
The Journey To The Top (Multiversal fanfic) [Completed]

This is my first fanfic critisism is welcomed Join disc: https://discord.gg/FxBh8eGX Synopsis: A soul drifts away from the cycle of reincarnation and into the void, something that has never happened before. A large amount of time passes with nothing happening, until an entity appears before the soul. Read to find out more. Current world: DxD Finished worlds: Arifureta Cover is not mine Characters and the original story in this fanfic are also not mine all credit goes to their respective creators. I will say this now this novel is pretty cliché, I am not forcing you to read. If you’re dissatisfied about the direction, flow or any other aspect of the novel you are free to leave and if you choose to leave a comment on the way out please make it helpful, and not something you wrote just to be hurtful. Please enjoy. Also mc is strong since chap 4 be warned Also, try to read until the start of Tortus before leaving criticism AU elements

SentToOblivion · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
105 Chs

Peace conference(2)

Vali rushed towards Akio with hist fastest possible speed. Seeing how Akio didn't even react he thought he was unable to keep up with his speed, something that made his already large confidence increase further.

Just as his fist was about to hit Akio's face however his hand was caught while Akio himself wasn't even looking at me.

"Shea go deal with the interruptions no need to show mercy." Akio gave an order to Shea, to which she nodded before disappearing.

Turning his attention back to the boy who through a first at him he didn't even look at his face and instead looked at his chest.

Vali tried escaping but he found he couldn't so he opted for something different.

"DIVIDE!" Albion's voice that sounded reluctant shouted out as Vali began absorbing Akio's power.

Akio could have stopped this but was curious about what would happen if someone tried to divide his infinity.

'This idiot, I guess this is as far as he goes.' Albion who was inside Vali although a little sad accepted the truth that her host was an idiot.

Vali's face was at first ecstatic as he felt his power growing astronomically. However, that soon turned into surprise when he felt that his gear was already full and unable to store any more power. Lastly, his face turned into fear as he saw cracks appearing all over his gear before it just exploded off himself leaving a completely destroyed 'Divine Dividing' and a burnt unconscious Vali Lucifer.

(AN: AU I'm not sure what would happen in canon.)

At the last moment before the sacred gear was destroyed Akio had taken the soul of Albion in his hand.

"*Sigh*, I warned that idiot at least 100 times but he still wouldn't listen," Albion spoke through her soul as she was held in Akio's hand.

Despite being taken away from the person who was probably her most powerful host the only thought that was running through her head was getting into a similar position as Rose.

She found herself slowly liking her current life but that was perhaps only due to her knowing there was nothing different she could do.

Now however she was just shown that there was. She could live again and that thought was worth more than anything.

"Hehe, seems your host was far too arrogant." Rose laughed while looking down at the soul in Akio's hand.

"Yes, it seems so... Dragon God-sama I would like to make a proposition." Albion with a respectful tone spoke to Akio.

"Hmm, what do you want me to spare him?" Akio spoke guessing her motive.

"No, he got what he had coming. He may have been my strongest wielder but in the end, he was just as arrogant as all the others. I cannot care for every fool who doesn't know when they are outmatched." Albion spoke her words showing that she already accepted whatever fate Akio decided.

Before Akio could respond to her someone else yelled out.

"YOU BASTARD." Bikou who was holding a staff rushed forward in front of Vali. "HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY SAY THAT."

He seemed to be madder at Albion for her words than she was about Vali's defeat.

Soon enough Arthur Pendragon also stepped forward. He knew what he was doing was practically suicide but he was loyal enough to stand by his friend even if it meant facing absolute death.

"Brother, stop you know we cannot win this let's just surrender." Le Fay upon seeing her brother's reckless actions stepped forward trying to get him to stop.

Akio looked at this scene with an indifferent gaze, if they chose to attack he would wipe them out if they didn't he would take them as prisoners. They had come here with hostile intent that alone was enough to completely get rid of all chances of leaving without punishment.

His attention was drawn to the black-haired golden-eyed nekoshou, who was giving him a heated gaze. He knew her as Kuroka the sister of Koneko.

Akio turned his attention back to the two in front of him as he spoke. "I don't recommend throwing away your lives, I will give u a chance to surrender. If you choose to not however you will be killed."

His indifferent words caused the two to put on hesitant faces.

"What about Vali," Bikou asked as this would be the deciding factor of what he would choose.

"Truthfully I have little care, I have taken away his main power and that is enough to make me not automatically kill him. Still, he will be punished the same as the rest."

As soon as Akio finished his sentence another portal opened in front of him and out stepped the leader of the fallen angels themselves.

Azazel was trying to put on an indifferent face although internally he was terrified.




