

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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Chapter 153

A resounding crash was heard as the doors to the center were busted open.

Without hesitation, seven masked assassins swarmed Into the center.

"Shit! They caught up to us!" Claudia cursed.

They were ambushed by these assassins, who wiped out their team of bodygu


Only Claudia and Sheila managed to break through the siege and escape. Cl

audia thought that they had shaken off the pursuit. Unfortunately, the as

sassins were relentless.

"Sheila, I'll hold them back. You have to escape through the back door!"

Claudia whispered.

"If I escape, you will definitely be killed, I am their target, so they w

ill not hurt me. I'll let them take me as a

hostage." Sheila's face was pale.

"Sheila! As your personal bodyguard, my duty is to ensure your safety. Li

sten to me!" Claudia stood in front of Sheila resolutely, protecting her.

"There's no need to argue. We will be taking the both of you!" A bald man

laughed evilly as he walked in.

Unlike the other assassins, this man wasn't masked and emitted a murderou

s aura.

"Thor Garcia?" Claudia's eyes narrowed.

Thor Garcia was one of the

Four Scoundrels, infamous for conducting illegal raids and providing hitm

en services in exchange for money. They were excellent martial artists an

d money–

grubbing lunatics. Their names struck fear into everyone who heard of the

ir reputation.

"Oh, my! What an honor for Ms. Doyle to recognize me!" The bald man

said with a mocking smile.

"Thor Garcia! Regardless of how much you were compensated for this assign

ment, I will double it if you let us go!" Claudia offered.

"Ms. Doyle, I may love money, but I'm more interested in your value. As long as I capture both of you, money will naturally roll in!" Thor laughed,

"There will be terrible consequences if you harm us in any way!" Claudia

warned him again.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to harm both of you. I just need your identit

ies for a deal. It would be better

for you not to retaliate. Otherwise, I can't guarantee your safety. Get t


Thor smirked and gestured to his men. The assassins behind him leaped for

ward to capture them.

"Sheila, run!" Claudia shouted as she rushed forward, ignoring her weaken

ed condition.

Her movements were quick as lightning, and her attacks were ruthless. Eve

n though she was severely injured. she single–

handedly fought against the group of assassins. It was obvious that her s

kills were top–notch as she put up a good fight.

"Having such formidable internal energy at such a young age, It is no won

der that you are from a martial arts family. I'm envious of your natural

talents. However, it's a shame that you're still lacking in terms of

experience." Thor narrowed his eyes.

When Claudia was distracted by the assassins, Thor saw an opening and sne

akily attacked her from behind.

Blood spurted out from her mouth as she was thrown backward and crashed a

gainst a table.

*Claudia!" Sheila cried.

"That's a despicable move!" Claudia gritted her teeth and glared at Thor.

"Despicable or not, it doesn't matter when I am the last person standing.

" Thor scoffed, without an ounce of


"Wait a minute! I'm your real target, aren't I? I'll go with you! However

, you must let Claudia and that man go!" Sheila spread her arms wide with

her back towards Claudia.

"Ms. Murray, you are in no position to negotiate with us." Thor laughed.

"If you refuse, I'll kill myself! Then, you will have nothing to show for

your efforts!" Suddenly, Sheila pressed a knife to her neck. The determi

nation in her eyes was blazing as she glared at Thor.

"Stop, Ms. Murray! Don't be so reckless!" Thor was caught by surprise.

This young lady was precious cargo. If any harm came to her, he would be

in huge trouble!

"I'll repeat myself. Will you agree to let them go?" Sheila increased the

pressure on the knife, and a trickle of

blood flowed down her neck.

"Alright, alright! I'll do what you say! As long as you leave quietly wit

h us. I'll let them go!" Thor nodded hastily.

"Sheila, stop it! What are you doing?" Claudia screamed. She scrambled to

stand up but failed due to her

severe injuries.

"Claudia, this is the best solution right now. You need to stay alive. Be

sides, they won't hurt me." Sheila

squeezed out a forced smile. She knew what they were here for. At the ver

y least, she wouldn't be in

immediate danger.

"Ms. Murray, time is running out. Let's get moving!" Thor showed her to t

he doors.

Holding the

knife to her neck, Sheila walked in silence. The assassins were lined up

in two rows as they eyed

her fiercely.

"Stop right there! Are you going to leave just like that?" Dustin, who ha

d remained silent all this while, spoke up.

"What? Are you trying to be a hero?" Thor turned to him and growled. Anyo

ne who tried to stop him would be beaten into a pulp until he begged for


"You kicked my doors down, destroyed my fumiture, and now you are leaving

without any compensation? How shameless could you be?" Dustin said nonch


Everyone was dumbstruck at his request. No one expected Dustin to ask for

compensation at this juncture.

"Punk! Are you fucking kidding me? How

dare you ask for compensation? Don't you know who I am?" Thor cackled.

Chapter 152

"I don't care who you are. Even if the emperor himself turns up, no one i

s allowed to leave without paying!"

Dustin demanded.

Thor and his men roared with laughter at Dustin, thinking that he had los

t his mind.

"Stop talking any further! You are no match for these men!" Sheila motion

ed to Dustin.

"Do you have a death wish? These men will murder you without a second tho

ught. How dare you ask them for

money?" Claudia frowned.

Did this man have a screw loose? Wasn't he aware of how dangerous a situa

tion he was in?

"Murder? Shouldn't they pay up for causing damage to the property regardl

ess?" Dustin reasoned.

"You-!" Claudia choked on her saliva.

What nonsense was this man spouting? She just told him that Thor was a he

artless murderer.

How could this man be so persistent about getting compensated?

