someone was volunteering to run errands for


"Mom, bad news!" Just then, Dahlia barged into the room anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Florence was puzzled since she rarely saw her daughter so


"It's James." Dahlia panted before continuing.

"I just received news that he got drunk last night and

accidentally ran his car into someone, killing that person. He's already

been arrested!"

"He killed someone?" Florence was stunned. "How is that possible? He neve

r drives after drinking. How could this have happened?"

"I don't know the specifics either.

He's being held in police custody. Let's go now." Dahlla urged.

"Right! Let's go!" Florence quickly followed Dahlia out of the room.

Dahlia was the one who drove, and moments later, they arrived at the inve

stigation bureau. After a simple

registration, the two women entered the meeting room and saw a roughed–

up James.

"Mom! Sis! You're finally here!" James burst out crying the moment he saw


"You asshole! How dare you drink and drive!" Dahlia walked forward and sl

apped him across the face.