
Chapter one

"Babe those boots cost over 80 dollars; it was a birthday present from my parents." I begrudgingly rolled over and examine my boyfriend as he is in the middle of putting on my black boots. His only response was to smile sheepishly at me and nothing else. I looked next to the door to see his shoes sitting dejectedly, abandoned having its rightful place stolen by my new boots.

"Well you shouldn't have gotten them because you know I'm going to steal them." When he said that his smiled turned into a grin. He playfully messed with my hair as I sulk in the bed further in order to avoid his cold hands and cuddle into the warm blankets. I, knowing he won't budge on the boots, sigh helplessly because both he and I know that I'm not a confrontational person. So, I just closed my eyes and tried to submerge back into my dreams.

The next moment, I felt the bed sink beside me and my boyfriend gentle pull my upper boy onto his lap as I grumbled at him in barely coherent words about 'poking a sleeping dragon'. He started to smoothly pet my hair which I leaned into. This being a rare occurrence as I'm usually not the needy one. Lightly opening my eyes, I look at him and pout. This makes him sigh.

"Can I borrow your boots babe?" He asked me in an exasperated and slightly defeated voice. Immensely satisfied with his compliance I pretend to think about his question and after a minute or two of 'heavy consideration' I nod very slowly. Watching him stare at me in frustration made me laugh so hard that I snorted. This made him shake his head and sigh, but I saw that small smile on his face.

I rolled off of him and push him off the bed. "Go, work. I'm just planning to stay in all day. The boots are yours for today but don't expect another day with my precious boots." After the spill I break into a fit of giggles and laughter. He wished me goodbye as I did the same, my last words to him was 'I love you'.

After an hour home alone, I got the most brilliant idea. Boots, there was a store near the house that sells boots. I got up, got dressed and walked out into the ingested streets with tons of traffic. Walking would be faster than taking a taxi so that's exactly what I did. When I got to the store and bought the boots, I decided to buy a birthday card and immediately filled it out.

To my bestest boyfriend in the world, Timothy Garratt.

I bought you boots for your early birthday gift since you appear to like mine, I decided to get you a pair of you own.

Your loyal lover, Alex Marian.

I giggled to myself while walking onto the side walk next to a café that I know the owner of he waved me over and I explain my plan to him, in a hushed like voice like I was doing something suspicious. Shaking his head at me he laughed at me and expresses how odd I was acting as though I was 'robbing a bank' instead of buying boots for my boyfriend. I giddily continued talking with him then noticing the time I wish him goodbye and walked out then café.

I didn't get far though. There was a loud Screech and the only thing I could remember was the café owner holding my hand and telling me to 'Stay with him'. My vision started to spin and was slowly turning a bright white color. The last thing I said to the owner before my vision become completely white was. 'What happed?'

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