Was it worth it to lose his life over mere pennies?

After catching his breath, Thor wheezed. "Punk, you have some guts! It's

been a long time since I last saw a reckless fellow like you!"

"Shut up and pay up already!" Dustin demanded impatiently.

His mood was already ruined. These men needed to be taught a lesson for c

reating a mess on his property.

"You really have a death wish! Boys, break his limbs! Let's see whether h

e dares to talk back after this!" Thor smirked and gestured to his men.

"Yes, boss!" Without a second thought, the assassins swung their weapons

at Dustin, with the intent to harm him.

"Hey! You said you would let him go!" Sheila shrieked.


Murray, I did agree to not kill him. However, he seems to be dissatisfied

with us. It would be rude to not teach him a lesson!" Thor

had a cunning smile on his face.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by the cries of pain from the assassins.

Before the assassins could rush up to Dustin, they fell over one by one,

as if they had been struck by lightning. All of the assassins were paraly

zed and unable to move.

After careful inspection, Thor realized that there

were silver needles pierced into their necks!

"How could this be?" Thor's lips trembled as a chill ran down his


He knew what these silver needles were used for. They could be used for a

cupuncture or as a hidden weapon.

However, he had never seen a technique where multiple hidden needles coul

d be simultaneously shot at the same time.

"How could this guy execute stealth attacks

with hidden needles?" Claudia was secretly shocked as well.

Needles were one of the hardest weapons to master, compared to other hidd

en weapons. Not only did it require deadly accuracy, but perfecting its

technique required persistent and grueling training.

"Punk! Who the hell are you? How dare you poke your nose into my business

?" Thor narrowed his eyes as he drew his sword.

"Give me my compensation," Dustin insisted stubbornly.

"Bastard!" Thor was furious.


warning, he threw a fistful of dust into Dustin's eyes. After that, he pu

lled out his sword and rushed toward Dustin, using the dust as a smokescr


Thor had used this tactic many times. When his opponent was taken by surp

rise, he would stab them with his sword. Stronger men than himself had fa

llen for this sneak attack.

However, Dustin did not dodge. With a wave of his hand, the dust cleared


Dustin flicked two needles from his fingers, which flew swiftly and pierc

ed into Thor's knees, causing him to

scream in pain.

Thor's legs crumpled from under him, and he crashed to his knees. His hea

vy sword fell to the ground with a


"H–How could this be?" Thor widened his eyes in horror.

How could Dustin's aim be so accurate when the dust was obstructing his v

ision? What's more, his legs

became as heavy as lead after Dustin attacked him with needles.

"The only skills

you have are the tricks up your sleeve. Your fighting abilities, on the o

ther hand, aren't that

impressive." Dustin remarked condescendingly.

An oppressive aura pressed on Thor's body as he gasped for air, cold swea

t dripping down his forehead.

"Don't be reckless! I have nothing against you, there's no need for you t

o kill me!" Thor pleaded for his


He thought that he had a

perfect plan in place. Who would have expected a troublemaker to turn up

and make

everything go awry?

"I didn't have anything

against you before this, but now I have," Dustin said

as he inserted another needle into

Thor's neck. With a jerk, Thor's limbs were paralyzed.

Inside Thor's sleeve, there was a poisonous arrow that shone with an eeri

e light. Thor had planned to attack

Dustin with that arrow!

"Miss, you can deal with these men. Do whatever you want with them!" Dust

in patted the dust from his clothes and sat down on a chair nearby. This

young lady had a good heart, so he didn't mind extending a helping hand.

"Wow, you're an amazing fighter!" Sheila exclaimed

with delight. She had almost lost hope.

Who knew that the doctor of this medical center was also a master of hidd

en weapons? He single–handedly

finished off all the assassins!

"What's so great about using hidden weapons? There's no honor in stealth

attacks!" Claudia scoffed.

Being born into a family of martial artists, she had no respect for peopl

e who engaged in sneak attacks and

underhanded methods.

To be fair, she was a victim of

Thor's sneak attack which caused her to be severely

injured. As Claudia thought of this, anger burned within her.

Claudia picked up the sword from the ground and held it to

Thor's neck. "Speak! Who sent you?"

"I don't know. Being a hitman, I am employed to kill, steal, and destroy.

As long as they pay up, we don't care for whom we work," Thor replied wi

th difficulty.

"How dare you lie to me!" Claudia sliced the tendons on his arms and legs


Thor screamed in agony, large beads of sweat rolling down his face. "I…I

really don't know. In terms of

business deals, I receive instructions from a superior. I'm just followin

g orders!"

"You are making things difficult for me. I have little patience. If you m

ake me wait any longer, say goodbye to your jewels." Claudia placed the s

word at Thor's crotch.

"Please don't! I'll tell you everything!" Thor screamed as he grimaced in


"The person who employed us to kidnap Ms. Murray is…" Before Thor could

finish the sentence, he suddenly convulsed on the spot, spitting out bloo

d that was black in color.

After a few seconds, he was as dead as a doornail.

"Is he dead?" Claudia was taken aback by the strange occurrence.

Wasn't he fine just a minute ago? How could he die so suddenly?

While she mused over his death, Thor's abdomen visibly swelled up.

Something seemed to be crawling under the surface of his skin.

A spider emerged from his belly button, followed by

a whole swarm of spiders, crawling all over Thor's

lifeless body.

It was a revolting sight to see.

"What are all these spiders doing inside his

body?" Sheila staggered backward in shock.

At that moment, Dustin smirked. "Interesting. Having the ability to activ

ate venomous curses from

afar, the person who employed Thor to kidnap you must be very powerful!"