

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 288

"Just friends, eh? Then you won't mind going home with me right this inst

ant!" Dustin snapped.

"But …Dahlia frowned and glanced at Dustin and Luis, troubled. Although s

he didn't have any feelings for Luis, the man had helped her, so it would

n't be right to turn her back on him now.

"What's wrong? You don't want to?" Dustin sneered. "Is this what you call

an ordinary friend? How am I supposed to believe you?"

Dustin couldn't believe that Dahlia was still hesitating. It seemed that

he was even less important than her ordinary friends, and here he thought

that their relationship had been improving. It must have been his imagin


"Forget it, Ms. Nicholson. You don't have to think about it so hard. We'r

e nothing to each other now. Enjoy your meal.

I'll be taking my leave. Dustin shook his head and turned around.

"Wait for

me." Grabbing two bottles, Adam hurried after Dustin. He didn't have any

experience when it came to love, so he couldn't help Dustin.

After stepping out of the restaurant, Dustin remained motionless as he fa

ced the cold

wind, feeling frustrated. He was at a loss for how to deal with his emoti

ons. He may have said it was fine, but his heart still stung

when he saw Dahlia with another man,

"Forget about her, buddy. There are lots of women everywhere else." Adam

stepped forward and patted Dustin's shoulder. "With your skills, it won't

be hard for you to get any woman you want. Why don't you consider my sis


"Hell no!" A feminine voice rang out from behind them.

The two men spun around to see a stunning woman heading toward them.

It was none other than Dahlia.

"Why did you come out?" Dustin was surprised. He didn't expect her to cha

se after him, assuming she would ignore him.

"You're such a petty man!" Dahlia huffed. "How could you run out when we'

ve barely spoken!"

"Weren't you having dinner with your friend? What are you doing here?" Du

stin pretended to be calm but was actually relieved.

"I'm here to enjoy the breeze, alright?" Dahlia rolled her eyes, secretly

pleased to see Dustin jealous.

"Ugh, the stench of love." Adam shook his head.

"Shut up!" Dahlia and Dustin shouted in unison.

"Aren't you worried if you just leave that man alone?" Dustin asked.

"What else can I do? I'll just have to get him a present as an apology."

Dahlia shrugged. She seemed to have finally opened her eyes.

"You haven't eaten, have you? Why don't you join us?" Dustin offered.

Dahlia humphed. "At least you're considerate." She patted her belly, real

izing she was hungry.

"Let's go. We'll bring you somewhere nice." Dustin walked over to the car

to open the door.

Just as she was about to get into the car, Dahlia's eyes widened when she

saw a truck loaded with dirt heading straight for them at top speed.

Watch out!" She frantically shoved Dustin away.