Azazel had just figured out what was happening when he felt a barrier being placed near where he lived. When he investigated and interrogated one of the magicians he found out that they were interrupting the signing of a peace treaty. This revelation that Heaven and Hell were about to enter peace both terrified him and gave him hope.

He himself had been wishing for this for a long time as truthfully his faction was the weakest. He was terrified because he knew if the fallen were left out of that conference it could very well mean the end for them.

That was when he immediately started to make his way killing the magicians hoping that he would be seen as an ally by the two factions and make his way into the conference.

On his journey to find whoever was representing the factions he was met face to face with Kokabiel.

This was when things started to register. Azazel knew Kokabiel was dissatisfied with how the war ended, so of course, he would be a part of this.

At this point, Azazel didn't know what to do. Kokabiel didn't even send him a second glance as he instead continued flying in a certain direction with a serious expression.

It was at this point that he felt the presence of Vali as well as the same presence he felt a couple of days ago. 'FUCKK!.' Too much was happening, and he didn't know what to do.

Still, he made a portal going directly to where Vali was.




For the who knows how many times today Akio was yet again interrupted. His annoyance was increasing to dangerous levels and his gaze was becoming colder.

Azazel's face transformed from indifferent to fear as he felt himself being stared at.


Akio turned his head away from Azazel not in the mood for questions or more annoyances.

He turned his attention to the body to dead body of Kokabiel who was falling through the air before landing and making a crater around 10 meters from him.

He then saw Shea who just returned as well as the 4 Seraphs who had also just finished doing their part in killing the enemies.

Akio could see the barrier slowly fading away but before it went away completely he cast another one to make sure the rest of Kuoh remained unaware.

All around him were the dead bodies of the Khaos Brigade who tried their hardest to kill the leaders of the factions.

Katerea, Kokabiel, and Vali who were all the main leaders of this attack were all either dead or out of commission.

Akio knowing that he could finally get back to what was planned without any annoyances put a barrier around Vali's team.

He then repaired all the damages done to the school and got rid of the corpses that were scattered everywhere.

"Albion, we will talk when I finish with my purpose for being here," Akio spoke before he gave her to Shea to hold.

The last thing Akio did was to teleport everyone currently in the barrier back to the room they were in previously.

Azazel stayed silent the entire, his attention was completely drawn to Akio as he had just now after everything settled down felt the divinity coming off Akio. 'F-father?'

When everyone was back in the room Akio could see that everyone mostly remained unhurt. Rias's peerage who went about finding Gasper was caught up in a few fights with the magicians and suffered a few injuries although nothing fatal.

Sona's peerage also dealt with a lot of the attacking magicians suffering a few small wounds.

Grayfia was already healing Rias and her peerage while Serafall was taking care of Sona and hers.

Akio just sat down waiting for the Satans to finish up. In the meantime, he turned his attention to Azazel who was busy looking around at the people in the room.

"Were you a part of the attacks?" Akio questioned him to which Azazel straightened up before with a sigh he shook his head.

"I was aware of some of my faction being a part of Khaos Brigade but I was unable to identify exactly who. I would've never expected Kokabiel or Vali to be one of them." Azazel spoke truthfully, Akio, of course, was already aware of this.

"What are your intentions?" Akio sent another question his way which caused Azazel to scratch his head.

"I want to join this treaty," Azazel spoke seriously skipping past all the reasons he came up with the decision.

Akio had no problems with his request. Although it was true fallen were a part of the attack it wasn't like they were directly sent by him.

"I have no problem with it but we will take a vote," Akio spoke before turning to the two Satans.

"I am fine with it." Both Serafall and Sirzechs spoke.

With that, Akio made another chair at the side of the table.

"May, I ask a question?" While sitting down in the chair Azazel asked with a serious yet hopeful expression.

"No, I am not your father but I am the current leader of Heaven, if you want further explanation ask Michael later." Akio already knew what he would ask and didn't feel like explaining.

Azazel sensing his unwillingness to talk just nodded and sent a glance at Michael.

On the other side of the room where Rias's peerage was Koneko could be seen with her eyes wide and a complex expression. She was staring directly at Kuroka who was imprisoned in the barrier.

Kuroka was also staring at Koneko although her gaze was apologetic.

"Back to what I was saying before all these annoyances showed up, let's finish this quick," Akio spoke directing a cold look at Vali's team, which made them shudder.

Akio pulled out the same document as last time although it had a space for Azazel to sign as well.

"With this contract, any hostility directed at each other will not be tolerated."

"In case of a faction being attacked by an outside group, if the situation requires it, that faction can request help from any other faction apart of this treaty."

"Lastly, in case of betrayal, the faction that violates the terms will be eliminated."

"Are you all clear on the terms?" Akio spoke after reading the contract. There were a few other details that were more of unspoken rules but everyone understood.

"We accept." Serafall and Sirzechs immediately accepted.

