
Chapter (2) - New Beginning! No Pain No Gain! I'm Sephiroth!?! I'm Can Now Go Anywhere I Ever Wanted!?! A Hub Between Realities!

( Word Count - 1230 )




[ Location: Void(?)/----/Year:Unknown/----/ Time: Unknown/.]--[Shiki Izanagi - 3rd Person Pov]



When Shiki regained consciousness the first thing that greeted him was pain a shocking pain like no other. Not even that damn virus couldn't hope to achieve!


Soon he started seeing familiar scenes and hearing familiar voices in his head.

In a futuristic room, he can see someone and hear them talking about someone.

"There was one SOLDIER named [Sephiroth], who was better than the rest, but when he found out about the terrible experiments that made him, he began to hate Shinra. And then, over time, he began to hate everything."

Not letting up his scenery changed to [Cloud Strife] from Final Fantasy talking to his party.

"Sephiroth's strength is unreal. He is far stronger in reality than any story you might have heard about him."

Next, he heard his favorite character [Sephiroth] talking in his head as his scenery changes once again.

"I knew ever since I was a child, I was not like the others. I knew mine was a special existence. But this is not what I meant!"

Likewise, additionally, he can now see and hear [Sephiroth] talking to Genesis.

"Whether your words... are lies created to deceive me... Or the truth... that I have sought all my life... it makes no difference. You will rot."

Similarly once again, he can now observe and listen to [Sephiroth] talking to his Mother [Jenova] in her chambers.

"Mother, let's take back the planet together. I... I had an epiphany... Let's go to the [Promised Land], mother. […] Mother, they're here again. You should have ruled this planet. You were stronger, smarter. But then they came. Those inferior dullards. They came and took this planet away from you. But don't be sad, mother. I am with you now."





[Sometime Later...]

After what felt like forever the pain stopped as Shiki said releasing his head out of his grip looking at the now [Sephiroth] standing by him overlooking a beautiful planet."Why...?"

Smirking, Sephiroth said putting his hand on his right shoulder."Because you are our new beginning..." And disappeared in black feathers flying into his forehead.

"New beginning...sounds about right."


Shortly after [Sephiroth] disappeared he appeared in a room with not but the color black reminding him of those MC's from the fanfics he read getting their wishes in the Void.

[Ding! Loading {Gacha System}..., ... Error! Error!... Host is recognized as a {Lost Soul}!..., ... Correcting scanning... Affirmative Host is compatible!..., ... Loading { Unique System}...]


Rapidly after hearing the emotionless mechanical genderless voice a classic blue and white game appeared in front of him.

[Ding! Like it says Host the system is unique only letting you see your character stats with the additional Unlimited inventory that can contain non-living things.]

"Haaa... damn system you almost scared me to death thinking I'm going to be a system-slave...but I guess you like an old-school game system."

[Ding! Affirmative! Host is right in his review of the system.]

Wiping his non-existing sweet off his head Shiki said in his head."Stats."

[Ding! Displaying Host Stats!


Name: Shiki Izanagi--{ [Sephiroth] }

Age: Can't Not Be Estimated.

Race: •?????•

Alignment: •??????•

STRENGTH: You can blow up planet Earth...Sounds fun right!?

ENDURANCE: You can fuck every Outer Goddes and still come out wanting more!

AGILITY: You can run as fast as the light...So you faster than Sonic!

ENERGY: Almost Unlimited...So a really lot!

INTELLIGENCE: You're smarter than Naruto.

LUCK: Your lucky than the Lancers.


Passive skills: None Yet~!


Skills/Abilities/Powers: | Everything Related To [Sephiroth] |




With a twitching eyebrow, Shiki thought not seeing a promising future for himself.'So your one of those systems...'

Closing his stats with his mind he sat down...well wanted to, but immediately noticed something about himself.

And on cue, a full-body mirror appeared in front of him showing something that made him smile... a real genuine smile in a really long time.

In front of him, he can see a tall extremely handsome male with a muscular build. He has long beautiful silver hair has bangs parted to either side of his face. He wears a long black coat with silver pauldrons, black boots and black trousers. The top of his coat is open to reveal his chest with a belt buckle with a wing motif in the center and small black feathers hanging from it; yellow and green lights reflect from the slots, which may be materia.

Likewise, floating behind him is a seven-foot-long Japanese odachi shining in red and gold.

"Yup...I'm [Sephiroth] with the [Masamune] floating behind me..." Yes, as you can guess he now has the appearance of Sephiroth and the blade of Masamune.

However, he still continued saying."But damn I didn't feel any different, I just feel normal in a sense."

Truly he didn't feel any different having long hair or wearing the clothes he is wearing right now... Because it just felt natural, like as if he did it his whole life.

Nevertheless, breaking his train of thought he heard the system's voice.

[Ding! Host has retrieved his two last bonus:


The Host can travel to other planes of existence, myriads of different realities all simultaneously coexisting within the same expanded cosmology. Planes are often multi-layered and likely endless in number, though they are usually organized into local cosmologies centered on a prime nexus plane.

Planes and their inhabitants exist in an infinite diversity of forms and natures, so Host is bound to meet untold wonders and dangers during their travels, as well as exotic artifacts, arcane knowledge, and unique power sources.


---{Nexus Manipulation}---

Host can create, manipulate or control a Nexus Point, a dimensional hub that either leads to or is otherwise connected to various realities and acts as an anchor point for all those different realities.


Scanning his last two bonus he thought as the hologram screen disappears.'I can basically travel anywhere I want to at any time with possessing my own personal place to go back to...'

Shaking his head he opened his mouth showing an aloof and calm, collected, expression."I once made a promise to myself, that if I and reincarnated, I will act on all evil thoughts."

Regardless of his 'evil thoughts' he still didn't know anything about being with a woman, to this day, even with all the woman he sleeps with, because all of his fun activities are merely for his own self-pleasure and desire, not out of love or anything like that. And now, getting reincarnated, with his now World buster strength, many of his previous constraints had disappeared. He naturally wished to live without regrets and fully materialize all the daydreams that had always been buried in his inner heart.

And women, particularly beautiful women, had been an uncontrollable urge in Shiki.

This fellow has been extremely lecherous all along and simply can't resist enticement. Once he comes across gorgeous women he would always be unable to resist and have devious thoughts.


Abruptly, With a twitching eyebrow, Shiki thought looking around the void."Why do I feel like someone is bad-mouthing me and ruining my sacred reputation..."

Nothing finding that something he just shrugs his shoulders and thought now looking into the black void."What to do now..."


Author" Don't suspect anything amazing this is my first time writing instead for school exams and so forth. So yeah if you have criticism or just anything then hit me up in the comments."


Tobi."Baka Author...really.."

Author."What!? All Author's has their own dreams even if they are terrible or good in their own way!"

Tobi."How dare you say something so right!?"

Author."Everything I said is right, you baka Tobi."

Akatsuki_Godcreators' thoughts
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