
chapter 22

(Don't forget to tell me if you want a chapter where we see their formation or a time jump of a few days anyway good reading)

Shortly after kohta came to take my place and I went to the living room sofa because I left the room to Mamako and Alice

In this dark room in which I stared at the ceiling without thinking of anything, I kept going from left to right trying to find the best way to sleep but I couldn't, I kept thinking about these events because even though I was the leader of the group by force, no one refused but

"It's hard, I thought I was psychologically prepared but not every time it's images" then without realizing it tears flowed from my eyes

"I'm crying, no I shouldn't, I have to stay strong for others" to try to stop the tears I try to imagine the things I had to protect but even doing that I couldn't stop crying cry

(Before people say Naru is weak remember if you imagine for him that even though he knew he was becoming zombies he was first and foremost a teenager now he has group responsibilities and most of my life personally it's the night where we are the weakest after that's my opinion let's continue)

While I was crying, I didn't hear a person come behind my back because all of a sudden I felt a person hug me.

"It's hard, I'm sorry you carried this burden"

Then I looked at the person still with eyes full of tears and the person knew to be Shizuka in which she smiled at me softly and hugged me


"Hush, Naru you can cry if you want here we are only 2 to relieve me of all your worries tonight"

Then I started hugging her tighter crying because I was finding it hard, I was fed up, I just wanted to live a normal reincarnation, find a family to live happily, or just become powerful enough to protect them and just live my dream of leaving I see the stars but now I'm in this world where every bad deed can mean death or infection

"You know Naru any advice if you need help our group is here because like you said we can't trust and like you said we have to stick together because even if you are our leader as a leader you can count on us we will always be there for you because you are a great person," Shizuka said still hugging and comforting me but hearing someone awesome, I can't help but bite my lip.

This feeling of guilt, of shame, that I thought I had lost resurfaces


"Mmh? »

"I'm not a great person because of me, I was very close to his death because of me, so how can you say I'm a great person"

Although Shizuka was surprised at first, she was happy because he was slowly opening up to her because since the beginning of their adventure, although she was carefree, she was very intelligent, and especially if it is a talent or not, she was able to describe what the true character of people and playing the role of the carefree and lost girl allows her to see the true colors but to see this 17-year-old boy in tears but above all filled with guilt and also having to bear responsibility too enormous than the lives of the people who follow him

Then thinking of the answer she says

"Do you think people would blame you?"

"No, on the contrary, they would tell me that it is not serious and that they will never hate me because I am for them someone who is dearest to them but how do they forgive me it is one of the worst acts dying by my fault"

She understood the situation better now because she believed it was confusing and was probably talking about someone in her family who died through her fault.

"You know family is a very strong bond maybe even stronger than love or equal to love because it's a bond that can never break so those people who died of course who you will forgive because they love you from the bottom of their hearts more than anything else"

Then tears fell from Naru's eyes and sobs echoed through the room in which only a woman and a boy were hugging, one of whom wanted to help carry the burden and the other who just wanted someone to lift him. assistance. the other says his words

Without realizing it, the soul of the boy has improved slightly as well as his skill for that matter

But what the 2 didn't notice was that a girl with purple hair was shaking hands so hard she was bleeding and who knows, an eternal promise was made.

(Pfiou, a chapter rich in emotion, to tell the truth when I write my story I like to think that when I was in my MC's place, this fact every time I ask myself the questions what am I would have done instead, what feeling would I have and then feel more I like to put a bit of my real life because maybe I haven't seen enough fanfiction or something else but I'm not didn't feel the feeling what I mean is that we were writing that we are writing we have to convey a story but above all to make our story can make you imagine or rather make you imagine being in the place of the MC of this does what I haven't seen in any case in my opinion on all the fanfiction the feelings of the human

because a human is composed of several feelings)

, thank you for reading this little comment as well as this chapter ❤)

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