"I also accept." Azazel nodded his head in approval.

Akio passed around the document after he signed it. Soon enough every one of the representatives' names was on the paper.

After the signing, Akio decided to hold a celebration. He made more tables before he brought out some food.

Azazel went to talk with Michael as Akio had recommended while Akio took the time to talk to Rias and Sona.

"Please marry me." Those were the first words Rias said to Akio as she stared at him with a face as if looking at her idol.

"Huh?" Akio was dumbfounded at the proposal.

"Please marry me," Rias repeated her words thinking he may not have heard her.

"No." Akio although confused rejected easily."

"Then make me your mistress." Rias made a different request that was equally as absurd.

"Not interested," Akio spoke amused that this girl would actually lower herself to become anything other than the head.

"Maid." Rias still didn't give up as she made nonsensical requests.

"No." Akio's amusement kept increasing as he saw how different this girl was from the original.


"Seriously? No." Akio at this point went back to confusion on why this girl would even lower herself to be a slave.

"Hmm, why are you so desperate," Akio asked the down-hearted girl.

"How could I not be. The way you so effortlessly dealt with Riser as if he was trash. It was at that moment I knew you were the only one for me." Rias spoke with passion as heart marks could be seen visible in her eyes.

"As 'tempting' as that is, I will decline. Maybe when you grow up more." Akio rejected her yet again with a flat look.

'I must not be good enough.'

"Then, can you train me and my peerage?" Rias made yet another request.

"Hmm, I have already agreed to protect you while in Kuoh, you could just laze around you know." Akio was surprised that she had changed this much. He honestly thought she would do nothing after her engagement was done yet it didn't go as expected.

"You will like me more if I'm stronger right, then I just need to keep training. Plus I'm sure those damn council members will try to set up another engagement if that happens I will need to use a rating game to get out of it." Rias's voice turned dark at the end as motivation was evident in her tone.

Akio for the umpteenth time in the last minute was shocked by her personality. He was always looking for people to add to his strength. He initially thought Rias wasn't worth it because of what he had seen in the original but that wasn't the case. If she was this motivated he was more than willing to help her.

"Hah, you're serious aren't you. Hmm... I agree however there is a catch." Akio laughed as he spoke.

"Anything," Rias spoke with absolute seriousness.

"You will work for me in the future. I won't just give strength to someone without myself benefitting."

Upon hearing his words Rias shook her head immediately up and down in agreement. "I'm fine with that."

Her words could be taken as a betrayal but she still agreed. They were at peace now so it wasn't like she would be forced to fight her own race.

Akio talked about the details with Rias telling her he would organize some time for her. Soon she left and went back to her peerage in excitement.

Sona was the next to come up although she had a slight frown on her face.

"You must be Sona, Serafall's sister." Akio acknowledged her confused at her frown.

"That's correct, and you must be the jerk that dared to reject Onee-sama."

With her words, Akio knew why the girl was frustrated.

'Haha, she truly is a sis-con, just like her sister.'

"You love your sister a lot don't you," Akio teased with a smirk.

"Of course, Onee-sama is the greatest," Sona spoke while adjusting her glasses.

"Geez So-tan, if you love me that much maybe I should book a hotel, hehe."

Out of nowhere, Serafall came out of nowhere and hugged Sona from behind.

Sona who didn't expect her sister to hear turned beat red as she stammered out.

"N-no your wrong, I-it is just. Umm, someone of your status being rejected like that... AHHH I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE." After failing to make an excuse Sona ran away to a corner of the room.

"Aww, Sona it's ok to admit it. Wait come back you still need to talk to him." Serafall chased after Sona.

Akio sat there laughing while he watched as Sona was dragged back to him.

Instead of anger, her face was now a blush as Akio went over the agreement set by Serafall.

In exchange, for Sona acting as a teacher for his children, Akio would give her his protection in both political and physical circumstances.

He also threw in that he would same as Rias, train her and her peerage.

After a few more minor details and discussion, the talk ended and Akio sat back and enjoyed his food.




Koneko this entire time had her eyes drawn to Kuroka.

Akio had already been given the rundown on what happened with Kuroka and Koneko through Sirzechs, although he himself already was aware.

Akio hadn't decided on the punishment for the group but he did have a plan for Kuroka.




Time passed with Akio talking to a few of the people gathered before he said that he would be taking his leave. Now that his objective was complete he had no further reason to say.

With that, he took his group as well as the imprisoned team of Vali back to Arcadio. Azazel although a little sad just watched the unconscious body of Vali as they disappeared. He had already him that he would give him back after he was finished giving out punishment.

Koneko also had a reluctant expression but just let Kuroka go after hearing what Akio said.


AN: Join the discord: https://discord.gg/DR7gtDKc6T