
The King's Alien Lover

Aleksander Morozova, the one and only powerful Werewolf King who was yet to find his mate. Something happened that lead him for being missing from the palace, and from his own kingdom. What will he do when he actually found his soul life in a very different way? Will he accept her for being different? or will he keep on with his act? Aesira,the Andrastian Female who was not someone to be messed with. She held herself in a high ground and demand respect from the other male who only know salivating over her body. So what will she do when one day she found herself a cute pitiful fluffy creature,lying and painting on the ground as if waiting for its death? will the blue creature do something to save him?

KianYildiz_30 · Fantasía
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3 Chs


I stood my ground watching all the five males standing ever so proudly in front of me while snickering. They looked down on me. They stepped on my pride. They ridiculed me and yet they even dreamed of having a taste of my body. Their black eyes running vigorously all over my body, lusting over my body even more with all the defense I put on.

If any other Andrastian Female who stood in front of them, they might have succumbed to this males need,they might get what they want.

But not when they are facing me.

Not when I still can stand on my two feet and still be sane with my surroundings.

Not when I still can recognise my name as Aesira.

The Andrastian creatures were vicious in every category, especially the males. Their inability in controlling their hormones make them always forcefully impregnate the female Andrastian.

The female Andrastian grew up with the mindset of being lower than the male and was taught to obey the males.

Aesira on the other hand was brought up by her grandmother,her father used to be the chief of The Andrastian race but was brutally killed for trying to bring a new concept of morality in which the opinion and concern from the female should be put into the new rules.

Her mother was the female warrior of Andrastian but was killed while trying to save her husband, Aesira's father.

With the might left,her grandmother Lilac,used her remaining life protecting the 2 months old baby Andrastian and promised to stay away from the power struggle and never claimed the position.

And due to the fact that the brutally dead chief, got himself a baby female, a weak and useless creature they decided to let them go.

Growing up with her grandmother by her side, there were so many things she needed to learn. She was taught not to depend on others, that this planet is evil and unfair.

That there is kindness and there is also evilness on this planet.

I throw them a sharp glare while flashing them my sharp teeth. Something the Female Andrastian usually do in order to defend themselves.

I looked at them menacingly ,the fur in between my eyebrows and the upper tips of my ears tensed and stood up straight and sharp as a sign of my anger and uneasiness of the situation.

My tensed and rigid body caused a strong impact on them when they also threw me a strong snarl.

Defying me with their dominance.

And I don't give a mountain about that.

They can threaten me with their snarl and growl all day but I won't falter.

This is my dignity and pride I was talking about.

I grew up without the basic skills of fighting and defending from my grandmother but I can still use my logic during unexpected situations.

One of them stepped forward and snatched my hand but I lashed out my knife on his hand, earning a painful scream from him. He looked at his hand,terrified.

He lost his hand.

The blue liquid oozing and spilling from his meat right on the ground. Painting the ground with the color and masking the woods with the scent.

Another male ran towards me and caught a handful of my hair. He snatched my head backward and choked me,leaving me gasping for air. But instead of fearing him I kicked him in his manhood and punched his eyes.

He faltered backward with a scrunched body.

I always noted never to give a simple kick.

The blue liquid was dripping in between his legs. He was now lying on the ground.

"You female!how dare you refuse us!"

"You shameless male! How dare you want to shove your wood into me!"

Leaving with no choice, they now attacked me altogether. The first one caught me from behind,the second one tried to lift up my legs and the last one slapped me.

But this is Aesira they are messing with.

I snatched my legs and kicked him on his stomach and threw my head backward smashing his nose with my head, earning a loud thunderous growl from the one behind me.

But I was a bit careless.

The third one tackled me to the ground. Looking at the sudden opportunity,the other two quickly pinned me down.

I was unable to fight their strength altogether. They pinned my leg, body and hand, and covered my mouth.

I will not give up.

Even when they shredded my clothes to pieces.

Even when I saw their dark blue rods standing up at the sight of my glistering body.

Even when one of them forcefully spread my legs.

I struggled with my mouth,the pressure he put on my mouth was strong.

I bit his hands ever so strongly to the point I could taste the liquid on my mouth.

He snatched his hand away from my mouth and that was the time an earth painful and striking scream escaped my mouth.

"AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!" The last resort that usually the female Andrastian like me will use.

A second later a powerful,threatening and thundering Whowl was heard causing the creatures of the sky to scatter and fly away.


The whowl causes the males to perk up their ears. Eyes were focusing and their body was tensing from the sudden interruption.

A strong growl of a certain unknown creature to them was heard.

"All of you will die! You have to accept your fate!" I spat with all the venom in my mouth.

"You guys have just woken up the monster in him, you should be worried about your life now!"

"You better shut up if you don't want us to stab you in your hole!"

I laugh hysterically.

"You can't do that! Not when your death is just right behind you!"

And for that a strong jaw caught his neck and twisted it in a matter of seconds before lashing it out on the ground. The blue meats were scattered. The blue liquid was left dripping from its jaw right to the ground.

The creature that was standing in front of them now, was very big.

Protecting the female andrastian with its huge muscled up body.

It was standing on four, snarling viciously before launching and slapping them with its paw full of sharp claws. Pressed their body with his weighed causing them to cough out blood and leaving them with a heaving injury.

They won't survive.

They can't survive.

Since he'll make sure they will have the most painful and slow death.

The golden furred creature slightly  turned his head glancing at the female who was scurrying back, snatching all the little pieces of her clothes trying to cover her body.

I saw the look in his eyes. He was furious, fuming even. With the several growls left in his mouth and him pacing right and left of the unconscious Andrastian Males, I could tell he was not satisfied with their death alone.

"It's okay my fluff,they don't get to do anything to me," he stopped pacing around and looked at me.

He whined while lowering his head,heading to me.

Slowly taking his steps toward me and wrapped me with his body. Covering my naked form from the eyes of nature.

He enveloped me and put his tail that was thick with fur around my shoulder trying to warm me with his warmth.

I smiled and nuzzled deep into his fur earning a certain unknown growl from him.

This creature,although his existence was a mystery , brought comfort and love to me. Ever since the death of my grandmother,I've been having a lot of problems with the Andrastian Males trying to take over my life and my body.

As much as i was brave and fierce but it was a fact that i was still alone.

I knew sooner or later they will try to eliminate my fluff as they will see him as a threat. I should avoid any problems as much as I can.

The night was so long, my fluff was nuzzling his nozzle on my neck earning a ticklish laugh from me and seconds later he started to lick my shoulder. 

A warmth feeling spreads in me.

I leaned my body on his,comforting myself in his fur before I slowly drifted to sleep.

"I can't believe you still call me your fluff,my love,"