

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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Chapter 16

"What the hell? Why did he bring so many people?" Chris

gulped, feeling faint for some reason. Weren't they supposed to fight

one-on-one? Edward had disrespected the rules of a fair fight by

involving a gang. Though Chris was cursing in his heart, he had no choice

but to face them head-on. No matter what, he couldn't lose face in front

of Dahlia. "That's them. Surround them!" With a wave of his hand, the

bodyguards led by Edward dashed forward at once, surrounding Chris,

Dahlia, and Lyra. "What are you doing? I'm warning you, don't you dare

touch me. My father is David Nolan, the president of Nolan

Pharmaceuticals!" Sensing that he was at a disadvantage, Chris hurriedly

threatened them with his father's status. "So what?" one of the

bodyguards yelled. "Do you know who you've messed with? He is Sir

Spanner's son, the heir of Drey Group!" His words caused an uproar among

the crowd. 2 "Sir Spanner? Is he talking about Trevor Spanner, King of

the Underworld from East City?" "It must be him!" "Poor guy. I can't

believe he messed with Sir Spanner's son. Looks like he's doomed."

Everyone started whispering to one another, expressing their fear. "You…

you guys work for Sir Spanner?" Chris stammered out of intimidation.

Trevor, also known as Sir Spanner, was East City's infamous King of the

Underworld, second only to the Mighty Three. He was a man of ruthlessness

who showed no mercy to those who wronged him. Under his command were

hundreds of subordinates specialized in blackmail and other types of

crimes. In simpler terms, Trevor would be the most feared villain in a

story. Whoever offended him would face consequences worse than death.

"Fuck, I've made a huge blunder this time," thought Chris in a cold

sweat. "What's wrong? I thought you were confident. Are you scared now?"

Edward closed in on Chris, his eyes filled with viciousness. "Um, this is

a misunderstanding…" Chris forced a smile, sounding extremely submissive.

"Misunderstanding, my ass!" Edward roared in fury, slapping Chris across

the face twice, leaving his face marked with red fingerprints.

Suppressing his exasperation, Chris bit the bullet and smiled

apologetically. "My father is acquainted with Sir Spanner. Could you let

this slide for once? I'll make it up to you." "Who the fuck do you think

you are? You're not in the position to ask me for that." Edward

forcefully poked Chris on the forehead with his index finger. With each

poke, Chris was forced a step back. At this very moment, Chris had his

tail between his legs, not daring to make a sound. Lyra couldn't take it

anymore and shouted, "Hey, you bunch of thugs! Do you think it's cool to

bully others?" "Why? Are you angry?" Pushing Chris aside, Edward headed

in Dahlia and Lyra's direction with an evil smirk. "This is the Harmon

family's territory. Don't you dare cross the line!" Lyra warned sternly.

2 "You think I'm afraid of the Harmon family?" Edward scoffed and said,

"Besides, you guys were the ones who started the fight. I'm only acting

out of self-defense. What is the Harmon family going to do about it?" 2

"What… what bullshit are you spouting?" Lyra started to become frantic.

"Hmph, looks like you've not understood the situation. Let my men knock

some sense into you if that's the case!" Edward gestured for his

bodyguards to make a move, and two of them stood forward menacingly. 1

"Stop right there!" Dahlia suddenly interrupted with a cold voice. "This

has nothing to do with her. Let her go." "Does that mean you will take

the responsibility?" Edward let out a cruel chuckle. Sure. I'll let her

off the hook, but in return, you have to sleep with me tonight. If you

manage to satisfy me, I'll pretend that none of this happened." "You're

shameless!" Dahlia raised her hand to slap him, but Edward caught her

wrist just in time. "Bitch, how dare you hit me again? Boys, tie her up!"

"Yes, sir!" Several bodyguards complied and immediately seized Dahlia.

"Let go of her, you thugs!" Just as Lyra was about to rescue Dahlia,

Edward ruthlessly Chagh kicked her to the ground. "Mr. Nolan… Please save

her!" Lyra cried out in pain, unable to get to her feed. Helplessly, she

could only beg Chris. "Edward, let's talk this out. Why involve the

women?" Chris tried to persuade Edward. For Dahlia's sake, he had to

resort to pleading for mercy. "Fuck you. I'm not done with you yet, and

you're trying to save someone else?" Edward cussed. "No, no! That's not

what I meant. There's no need to get violent. We can settle this

peacefully," Chris explained politely. "Shut your trap!" Edward's heavy

slap sent Chris stumbling to the ground. "Say one more word and I will

kill you." a Chris shrank back and kept silent. Although he cared about

Dahlia, he had to save his skin first. After all, it was unreasonable to

offend Sir Spanner over a woman. "Hmph. Turns out you're just a coward!"

Edward jeered, "I don't understand why these women would stick with you."

Chris felt insulted, but he couldn't do anything about it. "You two, stop

struggling already. Take them away. I'm going to have a blast tonight."

Then, Edward ordered his men to tie Dahlia and Lyra up and bring them

away. "Mr. Nolan! Please, help us!" Lyra screamed at the top of her

lungs. However, Chris didn't react as he kept his head bowed. His

cowardness made the people around shake their heads. Obviously, Chris was

too timid to do anything. Just when everyone thought that Dahlia would

inevitably be violated, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Edward and

blocked his path. "You're not allowed to touch her." "What the fuck? Are

you trying to be the hero too?" Edward sneered. "I advise you to let her

go before things get out of hand," Dustin stated coldly. Edward chuckled

with indifference. "What if I refuse?" "Then, go to hell!"